Good evening.
As many of those who are, or were, at DTD this weekend will know, Michael became unwell yesterday.
Rather than the information emerge in dribs & drabs, leading to ill-informed speculation, I thought it may be best to appraise you of the position.
Michael had been unwell, & not himself, on Friday & Saturday, & was eventually hospitalised in Nottingham on Saturday afternoon.
Today - Sunday, & from what Chris (scouser) tells me, he is being transferred by ambulance to a hospital nearer his home.
A full recovery is expected & hoped for. It is not in any way life-threatening, but he was most unwell, it must be said. Hopefully he will be back with us within a few weeks.
It's very sad indeed, Michael had been looking forward to the weekend immensely.
I hope you will join me in wishing Michael a very speedy, & full, recovery.
If we can get a good thread going, I'm sure Scouser will print it off & take it to Michael to cheer him up. Right now, that's exactly what he needs.
Respect to the Staff at DTD, who handled the situation impeccably, & with great tact & care.
Spare a thought for Chris, too, who was near to tears to see the situation develop as it did with his special friend.
Sky Poker have arranged to refund Michael's SPT buy-in, by the way.
It's unlikely that Michael will be around for a little while to help out with the Forum DTD, his passion, but Chris, Denis, & the other lads will, I know lend a hand.
The Forum DTD will continue as normal until Michael is better, but will be much the poorer for his temporary absence.
Time for all of us to tell Michael just how much we all appreciate his selfless Community work here @ Sky Poker.
Thank you.
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Get well soon Michael, the place is not the same without you.
x x x
Suffering is the fuel of wisdom, and it opens the way to happiness. Illness, for example, can help us gain insight into the meaning of life, develop a deeper appreciation of life's value and dignity and ultimately enjoy a more fulfilling existence.
you sir Michael in your own time ,
dust your self off and get your bu tt back in this forum ,
cough .... where your big bu tt belongs .
Denis .
I would also like to thank all the staff at DTD and Sky Poker for the way in which the whole situation was handled. As Tikay said the Forum DTD is Michael's passion and I hope we can take it from strength to strength in his absence.
I hope that you recover from this and be with us all again soon, my thoughts and best wishes are with you dear sir.
If Chris happens to give you a wet sloppy kiss worry not sir, its one from me to you :-))
Get Well Soon.
Po. xx
Hope you're back in good health soon
Hey, Michael, sorry to hear this m8 and hope you have a speedy recovery m8.
p.s. leave those nurses alone,
Get well soon bandit and full marks to Sky for refunding the buy-in
the dtd is what it is thanks to you