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deepstack £2.20

spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
edited September 2011 in Community Suggestions
could the prize be changed, if 99 runners top 10 paid but as soon as 100 hits, it`s top 20.

so if 100 runners, between 11 and 20 get £2,02 ?? still down

why can it be top 15 paid at least there`s a small profit.

yes i know this has been saiid before but it`s about time you started to listen and sort it.

as soon i see 100ish i pull out as it`s not worth my time.

fair enough with DTD monday as there are plenty then

edit - this is 101 runner and your still down
10th£4.04 + 2 League Points
11th£2.02 + 1 League Points


  • POKERTREVPOKERTREV Member Posts: 9,607
    edited September 2011

    Yes - below 100 players seem more profitable

    100 players and you have to finish in top 10 to make a profit

    £2.20 Entry ( minus 18p down)

    bandit66010£4.04 + 2 League Points
    POKERTREV011£2.02 + 1 League Points
    MACNEIL13012£2.02 + 1 League Points
    niko38013£2.02 + 1 League Points
    JTiz014£2.02 + 1 League Points
    thebil123015£2.02 + 1 League Points
    FLASHJONNY016£2.02 + 1 League Points
    moonshade017£2.02 + 1 League Points
    Deja_Vu018£2.02 + 1 League Points
    archdigger019£2.02 + 1 League Points
    COBRA207020£2.02 + 1 League Points
  • bornabladebornablade Member Posts: 736
    edited September 2011
    good points well made, min cash should mean u at least make a little profit,
    as sporny says if it was top 15 you could pay 11th to 15th £ 3 ish and up 10th to 1st with the difference
  • moorey80moorey80 Member Posts: 15
    edited September 2011
     tottaly agree most tourny's need to change...
    sat four and a half hours to get money back other day felt like going to the financial osbudsman servise to complain as no one listens on here
  • BeastieBoyBeastieBoy Member Posts: 68
    edited September 2011
    Agree.  A min cash should at least cover the buy-in AND fee, not just the buy-in.
  • FlyingDaggFlyingDagg Member Posts: 4,146
    edited September 2011

    Top 15 sounds a good idea. A big field puts me off a bit (except for DTD) because if you have a field of say 120 runners you know that by the time you get to the final table it's going to be a shove fest. The most enjoyable DS I played in, and not just because I cashed, was one with about 50 runners so top 5 paid but on final table everyone had a decent stack to blinds ratio. Lots of play in the game and everyone loved it.

  • Deja_VuDeja_Vu Member Posts: 163
    edited September 2011

    Agree Sporny - this was a long tourny it took about 3 hours to get to that stage (I think) to find I had made a loss.  This doesn't seem to make sense to me.  Even a very small profit of say 50p would have been appreciated after all that hard work, any profit even, or the return of the total buy in at least.

  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited September 2011
    I play the deepstacks but have to agree with Spornybol on this.
  • HITMAN_RVHITMAN_RV Member Posts: 8,688
    edited September 2011
    bump & agree with Sporny!!
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,127
    edited September 2011
    yeah fully agree, it's sooo frustrating when you play for 2.5+hrs to cash and still end up 20 odd p down.

    having the top 15 paid would be far far better!!!
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited September 2011

    yep defo agree  ,
    maybe 10 rather then 15 ,
    but either is a big improvement .

  • BrrrrrrrBrrrrrrr Member Posts: 4,248
    edited September 2011
    Yes, a very good idea - certainly one that Sky bosses should seriously consider.
  • jjjachjjjach Member Posts: 3,393
    edited September 2011
    I'm with you sporn, top 10 or 15 would be groovy.
  • imberimber Member Posts: 1,334
    edited September 2011
    yes - i agree totally - i've even gone back to playing the 815 deepy instead because the lower prizes do not seem to reflect 3.5 hours effort - i think i'd rather have nothing than lose a few pence!!!!
  • scorpio13scorpio13 Member Posts: 691
    edited September 2011
    Totally agree! A change needs to be made ASAP!!
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2011
    Top 15 at 100 runners 20 at 150, 25 at 200 rather than up 10 every 100.10 every 100 is good if you get 199 but 1 more 10 more pay-outs 1 buy-in in the pot and the less runners the worse it seems to be.Also not convinced on the over all pay out percentages seem a little top heavy 68-70% top 6 ,77-80% top 10.Winners seem  to get about 25% usually 25 to 28 times their buy-in excluding the fee is this amount roi needed?
    £2.02 for 11th to 20th means that the top 10 took  90% of the prize pool(worse than my examples but could not see 1 with 101 runners)If this pay out structure stayed the same 10% for 11th-20th paid and there were 199 runners(prize pool £398) they would get £3.98 but only 10% of the field get paid mmmm.
  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: deepstack £2.20:
    yep defo agree  , maybe 10 rather then 15 , but either is a big improvement .
    Posted by IRISHROVER
    That means 90% of the field would not cash(and that is only for 100 ,if 20 is 200 then could end up 199 10 cash(189) 95% don't) seems a bit harsh and might put people off entering.Everyone plays for the win but how often is that going to happen the odd cash now and then can make a big difference not to the bankroll but in the attitude of a player and the amount they play.So it is a balancing act between the amount that get paid and prize pool and how it gets split up.
  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited September 2011
    bump what everyone has said
  • MADMOOMADMOO Member Posts: 1,687
    edited September 2011

    I agree, very annoying when you cash for less than the buy in.

  • luvBWFCluvBWFC Member Posts: 763
    edited September 2011
    I believe a cash should always at least cover the buyin (or half if B/H)
  • 67Bhoys67Bhoys Member Posts: 2,553
    edited September 2011
    Totally agree Sporny mate, as you know we both regularly play deepstacks and always encounter the same problem when the field approaches 100.

    I also deregister sometimes from them and register for the later ones that have a smaller field.

    Sort this Anomaly out Sky please.
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