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NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?

PystermanPysterman Member Posts: 187
edited November 2011 in The Poker Clinic
OK, I know you're probably going to say raise more pre, but I had been at the table for about 10-15 minutes without really getting involved in a hand (due to being dealt garbage) and I didn't want to suddenly come flying in with a massive raise and set alarm bells ringing.
PARXL Small blind  £0.05 £0.05 £11.90
arc72 Big blind  £0.10 £0.15 £4.31
 Your hole cards
  • K
  • K
ACBRO67 Fold     
Pysterman Raise  £0.30 £0.45 £9.40
PIEMAN73 Call  £0.30 £0.75 £8.72
cookiefish Call  £0.30 £1.05 £5.17
PARXL Fold     
arc72 Call  £0.20 £1.25 £4.11
  • 9
  • A
  • 6
arc72 Check     
With the pot 4-way, should I just give this up for dead? Or is it worth throwing out a c-bet?


  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited November 2011
    Prob bet ,  fold to raise, or get to showdown as cheap as poss unless ofc ya bink a K on turn or river , i think most will cbet even vs 3 oppos.
    Also i think from your position whether or not youve made any plays beforehand you still have to make it bigger than 3x pre.
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    Think 3x is perfectly ok with no action in front.

    Table player dependant.

    I may fire once if laggy.  Or c/c once to see where we are at turn.

    If pretty standard play I may just give up, or look to turn my hand into a bluff.
  • RandomRivRandomRiv Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011
     like the 3x raise pre flop unopened. It enables you to balance easier and be able to do the same with suited connectors ect. I think the flop is better than it looks for you. People are more likey to re-raise with strong aces pre flop. Bet the flop if they call I would barrell again. The 2nd bet on the turn normally gets people to fold their ace due to fearing AK. I'd be more concerned about any turn or river that completes the players drawing with an OESD.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2011
    4x UTG is fine
    b/f - draw heavy board so may get action from worse

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited November 2011
    Pre is fine.

    4-way I sigh check flop and fold to any decent bet, just one of those horror flops for your hand.
  • BigHawk89BigHawk89 Member Posts: 627
    edited November 2011
    Think you should still bet here get information from the other players you can still get called by worse here i.e. a flush draw or straight draw or even a 9.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    c/f imo

    even if worse calls its going to be pretty difficult to play thru the streets here unless you have very good reads
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
     like the 3x raise pre flop unopened. It enables you to balance easier and be able to do the same with suited connectors ect. I think the flop is better than it looks for you. People are more likey to re-raise with strong aces pre flop. Bet the flop if they call I would barrell again. The 2nd bet on the turn normally gets people to fold their ace due to fearing AK. I'd be more concerned about any turn or river that completes the players drawing with an OESD.
    Posted by RandomRiv
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    Think you should still bet here get information from the other players you can still get called by worse here i.e. a flush draw or straight draw or even a 9.
    Posted by BigHawk89
    so what info do you get then? You can possibly bet for value, but rest of hand is going to be tricky
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : so what info do you get then? You can possibly bet for value, but rest of hand is going to be tricky
    Posted by grantorino
    Don't see how we give up so easy just because an over card flops

    But yeah if lead is called we have to check turn, making it difficult
  • RandomRivRandomRiv Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : lol
    Posted by grantorino

    Wow another dig at me. Problem with me? If so lets get it out instead of the little digs you keep making.

    Why is that so funny? What hand you worried about here? A big ace? If the caller is calling with his ace I bet he thinks he is out kicked, and he ain't gonna like calling that 2nd bet on the turn knowing another bet may be coming on the river.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : Wow another dig at me. Problem with me? If so lets get it out instead of the little digs you keep making. Why is that so funny? What hand you worried about here? A big ace? If the caller is calling with his ace I bet he thinks he is out kicked, and he ain't gonna like calling that 2nd bet on the turn knowing another bet may be coming on the river.
    Posted by RandomRiv
    Ok fair enough, no one likes lol being typed after their posts, but what other digs have I had at you? No problem with you at all, seems you have one with me though.

