In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : I think this probably is different from game to game. Where I play, in a big well known casino, if you aren't at the table in a tourney your dealt in and blinds are put in but if you come back in time you can play your hand. ... Posted by MrWh1te
As an aside, if a venue lets people play when they weren't at the table when the last card was dealt - I'd avoid that venue. It's really bad practice, I've seen it in pub games but it's really not appropriate for a 'proper' casino to do this.
In Response to Re: "Away" at the poker table : As an aside, if a venue lets people play when they weren't at the table when the last card was dealt - I'd avoid that venue. It's really bad practice, I've seen it in pub games but it's really not appropriate for a 'proper' casino to do this. Posted by BelovedLtd
Your hand has to be dealt because its a tourney and your blinds have to be put in. If you are back in time to play the hand, so be it.
It is a well known poker chain btw, not some pub game or anything
It is a well known poker chain btw, not some pub game or anything