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Sunday night live show 9pm with Anna Fowler and Ed Giddins *****official show thread*****



  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2011
    Comp questions:

    1. Who won the last longer bet? (sptfinal)

    2. What number did i go out in? (sptfinal)

    3. Who was the SPTfinal bubble boy (37th) place...we need the alias.

    Prize: Sat night £22 Bounty Hunter seat

    email answers:

    gl xx
  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2011
    Haha, confuzzledness is setting in. ;-)
  • SlykllistSlykllist Member Posts: 2,888
    edited September 2011
    Hi Anna

    Unfortunately I didn't get to meet you on Saturday as in all honesty I was too intimidated to say hello, you're a stunning young lady in the flesh and that's enough to leave me tongue tied!  But it sounds like your SPT experience was very similar to mine, I have seriously never been as card dead as I was after the first break.

    Once the antes started to kick it was just a slow painful flow of chips away from my stack.  I managed to pick up a couple of small pots with 6 7 suited and J 9 off, got caught out with Q 10 off.  The one time I picked up a decent hand AK put in a standard raise in 2nd position and everybody foldedto me.

    In the end I got it all in with 8 9 a mile behind the QQ that called me.

    As you've intimated Anna I think my mistake was in waiting too long for good cards in good spots instead of changing gears and trying to make things happen a little earlier.  Looking back and anylysing my play, I'd be happier if when my stack gets to 15-20 times the BB I take a chance or two, I folded A4 suited and KQ off and pocket 3's at this point of my tourney in spots where I had position and value to get involved.  Maybe if I make differnet plays in these situations things work out differently.

    As others I have said I think so much depends on stack sizes, other players at the table and the the positions you find yourself in that it's almost impossible to generlise.  That said there is definately a point at which you have to decide that you're not going to let the blinds and antes wear you down and pick your spots to make some moves.

    My poker mantra for toureys is 'You just need to win, you don't need to win right now' realistically if you have 10 BB's you're back in the thick of it very quickly.  So tight is generally right but sometimes you've just got to take a chance.
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night live show 9pm with Anna Fowler and Ed Giddins *****official show thread*****:
      Beware Anna , young gun is now your official stalker , he met you at DTD and thinks  you are the most beautiful woman he has ever met . p. s please blush now anna .
    Posted by IRISHROVER
  • JAEGERBOMBJAEGERBOMB Member Posts: 1,516
    edited September 2011
    just arrived back at hotel from DTD..........huge well done to sian yorkieplop............
    have a great show and will ewatch the repeat on tuesday, heading for an early night before the 9hr journey home tommorow
  • barnsiebarnsie Member Posts: 496
    edited September 2011
    evening both

    i hope ed doesnt use that chutney story on the after dinner circuit!

    all the best
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited September 2011
    a serious question for ED, does he hope to go to a spt next year ?
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night live show 9pm with Anna Fowler and Ed Giddins *****official show thread*****:
    just arrived back at hotel from DTD..........huge well done to sian yorkieplop............ have a great show and will ewatch the repeat on tuesday, heading for an early night before the 9hr journey home tommorow
    Posted by JAEGERBOMB
    drive home safe x
  • JIMMYRED2JIMMYRED2 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2011
      edd makes hoovering sound so dangerous, thats why i never get it out, the mrs is so brave!
  • spornybolspornybol Member Posts: 8,212
    edited September 2011
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited September 2011
    great show as always
    who hoovers up chutney - weird - won't say you deserve your injury as that wouldn't be nice
    bad tilt tonight on the roller
    stuck in traffic in london - some festival closed all the roads
    so had to play using my mobile
    JQ suited - press raise - line drops - fold - flop JQQ
    get AA press raise - line drops - fold
    so by the time I got home I was <2000 chips and well ****ed off
    lucky I satted in - ironically beating tommyD in the hu - and he took me out of the tourney - lol

  • rentisduerentisdue Member Posts: 227
    edited September 2011
    Hi Anna and Ed.

    Just wanted to say that i am pretty new to sky poker (3-4months or so) and havnt seen alot of Ed until the last few weeks mostly on the saturday mastercash show.

    Im over the moon to hear he is planing on doing alot more shows in future because he is easily one of the best analysts on here and explains things very well.

    Just wondering what Eds poker background is eg: his best moment, whats his favourite type of game and at what stakes he plays ?

    Thanks for a great show and looking forward to many more to come.
  • MissFowlerMissFowler Member Posts: 885
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night live show 9pm with Anna Fowler and Ed Giddins *****official show thread*****:
    Hi Anna Unfortunately I didn't get to meet you on Saturday as in all honesty I was too intimidated to say hello, you're a stunning young lady in the flesh and that's enough to leave me tongue tied!  But it sounds like your SPT experience was very similar to mine, I have seriously never been as card dead as I was after the first break. Once the antes started to kick it was just a slow painful flow of chips away from my stack.  I managed to pick up a couple of small pots with 6 7 suited and J 9 off, got caught out with Q 10 off.  The one time I picked up a decent hand AK put in a standard raise in 2nd position and everybody foldedto me. In the end I got it all in with 8 9 a mile behind the QQ that called me. As you've intimated Anna I think my mistake was in waiting too long for good cards in good spots instead of changing gears and trying to make things happen a little earlier.  Looking back and anylysing my play, I'd be happier if when my stack gets to 15-20 times the BB I take a chance or two, I folded A4 suited and KQ off and pocket 3's at this point of my tourney in spots where I had position and value to get involved.  Maybe if I make differnet plays in these situations things work out differently. As others I have said I think so much depends on stack sizes, other players at the table and the the positions you find yourself in that it's almost impossible to generlise.  That said there is definately a point at which you have to decide that you're not going to let the blinds and antes wear you down and pick your spots to make some moves. My poker mantra for toureys is 'You just need to win, you don't need to win right now' realistically if you have 10 BB's you're back in the thick of it very quickly.  So tight is generally right but sometimes you've just got to take a chance.
    Posted by Slykllist
    sorry we didn't get to say hi!! next time though, thanks for this answer, completely understand :)
  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited September 2011
    Hi Anna

    Lovely to meet you this weekend and great to play some Sit and Goes !!

    Can you give a huge congrats to Yorkie74 Sian who came 7th for £2,400  in the SPT Grand Final

    Congrats to LJAMESL as well for the win

  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2011
    LOL - That's as good as my dealing. ;-)
  • JIMMYRED2JIMMYRED2 Member Posts: 54
    edited September 2011
    MATCHKA do you play the lottery??????   if not you want to pick 6 numbers for me?
  • TRIP5TRIP5 Member Posts: 3,618
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: Sunday night live show 9pm with Anna Fowler and Ed Giddins *****official show thread*****:
    LOL - That's as good as my dealing. ;-)
    Posted by Machka
    Run better ;o)))


  • MP33MP33 Member Posts: 6,308
    edited September 2011

    Wd Machka lol

    You run so well

    Do you have any relatives who work on the set ?

  • MachkaMachka Member Posts: 4,627
    edited September 2011
    Answers in order.

    No, Impossible, No.

  • belsibubbelsibub Member Posts: 2,527
    edited September 2011

    Nice rub down Anna slap Ed's wrist.

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