In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : If I was him I'd do the opposite, and go all in everytime you were on the big blind no matter what I was holding. If you shoved, I would call with whatever I was holding, and check it to the end with the big stack, giving you even less chance of surviving. Posted by DOHHHHHHH
One problem I have experienced with people using the 'away' feature is they can sit back in even after the action has started which to me is wrong. Recently put in a min raise in the small blind to take the big blind of a player who was supposedly away but he sat back in just after I had made this action and re-raised me. In most casinos in live play if you are not at the table when your hand is dealt it is deemed to be dead. I think this is a weakness in Sky's software. Has this happened to anyone else? What do other people think?
Its easy to just say ' steal their blinds' BUT you do in fact HAVE to be in the correct position on the table to do this xx Posted by debdobs_67
Hi deb
I think, when he has only 5BB left, no matter what position he is in, it is either, push or fold, I am pushing with any PP, any Ace, even as low as Q9.
Yeah if you can't beat an away player something is wrong with your game. Having said that, how do you know the player didn't have connection problems ? Posted by AcidMan27
Best reply yet, lol
For the less experienced, could you explain how this can be achieved assuming the big stack only sat out once at the final table.
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : Best reply yet, lol For the less experienced, could you explain how this can be achieved assuming the big stack only sat out once at the final table. Mac Posted by Macacan
Just shove your chips in the middle everytime that player is in the blinds.
Tbh with 5BB's left three handed he should be shoving his chips in the middle every hand.
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : Hi deb I think, when he has only 5BB left, no matter what position he is in, it is either, push or fold, I am pushing with any PP, any Ace, even as low as Q9. Posted by acebarry10
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : Hi deb I think, when he has only 5BB left, no matter what position he is in, it is either, push or fold, I am pushing with any PP, any Ace, even as low as Q9. Posted by acebarry10
I have a big problem with a player being "away" in the blinds as you adjust your hand range accordingly depending on the number of players to act behind you.I might raise with a playable but marginal hand and for the bb to be supposedly away when I raise then suddenly reappear in time to act and often put in a big reraise I would term as unfair and angle shooting. I feel sky needs to implement a feature that prevents an away player from acting once there has been action in the hand this would prevent this happening as it is a much more common thing than many people realise
I have a big problem with a player being "away" in the blinds as you adjust your hand range accordingly depending on the number of players to act behind you.I might raise with a playable but marginal hand and for the bb to be supposedly away when I raise then suddenly reappear in time to act and often put in a big reraise I would term as unfair and angle shooting. I feel sky needs to implement a feature that prevents an away player from acting once there has been action in the hand this would prevent this happening as it is a much more common thing than many people realise Posted by gixxerk4
Sorry but I think this would be massively unfair on the people who do it as a genuine mistake. Quite often, I'll run to the kitchen to get a drink, leave the laptop behind, come back to find I'm away but the action hasn't got to me yet, now if I was to run back and find AA, do you think it's fair that I'm not allowed to play that hand.
What about people who multi-table and have been put to away on one of their tables, can they not play the hand either?
i had exactly this a while ago and player was away and blinds were still low and only 3 of us left so i played the big stack and ended up losing a couple of big hands and ended up with only about the same amount of blinds you did but the difference was the away player only had 1 blind left so would of benefited me and big stack if we both checked it but no the big stack just kept shoving every hand and i ended up having to call and went out while away player made it through. Its anoying as **** and does get to your head when you know he is almost out and your about to qualify or cash and so you try not to get involved but it aint worth it as dohh says shove every hand forget about away player double up and put big stack out so he dosnt have controll but you do. Sometimes the other player will be nice and check it through until there out but dont expect it as i have learned.
I have a big problem with a player being "away" in the blinds as you adjust your hand range accordingly depending on the number of players to act behind you.I might raise with a playable but marginal hand and for the bb to be supposedly away when I raise then suddenly reappear in time to act and often put in a big reraise I would term as unfair and angle shooting. I feel sky needs to implement a feature that prevents an away player from acting once there has been action in the hand this would prevent this happening as it is a much more common thing than many people realise Posted by gixxerk4
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : Sorry but I think this would be massively unfair on the people who do it as a genuine mistake. Quite often, I'll run to the kitchen to get a drink, leave the laptop behind, come back to find I'm away but the action hasn't got to me yet, now if I was to run back and find AA, do you think it's fair that I'm not allowed to play that hand. What about people who multi-table and have been put to away on one of their tables, can they not play the hand either? Posted by Lambert180
Yeah I agree, you've also got to think about people who may have a connection problem too.
