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Saturday Night Live with Rich and Ed ***the official show thread***



  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich and Carlo ***the official show thread***:
    Breaking news! In a change to the scheduled programme, the part of Carlo Citrone will be played by his young and keen understudy- a lad called Ed Giddins! If anyone wants a refund, please go to the box office! ;-) Ed and Rich on at 9!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    There goes another £5.
  • logdonlogdon Member Posts: 1,777
    edited August 2011
    Few years ago  Hubby's Firm was taken over by holding Company and thou he was still kept on, he was officially made redundant and then taken back on by the new company. We were talking about him being put off and his redundancy money when the children who were young then and listening suddenly said,   " does that mean we're going to be poor kids now." !   We both burst out laughing. To which they said,  we don't think it funny. Bless them. Hugs all round that day. Have a great show as always. Annie x
  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited August 2011
    For me BRM is the most important aspect of the game if you want to keep on enjoying it 

    I keep setting myself new challenges all the time. I would grind at low stkes cash and low stakes DYM,s and if ive had a good day or 2 I would treat myself to the odd satelite to a main event or TSP and every now and again I would get a Final table or as you saw a cpl of weeks ago - win it. 

    After that win I treated myself to the £33 Bounty Hunter the next night and another cpl of tournaments which I wouldn,t nortmallly play due to BRM. I came 9th in that Bounty Hunter with over £100 profit although dissapointing as I was leading and with a bit of luck could have gone much deeper.

    Anyway I took out the majority of my profit (about £400 ) aand left myself with £150 and have vowed to only play 2p/4p to the end of the month and reach 2k points as i was on 1450 a few days ago.

    I think i,m currently on £185 after a good few hour sessions and less thn 300pts off 2k.

    My advice would be , just because you have a good win don,t start thinking you,re better than what you are and start splashing it out everywhere . I could play at a higher level but think its important to be able to set yourself realistic goals and know that if you are going to get unlucky and have a downswing that you can handle it without it really affecting your Bankroll and also  going back to the micro limits can teach you  lot of discipline   and another advantage I have found is that its helping me multi-table , which I have alwys struggled with

    looking forward to the show - have a good one
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited August 2011
    Great stuff so far, thanks all.

    Ed's hotfooting it to the studio as we speak but it's touch and go as to whether we go live at 9.

    If we're not on then, we're hoping to go live at 9.30pm. But we will definitely have a long show for tonight whenever it starts!
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited August 2011
    Ed has arrived- we're on at 9!
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich and Ed ***the official show thread***:
    Ed has arrived- we're on at 9!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
  • RICHORFORDRICHORFORD Member Posts: 5,571
    edited August 2011
    First table at 9pm. Mastercash Table 5p/10p!
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited August 2011
    In Response to Re: Saturday Night Live with Rich and Ed ***the official show thread***:
    First table at 9pm. Mastercash Table 5p/10p!
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Just think, you almost managed to be presenter AND analyst for the night Rich ;)
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited August 2011

    Have a good show guys.  Things kids say.....
    When my son was small he always wrote a letter to Santa with his wish list.  One year he put "Injured turtles" on the list. We had to ask him what he meant and he said " You know some of those Teenage Mutant Injured Turtles!"   We were relieved to say the least!

  • marcus191marcus191 Member Posts: 119
    edited August 2011
    hi re aces limp, i just got back to table in time to call! was not deliberate
  • bandinibandini Member Posts: 1,802
    edited August 2011
    Not sure how to get this past mods and not even sure how you can say it live. But a 2yr old Cameron very innocently asked me, "Daaad, is f## k a bad word?" His mother had no idea whether to blast him or laugh.

    He's also tried to convince me that chocolate's a vegetable. I'm not entirely sure he's wrong?

    BRM : I make a point of never playing with more than 100% of my BR in one go. It's cost me at times but hey-ho. One must laugh at life.

    Have a good show guys. Love the banter between youse. Bet Ed a fiver he can't find a worse reality show to appear in Rich, lol.
  • teachaiteachai Member Posts: 83
    edited August 2011
    My friend had moved into a rented house while he was building his own house.  Its a 4 hour drive to his place.  I was visiting him in the rented house for the first time, and called for directions.  Anyway , I made a wrong turn and instead of taking 10 minutes from where I was, to get his place, it took me nearly an hour (and a couple of more phone calls).

    When I arrived, his youngest son said :
    "Keith, I know where you were!"

    I of course said "Where?"

    and he said "You were lost!"

  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited August 2011

    Little Johnny asks his dad if he can have a TV in his room, and after a while of thinking about it, reluctantly grants his son's request, with the proviso that he turns it off at 10.30pm.

    Next day, Little Johnny comes downstairs and asks his dad: "What's love juice??

    Dad is absolutely horrified, but nonetheless explains to Little Johnny all about the birds and the bees.

    Now Little Johnny is stunned to hear all this information, his mouth is agape in total amazement that his parents could have done such a thing...

    "So Johnny," asks dad: "what were you watching on TV last night that would have prompted you to ask a question like that?"

    "Oh," says Johnny: "just Wimbledon."

  • thetodd62thetodd62 Member Posts: 33
    edited August 2011
    Hi guys. great show as allways.
    funny things kids say.
    I used to work in  a plaster room in a hospital treating people with broken bones. I was taking a cast of a 5 or 6 year old kid and they said that they like me because their mum fanced me. Mum went very red and I tried to maintain my best poker face. bless them

    have a good night. kev
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited August 2011
    Comedy things you've heard kids say!
    While eating dinner a few months ago my 6 year old Brother asked "Do German people come from Greece?" I choked on my food and couldn't stop laughing at him for about 20 minutes lol
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited August 2011
  • jesusdog22jesusdog22 Member Posts: 348
    edited August 2011

    i won a primo seat a long time ago with yourself and trev on the show,and am trying to use it tomorrow.i have emailed the guys but no reply yet, please chase or tell me where to chase as i am going to pull a sicky if i am going to be able to play in it


  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited August 2011

    When I joined Sky Poker I decided I was gonna try and win a BR.  I got £10 for joining and as I'd never played poker before I entered EVERY (and I mean EVERY) competition on 865. I was lucky enough to win a couple of entries to TSPs and and a TOTK! Onwards & upwards!  TY Sky!


  • jesusdog22jesusdog22 Member Posts: 348
    edited August 2011
    hello again

    i did email them 2 days ago but no reply...oh well i am in the mini roller i will just have to win that instead!!

    i am not starting work until 2 on monday anyway so i will have plenty of time to celebrate my primo victory, and it was not going to be a proper sicky just a little " oh dear i have just puked up i better go home a couple of hours early just incase it is catching" i dont however think it would be the best idea to tell you where i work,already said far to much...

    by the way good to see ed back hope he is a permanent fixture again
  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited August 2011
    Hi guys.

    Great show as normal.

    Just a quick mention of me laying down that straight on the paired flush board.

    lynxeffect and i play v each other all the time at higher stakes than the table we are on here and in all honesty it was his milking bet size on the river that made me fold, prob sounds strange to say but i wish he had bet bigger because it would have been a easier call :)

    We carnt be right all of the time lol
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