Yes, it's Halloween (whatever that is), & Sky Poker are Treat-ing us to an evening with Sarah Champion, on the new biggerer betterer fasterer longerer 4 hour Live Show tonight, which starts at 8pm.
Hour One will be mainly focusing on tonight's 8pm Main Event, the 2,000 chip 10 minute Blind Saturday Night Open. Entry Fee is £11, so that's tidy value, as it has a Guarantee of £7,000, which Sky Poker have increased by 25% to £8,750.
Hour Two will be more of the Open, & a few hands from tonight's SPT Semi-Final. which costs £24 to Enter (1 in 5 get a Seat) & starts at 9.30pm.
Hour Three will have is Rinse Repeat, except replace SPT Semi coverage with Primo Semi-Final. That one starts at 9.45 tonight, costs £7, & is another 1 seat in 5 jobbie.
Hour Four we'll major on the Open, with, all being well, a few Updates on the SPT & Primo Semi's, & maybe see who qualified in each, time permitting.
And it's Saturday, so we have two Phone Guests, both of them Sky Poker veterans - Mr Mbro, & DELTA. I imagine they will ring in 3 or 4 times each, depending on how they get on in their Tourneys.
Anyone know how DELTA chose his Alias, by the way?
If you do, e-Mail the answer to
skyopen@bskyb.comI don't think we have any Prizes for e-Mails tronight, but Sarah will read out as many as she can, so it's not all bad.
Tonight's Producer is 'Ling, so that means we have TWO Champions tonight. See what I did there?
Finally, a word about Mark Banin, who was scheduled to do tonight's Show in the Analyst role. Sadly, he's unwell, & won't be able to appear, so join me in wishing him a speedy recovery.
And that means I have picked up tonight's Show as a "spare", & get to spend all evening with Sarah. I run good, I know.
Enjoy. I will.
If you have Questions for Sarah, either e-Mail them to or stick them on this Thread.
What chance is there of 4-K-x Flop tonight?
Sarah was not best pleased with me me on Thursday
PS - NO Pumpkin e-Mails tonight, please.
And don't make out you don't know what I'm referring to. You DO.
how many could sarah describe before she got suspicious?
Sorry to hear Marks not well, I wish him a speedy recovery.
Tikay I bet your REALLY disappointed its Sarah tonight and not Richard lol
Just e-Mail in & say summat like, "so, the Flop came 4-K-3..."
I love you Buisty!
PS - Why is there in "i" in"Buisty", please?
Get well soon Mr 78 off Banin, we got a real treat, we got Sarah presenting, and a real trick if 4 K ? does flop
Bit of a creep is Col, too. Asked to name his fave Presenters & Analysts, he named 27 of them......
Theres an i in there because i'm a somewhat small chested bloke and dont want to be done under the trades description act. The belly is expanding at an alraming rate though.
And the boring reason is that my surname is buist. I'll stick to the first explanation...
That's a name largely peculiar to Fife, no?
I seem to remember it originated in fife and means something to do with undertaking or some funereal thing. might be a coffin maker actually.
Quite apt for halloween night i suppose...
And its a name that most people seem to struggle with. I've been called mr boost, beast, burst, bus it, and most confusingly "cuisb", from various letter sending organisations. Thinking of changing to smith lol
I had AQ suited in a dym, and the flop came 4-K-3. "4-k-3!" i thought to myself. "Why couldnt i get a 4-k-a flop. Anyway, I made a pot sized bet, and my opponent raised all in. "Hmmm, a 4-k-3 and he's all in! Could he have the 4-k nuts? How should i play this 4-k hand???
Let me know if i have taken it a touch too far tk
With a little help from the love-child of Messrs Page & Brin, (two particular modern-day heroes of mine) I discovered this.....
This interesting and unusual surname is of Scottish origin, and is found mainly in Fifeshire. It is one of the variant forms of the English surname "Boyce", itself of Norman origin, introduced into England after the Conquest of 1066. The derivation is from the Old French "bois", wood