10 handed 25/50 live home cash game. Lot of straddling, pretty actiony. I'm actually having a winning session

UTG straddles @ £1.5, UTG +1 restraddles @ £3. I find
KcQc on the button. Have a stack of £210, Raise to £12 (mainly to stop it going ten to a flop). SB calls, UTG straddler calls.
UTG straddler is a pure fish LAG spewbox. Limp calls every hand, but gets there alot of the time. Will hold any two cards pretty much, but has a stack of around £250.
Pot stands @ £39.5 Flop: Ks7s2h. I was firing most flops, as it stands I get a pretty good one.
SB checks UTG, checks, I bet £20, expecting to be called pretty wide. SB folds, fish/SupLAG/spewbox clicks it back to £40 pretty much instantly.
We arent talking about a skilled or thinking player. He wont be considoring my hand strength at all here.
I can only really put him on a K, spade draw or K7. I dont really love the idea of jamming and getting auto called by a guy who is running hot with a spade draw. So flat Intending to commit on turn when a spede doesnt fall.
£119.5 in pot. I have £160 back. Ks7s2h Ac. Opponent checks. I bet £55 still feeling I have best hand, setting up shove on river, unless a spade falls.. He quickly calls.
£230 in pot £105 back Ks7s2h Ac Ah.
Opponent insta jams. Only hand to worry about here is 7's or dueces full surely?
There is a reason I ask which I'll go into at end.
Why check back turn in this instance? (VS a good player I def check back turn, however)
Forget to mention he is never betting a busted draw on river, or jamming as a stone cold bluff. He is always betting with what he believes is best hand for value
To check back turn we have to put an A or made set in his range, him holding AK 22/77. Cabt ever see him holding AK though.
(This is with solid reads, 1000's of hands played)
But am nearly 400bbs deep on flop.
Happy to half pot it here so deep as opponent will peel off a turn super light, but will likely c/f to £28 - £33.
He c/rs flop to then check the A turn, Furthar closing his range to the worse K than the spades I thought? So can only VB turn with clear cut plan to jam river right? otherwise its a potsize/stack size disaster.
River is a beautifal card given level of confidence at turn, but now also beating the K7/K2.
I did beat him into the pot then got a world of abuse. Based on the snap call and his disgust that he figures his hand has to be good once the river A falls (he had K9).
Actually felt like it was the best hand I've played in awhile. What you say about being brave might be what I've been lacking, perhaps down to the perma bad run.
My main issue was the abuse and how he never once stopped to considor my hand, given how the hand plays...
But also am trying to work out if this is kind of spewy vs what could easily have been a low set. Sorry if it comes off as brag post, isnt meant that way. Just trying to explore a few elements of my game.
Not everyone see's things the way you do, but heck I guess if they dont it gives you a good excuse to rant for no reason at all.
I love how you simply attack any post I make out of principle. Your pathetic. I dont see you doing it anywhere else, your just a simple trolling fool.
There is clear logic and reasoning behind every thing I comment on.
Seems to me as always, it would be far easier to say nothing if you disagree, rather than through your weight around for the sake of it. You are pathetic.
Not played against this kind of player? NO
You want to turn a £40 pot into a £500 pot with TP2K vs a guy that wont fold a flush draw (@ 25/50 with 400BB's back)
I never put them on a FH, I clearly said this would be the only hand to worry about, not that I thought that was their holding.
I apologise for analysing a hand in perhaps slightly more detail than you might. You are a pure jerk.
You have not read my post properly at all, you looked at it hugely selectively, looking for elements to attack and insult.
I always knew my hand was good. I was interested at what people who comment on here regularly, rather than just to attack for the sake of it on occassion, would interpret his river shove as, given that he is never bluffing.
I came at it obliquely so that I wouldnt colour their answer, while giving as much detail on player type as possible.
I dont have to explain myself to you. I show nothing but respect to everyone, you just come in and think its ok to br rude for your own entertainment.
He reads bits, totally misunderstands and goes off on a wobbler for his own sad reasons. Tired of it.
effective stack is £200 @ 25/50.
We have been c/r'd by a fish who wont fold. We want to get it all in here on flop with TP2K @ 60/40 at best? He has to have something to c/r us with, do we really want to step on the gas here in either scenario that he is strong or weak? He is bad, but not bad enough to go broke with onepr no kicker to a 3bet flop.
I'll go to the turn IP this deep tyvm.
Yes running hot is immaterial i admit. Is this the whole basis of your childish attack then?