In Response to Re: From now till midnight: Orf With His Head! Beat me Heads-Up for a place in a massive freeroll! : I'm confused!!!! I thought Hartigan was into films! Is it Groundhog day or did Pokerfail make it 31 for the community? Posted by DUNMIDOSH
In Response to Re: From now till midnight: Orf With His Head! Beat me Heads-Up for a place in a massive freeroll! : Woop! Go community! GG Rich, I don't usually like HU but that was very fun Posted by Poker_Fail
Ty Poker_fail and gl in the freeroll.
I'll announce the date and time of it on this thread
I don't know how he managed it but luckbox Solack came back from about 75 chips to beat me! Final hand I flopped the wheel and he rivered the the higher straight!!!! Sick. very sick. Well done Solly, I suppose. Tsk...;-) Rich 28Sky Community 33
Hand History #427326359 (23:18 19/10/2011)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSoLackSmall blind 100.00100.001640.00RICHORFORDBig blind 200.00300.0060.00 Your hole cards7Q SoLackRaise 300.00600.001340.00RICHORFORDAll-in 60.00660.000.00SoLackUnmatched bet 140.00520.001480.00SoLackShow7Q RICHORFORDShow2A Flop 435 Turn J River 6 SoLackWinStraight to the 7520.00 2000.00Close windowNext
And on the stroke of midnight bcfc comes back for the decider and I get one final point on the board. So, overall scores on the doors after 3 sessions... Rich 30Sky Community 35
I thought Hartigan was into films!
Is it Groundhog day or did Pokerfail make it 31 for the community?
Rich 28Sky Community 31
Rich 28Sky Community 32
Rich 28Sky Community 33
Rich 28Sky Community 34
learn how to post a hand u wally, or it doesnt count!
sigh you deleted that mess.
Rich 29
was very good game nip tuck
ye wp mate. if i catch u in the lobby we'll have a decider
Rich 29Sky Community 35
Rich 30Sky Community 35