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700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?



  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    Theres that selective memory of yours again..........

    Yeah I mean that sounds like me, right?  I offer no reasoning or back up for the way I'd approach a certain spot......................................................................
  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold? : See thats just plain childish arrogance.  Your basically saying its never right - in any circumstance - to limp AK. Your also saying its never right to fold AK pre. Your also referring back to a post from over 4 months ago which is beyond childish. I think an argument can easily be made for limping AK UTG at an uber aggressive table.  But when there are 4 effective stacks allin in I think we can find an argument to fold rather than be forced to win a 5way aipf race at showdown.  Both hold merit and reasonable debate. I believe we can find logic for both.  Only an egomaniac would say otherwise.  Only a certain type of character acts the way you have in an open debate. For the record, I never implied, given  reads that Opponent fills up on river in this hand.  I was commenting on the only hands we could be worried about, leaving it open for replies.  Good luck in the future but I'd rather you didnt take the time to post on threads I put up if you feel this strongly about it.  You'll have to get your kicks elsewhere.
    Posted by AMYBR

    Yup that was a super childish post, it made me laugh though.

    And yes ofc there are some spots to fold certain hands pre, YOU CAN FOLD ACES IN A SATELLITE, but against blind players in a loose aggressive game you have to weigh up your equity with your pot odds, that's what we're doing at the table whenever we play.

    You can easily make an argument for limping strong hands in Full ring games in early position BUT then folding because you don't want to lose or because people are really lucky or because there are more than 3 people in the pot is not a valid reason.

    It is merely an equity calculation and with your nutted hand vs blind people it is a super easy stack off, you shouldn't be in the game if you cant. you shouldn't be sitting in super loose games if you aren't prepared to get it in pre, if you understood equities you'd know that by taking + ev spots you are going to increase your maneys in the long run which is why we are sitting at the table afterall.

    You state that people play any two cards etc etc that's hundreds of combinations of hands and we by the river are putting these people on hands with 2-3 combos ?!

  • beanehbeaneh Member Posts: 4,079
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    Theres that selective memory of yours again.......... Yeah I mean that sounds like me, right?  I offer no reasoning or back up for the way I'd approach a certain spot......................................................................
    Posted by AMYBR


    "I dont think so"

    "I dont want to go all in"

    where is the backup for what you say? where is discussion of other options? where are the arguments for or against?
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold? : saying "I dont think so" "I dont want to go all in" where is the backup for what you say? where is discussion of other options? where are the arguments for or against?
    Posted by beaneh
    If you had read a more varied amount of my input you would realise your talking jibberish.
  • debdobs_67debdobs_67 Member Posts: 3,615
    edited November 2011

    omfg is this still goin on ??

    Will it ever end ??

    As i stated earlier if ya wanna go busto then my advice on hands is unbeatable ;)

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold? : Yup that was a super childish post, it made me laugh though. And yes ofc there are some spots to fold certain hands pre, YOU CAN FOLD ACES IN A SATELLITE, but against blind players in a loose aggressive game you have to weigh up your equity with your pot odds, that's what we're doing at the table whenever we play. You can easily make an argument for limping strong hands in Full ring games in early position BUT then folding because you don't want to lose or because people are really lucky or because there are more than 3 people in the pot is not a valid reason. It is merely an equity calculation and with your nutted hand vs blind people it is a super easy stack off, you shouldn't be in the game if you cant. you shouldn't be sitting in super loose games if you aren't prepared to get it in pre, if you understood equities you'd know that by taking + ev spots you are going to increase your maneys in the long run which is why we are sitting at the table afterall. You state that people play any two cards etc etc that's hundreds of combinations of hands and we by the river are putting these people on hands with 2-3 combos ?!
    Posted by beaneh
    On your last comment:

    When we have isolated a full ring table to one player HU, through streets isnt that what we should be aiming to do?  With every bet and call on each street should we not be looking to get a handle on the range of hands our opponent will play?  Adapting our bet sizes accordingly, with the added time that live allows us?

    Of course I dont have a solid read on every pot I play, but equally I dont post every hand I play.  I post maybe one clinic hand a fortnight, based on a particularly tricky/interesting live hand out of hundreds.  I think the main reason I do this, is to see how people I talk to frequently in here would have played the hand through streets.  But it is very very rarely readless.  Most of the games I go to are played by giant fish, I cant change that, but with a few solid players.  Its not hard to get a handle on the way they'd play certain spots and their aggression factors.  But, yes mostly I'm just putting a bet out there that gets called by a wide range of hands.

    On the other issue of sitting in this particulartype of game and not being prepared to get it in with the AK:

    When you put it that way I guess you are right.  If we are willing to play at that table then we cant be shy about getting it in.  But equally, can we not argue that the table isnt going to be breaking up for hours, do we need to get it in here?  I think we can and its fine, but I dont believe that folding is definatevely wrong either.  If we had any other way to win but racing 4 allins and winning at showdown its in in a heartbeat..

