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any 1 folding this?



  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: any 1 folding this?:
    wel if i call im out so im guessin it does make it a good fold
    Posted by mrlogic
    I think most people would agree that this is incorrect, and perhaps little naive.

    Its the kind of menatilty that is hard to put across.  Either you get it or you dont.  Winning the tourney is immaterial.  Great for you that you went on to win though sir!

    When your talking of overall poker strategy, there needs to be consistency.  Having your game be correct, is prefferable to the variance of winning the odd s+g.  Rational thinking play will equal more gains, short term gains regardless.

    Perhaps you are beat on this flop.  But we need to considor opponents range here.  Which you are likely crushing.  But more importantly is the bet sizings.  3 betting this portion of your stack to fold on such a connected board, when isolated pre, is just never going to work out long run.

    Again, very happy for you that you took it down.  But there is some really worthwile posts in this thread that you may want to think about.  Everyone is on a curve bud.
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited September 2011
    why post the hand if you're just going to take the mentality that 'you went on to win therefore you must be right' whatever anyone else says

    your postfop line is terrible, and your raise size pre is too big also
  • HYPETINGHYPETING Member Posts: 253
    edited September 2011
    Bad... You cant put that much of your stack in then fold with trips.

    Oh dear.

    +1 to Dons Post btw.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited September 2011
    raise/fold trips. Do u coach?
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011
    Raise pre - 2.5 is ok

    you hit trip aces, why would you not get it in :s

    No one should be folding this EVER

    If it's a cooler then hey ho

  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited September 2011
    i know im gonna get flamed...but i think this is a v.good fold...although i dont know if i could make it myself

    Villain 4bets flop all in he/she defo has an A or 55....

    now mrlogic only beats A2,A3,A4,

    and is behind to A5 + A7-AK
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited September 2011
    Mr sikas, most peoples point is he has invested nearly 50% of his stack and to fold with Trips at this stage of the tourney is never going to be good.

    It could be a very good fold and ultimately he still won so thats the main thing he could have dodged a bullet but made it harder for himself in doing so
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited September 2011

    Indeed when he gets raised on the flop he can’t then raise fold putting in half his stack.

    He should imo be folding to the raise or shoving

     Oppo’s range is what – KK/QQ/JJ - flush draw –

    If vill has an ace then that’s just a cooler, 55 is very possible but how do you fold trip aces at this stage on an MTT and feel happy that it was good.

    Can you say long term it’s the right thing to do.

     It’s only a good fold when it’s correct so … how many times this will be a correct fold if we consider folding to the first raise on the flop ?

  • pryce6pryce6 Member Posts: 1,058
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: any 1 folding this?:
    i know im gonna get flamed...but i think this is a v.good fold...although i dont know if i could make it myself Villain 4bets flop all in he/she defo has an A or 55.... now mrlogic only beats A2,A3,A4, and is behind to A5 + A7-AK
    Posted by sikas
    If he's going to fold trips, fold after he gets min raised. If you think there is a possibility you might be behind, don't 3b/fold the flop, flat the raise and allow him to continue with any bluffs.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited September 2011
    rofl thread.

    this is clearly in the wrong section since op isn't taking onboard what people said.

    3 bet folding this flop is laughable.
  • sikassikas Member Posts: 857
    edited September 2011
    fwiw its worth i think the decision in this instance may have been a good one, BUT i dont much like to preflop/ post-flop bet-sizing

    also i wouldnt have taken this line...i would lead out-call, check raise shove turn as villain could 3bet any Pair, flush draw, or even be 3bettin light, but when he 5bet shoves i think his range is polarised to Ax or 55
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited September 2011
    In Response to Re: any 1 folding this?:
    fwiw its worth i think the decision in this instance may have been a good one, BUT i dont much like to preflop/ post-flop bet-sizing also i wouldnt have taken this line...i would lead out-call, check raise shove turn as villain could 3bet any Pair, flush draw, or even be 3bettin light, but when he 5bet shoves i think his range is polarised to Ax or 55
    Posted by sikas
    the point is the whole thought process of 3betting then deciding what to do when we get 4bet is just wrong, the only reason he should be 3betting here is to get stacks in and so he should be snap calling a shove.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited September 2011
    yeah he is often behind when villain 4bets. But readless you cant 3b/f this strong a hand, its bluffing with a strong hand and better never folds
  • DrSharpDrSharp Member Posts: 1,213
    edited September 2011
    quote from yb
    "the point is the whole thought process of 3betting then deciding what to do when we get 4bet is just wrong, the only reason he should be 3betting here is to get stacks in and so he should be snap calling a shove."

    quote from grantorino
    "yeah he is often behind when villain 4bets. But readless you cant 3b/f this strong a hand, its bluffing with a strong hand and better never folds"

    Two very good points. 

    Can you talk us through your thought process on the flop please. Not a dig at op just might be easier to explain why this happened and what your thoughts were at the time.

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