    If you think you can make people fold AQ,A4 etc by barrelling go for it, I disagree though. People who call weak aces wont fold enough to 2 barrells to make bluffing them a good idea.
  • RandomRivRandomRiv Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011
    You just seem to post straight after I do evertime saying the opporsite of what I say. Happened several times in the last week. If any problems wanted them out in the open. I'm not one for tip toeing about people and yes lol was bad mannered, but I see that allot more online than face to face.
    But as long as it just 2 different syles of play giving advice then sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : Don't see how we give up so easy just because an over card flops But yeah if lead is called we have to check turn, making it difficult
    Posted by rancid
    how often will a flop bet get through? and if it does we had the best hand (prob not much more value to be had in rest of hand tbf)

    when we are called how do we proceed? The overcard is an A also which is a bigger part of villains range. If we are c/f unimproved is betting once going to be profitable, is it checked down enough, suppose we can bet or call some rivers if turn checks thru, but oop to 2 of 3 players Im happy enough to c/f unless I have very good reads and think I own these guys
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    You just seem to post straight after I do evertime saying the opporsite of what I say. Happened several times in the last week. If any problems wanted them out in the open. I'm not one for tip toeing about people and yes lol was bad mannered, but I see that allot more online than face to face. But as long as it just 2 different syles of play giving advice then sorry for getting the wrong end of the stick.
    Posted by RandomRiv
    Yes I disagree with some of your posts and I will post why I disagree with them. Thats what the clinics for, feel free to disagree with mine

    Apologies for the lol comment, but I think you are deluding yourself if you think trying to make people fold top pair is going to be profitable at 10NL
  • RandomRivRandomRiv Member Posts: 90
    edited November 2011
    I do think at times I am too aggressive so you probably have a point but I think c/f here is really really weak. Yes an A can be in one of the villans range but I believe If im holding a weak suited ace which is more likely since they never re-raised the op's mid pos raise then I'm not going to be too happy about calling down with it.
    But I will check QQ if an A and a K fell on the flop in a multi-way pot.
    I may be calling them down with AJ here but to be honest I'm not going to be too happy if they fire again on the turn and I think they may do so again on the river.
    They fire twice there im not thinking "I think they have an underpair and my ragged ace may be good here"
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    I do think at times I am too aggressive so you probably have a point but I think c/f here is really really weak. Yes an A can be in one of the villans range but I believe If im holding a weak suited ace which is more likely since they never re-raised the op's mid pos raise then I'm not going to be too happy about calling down with it. But I will check QQ if an A and a K fell on the flop in a multi-way pot. I may be calling them down with AJ here but to be honest I'm not going to be too happy if they fire again on the turn and I think they may do so again on the river. They fire twice there im not thinking "I think they have an underpair and my ragged ace may be good here"
    Posted by RandomRiv
    This is all your thought process, the average micro stakes player who calls with rag ace doesn't see past their hand and what the flop is, they have top pair they don't care that they could be behind to a BIGGER ace, thinking about other players possible holdings isn't a level they have reached yet.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : how often will a flop bet get through? and if it does we had the best hand (prob not much more value to be had in rest of hand tbf) when we are called how do we proceed? The overcard is an A also which is a bigger part of villains range. If we are c/f unimproved is betting once going to be profitable, is it checked down enough, suppose we can bet or call some rivers if turn checks thru, but oop to 2 of 3 players Im happy enough to c/f unless I have very good reads and think I own these guys
    Posted by grantorino
    Can we agree to c/c ? )

    The calls we are looking for are the draws/worse I guess, meanwhile c/c will keep in draws and worse but obviously we ain't good enough here to c/r which is a bit of a problem

    Even though not folding flop leads to difficult spots on turn/river, I don't think this is a good enough reason to fold what is a very big hand. c/f only leads us to be bluffed off very easily.

    Kinda leaning towards c/c, keeping in worse/draws/bluffs tbh

  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : Can we agree to c/c ? ) The calls we are looking for are the draws/worse I guess, meanwhile c/c will keep in draws and worse but obviously we ain't good enough here to c/r which is a bit of a problem Even though not folding flop leads to difficult spots on turn/river, I don't think this is a good enough reason to fold what is a very big hand. c/f only leads us to be bluffed off very easily. Kinda leaning towards c/c, keeping in worse/draws/bluffs tbh
    Posted by rancid
    It's 4-way not heads up mate, against one oppo obviously you don't give up as easily but with 3 it's hard to think none of them has hit the ace.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up?:
    In Response to Re: NL10, hold KK with A on flop. Give up? : It's 4-way not heads up mate, against one oppo obviously you don't give up as easily but with 3 it's hard to think none of them has hit the ace.
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Maybe but I have KK and I don't fold for 80p ) plus the K of diamonds is coming on the turn :D just to compound my misery !!!

    seriously still not folding to one bet, call me a station if you want :)
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