    Folding has nothing to do with my fear of people getting lucky or running bad.  Do you think I dont know the math side of the game???  Again if you read a more varied source of my posts you'd realise how far this was from the truth.

    That particular fold was simply not wanting to race 100+BB's vs 4 non dominated hands when I'm calling off pre, with 1BB invested.  Its not a MUST call.  The players arent going anywhere, they'll still be getting their money in bad + there will be spots to extract value in much sure fire spots.  If I can rejam to thin the field it goes in outcome regardless.  But I dont like stationing it off.

    Plus I dont really want to play 1BI behind this early.  Which you can insult all you like, but there's nothing wrong with refusing to take a multi way flip while and keeping our game centered.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited November 2011
    This may actually gravitate into an indepth strategy discussion - i do hope so

    getting it in +ev is surely our only concern, and v a table of "any two card" players then there's not much to think about

    replace AK with QQ we are only doing one thing, with AK we do the same on this table - if oppo has draw and you have TPTK - get it in

    Sometimes there is a tendancy to try and outplay our poorer opponents when infact they will help you win by taking -ev spots on a regular basis. So the need to outhink them is not required, get it in infront +ev - take there money

  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    yes but not against four non dominated hands?
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2011
    call him a pr!ck and gtfo b4 it gets better than my thread >>>>>>>>>>>>doooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr
  • AMYBRAMYBR Member Posts: 3,432
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    call him a pr!ck and gtfo b4 it gets better than my thread />>>>>>>>>>>>doooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Its done, your safe.  Amusingly that was going to be my choice of word but didnt think it would get through :p

    PM a link for your thread.  Must be worth a read.
  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    call him a pr!ck and gtfo b4 it gets better than my thread />>>>>>>>>>>>doooooooooooorrrrrrrrrr
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    lol its not quite on that epic level yet.....
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    I am fully aware of Beanehs success.  Thats why I think its so pathetic to attack the way he does. He's like a kid throwing his weight around in the park. Easier to say nothing than his standard attacks.  Easier to spread those attacks evenly. Most amusingly, his attacks are based on not understanding the thread, because he doesnt bother to read it properly.
    Posted by AMYBR

    Isn't Phil Helmuth your hero? You should be loving this. ;->

  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited November 2011
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    In Response to Re: 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold? : Again, pure spitefilled jibberish in every way. Your an idiot.
    Posted by AMYBR

    And he's from Northern Europe.

  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited November 2011
    In Response to 700 BB pot vs SuLAG. Call or sigh fold?:
    10 handed 25/50 live home cash game.  Lot of straddling, pretty actiony.  I'm actually having a winning session :) UTG straddles @ £1.5, UTG +1 restraddles @ £3.  I find KcQc on the button.  Have a stack of £210, Raise to £12 (mainly to stop it going ten to a flop).  SB calls, UTG straddler calls. UTG straddler is a pure fish LAG spewbox.  Limp calls every hand, but gets there alot of the time.  Will hold any two cards pretty much, but has a stack of around £250. Pot stands @ £39.5  Flop:  Ks7s2h .  I was firing most flops, as it stands I get a pretty good one. SB checks UTG, checks, I bet £20, expecting to be called pretty wide.  SB folds, fish/SupLAG/spewbox clicks it back to £40 pretty much instantly. We arent talking about a skilled or thinking player.  He wont be considoring my hand strength at all here. I can only really put him on a K, spade draw or K7.  I dont really love the idea of jamming and getting auto called by a guy who is running hot with a spade draw.  So flat Intending to commit on turn when a spede doesnt fall. £119.5 in pot.  I have £160 back.  Ks7s2h  Ac .  Opponent checks.  I bet £55 still feeling I have best hand, setting up shove on river, unless a spade falls..  He quickly calls. £230 in pot £105 back Ks7s2h  Ac Ah. Opponent insta jams.  Only hand to worry about here is 7's or dueces full surely?
    Posted by AMYBR
    wow, at least its not me arguing with you this time!

    bet more on flop. If his range is Kx (excluding AK) or spade draw then getting it in is going to be pretty profitable unless you think he folds some Kx, I would doubt he does though once he c/r. If you decide to call rather than get it in it should be because you think its more profitable than sticking it in, not to avoid a spot where you are prob about a 70/30 favourite. Dont see why he cant have 77 or 22 here though

    When you bet turn you have to be willing to stack imo, unless you have reads he only leads monsters on river. If you are not happy about this check back turn. On river the hand I would be most worried about is Asxs but no way I fold

    As to the abuse, both beaneh and yourself should know better. There may be some things regarding strat in his posts that you should think about imo, thats not to say the personal abuse either of you posted is acceptable 
  • zingzing Member Posts: 333
    edited November 2011
    finally someone broke the bean

  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited November 2011
    Ok ok I'm hearing a lot about "Dohhhhhhhhhh's thread" how can I find it?
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