At the end of the day you're stealing a blind from an away player, you've always got a risk element to it. There's usually more people still left to act after you so you never know what they're holding.
My point wasnt about stealing the blind of an away player It was about adjusting your "raising" range depending on the amount of players to act behind you the away player might not be in the blinds. If you are playing live then your cards are always mucked when you are away from the table you cannot come back sit down and play your hand if action has taken place in the hand you cannot look at your cards get up and then sit back down and play your hand after seeing what other players do so why should you be able to do that online You should not in my opinion be able to view your hole cards if you are away Disconnection is another matter and unfortunately happens to us all now and again but its part of the game when a player disconnects his timing bar goes red then he autofolds and his blind is then open to be taken by anyone and if you raise then fair enough you might be reraised by another player who thinks you are stealing fair enough and part of the game. I understand lamberts point about nipping out for a drink or missing the fact that you are away on a table when multitabling sometimes hard if for eg 6 tabling and involved on several tables and a lot of the time it is an "honest" return to the table but again feel that live rules should apply if you are not there when your hand is dealt then it should be folded purely to stop the people using this option to pretend they are not there By the way DOHHH are you calling me a nit lol ;-)
lol cracks me up this. having some1 away at a final table is anything but a problem. I see the issue you have gixxer, i can only reccommend playing the same hands you would as if the player was there ! unless its clear thats hes been away a long time, and is definately not doing this as some sort of tactic.
If you are playing live then your cards are always mucked when you are away from the table you cannot come back sit down and play your hand if action has taken place in the hand you cannot look at your cards get up and then sit back down and play your hand after seeing what other players do so why should you be able to do that online
but again feel that live rules should apply if you are not there when your hand is dealt then it should be folded purely to stop the people using this option to pretend they are not there Posted by gixxerk4
I think this probably is different from game to game. Where I play, in a big well known casino, if you aren't at the table in a tourney your dealt in and blinds are put in but if you come back in time you can play your hand.
To the second part, why should live rules be the same anyway? If it was, we would only 1 table, we would not be allowed others in our pwn homes comment, we wouldn't be able to swear over and over again at the table. Fact is, online, whilst exactly the same as live poker, is also a different game altogether
*not in any way supporting or condoning collusion btw*
I think, when he has only 5BB left, no matter what position he is in, it is either, push or fold, I am pushing with any PP, any Ace, even as low as Q9.
For the less experienced, could you explain how this can be achieved assuming the big stack only sat out once at the final table.
Just shove your chips in the middle everytime that player is in the blinds.
Tbh with 5BB's left three handed he should be shoving his chips in the middle every hand.
I feel sky needs to implement a feature that prevents an away player from acting once there has been action in the hand this would prevent this happening as it is a much more common thing than many people realise
What about people who multi-table and have been put to away on one of their tables, can they not play the hand either?
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table: Yeah I agree, you've also got to think about people who may have a connection problem too.
At the end of the day you're stealing a blind from an away player, you've always got a risk element to it. There's usually more people still left to act after you so you never know what they're holding.
It was about adjusting your "raising" range depending on the amount of players to act behind you the away player might not be in the blinds.
If you are playing live then your cards are always mucked when you are away from the table you cannot come back sit down and play your hand if action has taken place in the hand you cannot look at your cards get up and then sit back down and play your hand after seeing what other players do so why should you be able to do that online
You should not in my opinion be able to view your hole cards if you are away
Disconnection is another matter and unfortunately happens to us all now and again but its part of the game when a player disconnects his timing bar goes red then he autofolds and his blind is then open to be taken by anyone and if you raise then fair enough you might be reraised by another player who thinks you are stealing fair enough and part of the game.
I understand lamberts point about nipping out for a drink or missing the fact that you are away on a table when multitabling sometimes hard if for eg 6 tabling and involved on several tables and a lot of the time it is an "honest" return to the table but again feel that live rules should apply if you are not there when your hand is dealt then it should be folded purely to stop the people using this option to pretend they are not there
By the way DOHHH are you calling me a nit lol ;-)
I see the issue you have gixxer, i can only reccommend playing the same hands you would as if the player was there ! unless its clear thats hes been away a long time, and is definately not doing this as some sort of tactic.
To the second part, why should live rules be the same anyway?
If it was, we would only 1 table, we would not be allowed others in our pwn homes comment, we wouldn't be able to swear over and over again at the table.
Fact is, online, whilst exactly the same as live poker, is also a different game altogether