Couple of Q's for Julian - If you could play HU with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be and why? You NEVER seem to tilt, is this a natural trait or have you learnt to not show it?
Films.. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus & Oceans 13. (n.b. NOT 11 or 12)
O.k my two films are French 1953 Jaques Tati 'comedy classic' Monsieur Hulot's Holiday and American History X starring one of my favourite actors Ed Norton. This should be a snip for Mr. Hartigan. I'd also be interested in " The Master's " views on the contrast between the recently released Conan the Barbarian and the 1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie of the same name. The dialogue and storyline of the original were infinitely superior in my opinion. To be fair i can't see James's outlook of sword and sorcery films being too positive overall. It has to be the most underrepresented of all the film genres by a long way, this despite the success of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
Well I could go for something ridiculous (as many have done, eg. Battle Royale - Toy Story) like Battleship Potemkin - Sex and the City where there is little or no possible connection but where's the fun in that.
So I will give you one which is possible, Rounders - Sc um.
By the way I have managed to get Battle Royale - Toy Story and will reveal after you have put Lol_Raise in the hat.
Have a good shows guys ,
i would like to wish maxally and debdobs_67 best of luck tonight in roller .
Denis .
two more films
Hand of Death
Krakatoa East of Java
two films for you
the matrix and the sound of music.
good luck. laurie/lozgo
ps for james. good luck to his 49ers as the GREAT game returns!!!
I hope you have a great show tonight.
Good luck to all those who are taking part in the SPT final this weekend.
Two films for you to try and connect "The Alamo" & "Sound of Music"
My 2 films are
In honour of the 3 of you, The good the bad and the ugly
and for LML the princess diaries.
Good luck
Hi Guys!
Have a good show!
Couple of Q's for Julian -
If you could play HU with anyone (alive or dead) who would it be and why?
You NEVER seem to tilt, is this a natural trait or have you learnt to not show it?
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus & Oceans 13. (n.b. NOT 11 or 12)
I'd also be interested in " The Master's " views on the contrast between the recently released Conan the Barbarian and the 1982 Arnold Schwarzenegger movie of the same name. The dialogue and storyline of the original were infinitely superior in my opinion.
To be fair i can't see James's outlook of sword and sorcery films being too positive overall. It has to be the most underrepresented of all the film genres by a long way, this despite the success of The Lord of the Rings Trilogy.
So I will give you one which is possible, Rounders - Sc um.
By the way I have managed to get Battle Royale - Toy Story and will reveal after you have put Lol_Raise in the hat.
The Dutchess & Bourne Ultimatum
I would Like to wish all that are going to the nottingham spt good luck - Especially the TKP team.
Question for Mr Thew - how long at playing poker did it take you to make your break through into the high eschelons of the game?
101 Dalmations