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best post of all time



  • offshootoffshoot Member Posts: 1,049
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: post removed:
    In Response to Re: post removed : True, but honestly in this situation was orfords flat bad ?
    Posted by rancid
    No his flat is totally fine. He didnt have a fullstack so he can just flatcall and still get all his money in post flop so he doesnt need to inflate the pot pre. There are no real bad flops he is gonna be folding anyway so the hand just plays itself. I do think he should have just called the flop though instead of raising. He doesnt need to protect his hand and can get it in vs a much wider range probably if he just flats and hopes his opponent doule barrells or will call off a river bet where they wouldnt call his flop raise.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2011
    At the start of this, I thought it was quite amusing. Ya know, a clearly inexperienced player (not a rubdown, just an clear obvservation) who doesn't realise where he's going wrong because he's done what he thought was right AND he's won the pot which just helps cement in his mind that 'he did the right thing'.

    That I could cope with, things like that you can learn... what you cannot learn is how NOT to be a complete arrogant, obnoxious, rude, childish idiot who has literally ZERO respect for a single player who has posted here...many of whom would absolutely crush him at the tables.

    I think you've got off to possibly the worst start possible on the forum, I think your entire attitude is disgusting and it's clear that if you keep this attitude you will NEVER progress to being a successful (and happy) poker player. I for one (as I'm sure many would agree) will not be wasting a moment of my time commenting on any hands you post in the clinic ever again as I don't see the point when you are blatantly so ignorant. That shouldnt be a problem anyway though cos you won't need to post in the clinic because you already know everything about the game and are so much better than us all.

    On the topic of you being so much better than us, you won't mind taking me up on a challenge cos you'll so easily take all my money off me. Any format you like, HUs SnGs (any speed), HU cash, sitting at the same cash tables for a a few hours, whatever you think gives you the best chance of taking all my money. I play basically every night Monday to Friday anytime between 6pm and midnight.
  • pomfrittespomfrittes Member Posts: 2,981
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    At the start of this, I thought it was quite amusing. Ya know, a clearly inexperienced player (not a rubdown, just an clear obvservation) who doesn't realise where he's going wrong because he's done what he thought was right AND he's won the pot which just helps cement in his mind that 'he did the right thing'. That I could cope with, things like that you can learn... what you cannot learn is how NOT to be a complete arrogant, obnoxious, rude, childish idiot who has literally ZERO respect for a single player who has posted here...many of whom would absolutely crush him at the tables. I think you've got off to possibly the worst start possible on the forum, I think your entire attitude is disgusting and it's clear that if you keep this attitude you will NEVER progress to being a successful (and happy) poker player. I for one (as I'm sure many would agree) will not be wasting a moment of my time commenting on any hands you post in the clinic ever again as I don't see the point when you are blatantly so ignorant. That shouldnt be a problem anyway though cos you won't need to post in the clinic because you already know everything about the game and are so much better than us all. On the topic of you being so much better than us, you won't mind taking me up on a challenge cos you'll so easily take all my money off me. Any format you like, HUs SnGs (any speed), HU cash, sitting at the same cash tables for a a few hours, whatever you think gives you the best chance of taking all my money. I play basically every night Monday to Friday anytime between 6pm and midnight.
    Posted by Lambert180

        Dont beat about the bush Paul, just say what you mean.
  • RicOrfordRicOrford Member Posts: 304
    edited December 2011
    RyG Small blind  £0.50 £0.50 £98.50
    DASADAWN1 Big blind  £1.00 £1.50 £131.18
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    will48 Call  £1.00 £2.50 £35.54
    offshoot Raise  £4.00 £6.50 £262.98
    RicOrford Call  £4.00 £10.50 £76.87
    RyG Fold     
    DASADAWN1 Fold     
    will48 Call  £3.00 £13.50 £32.54
    • 8
    • 3
    • 3
    will48 Check     
    offshoot Bet  £10.00 £23.50 £252.98
    RicOrford Raise  £30.00 £53.50 £46.87
    will48 All-in  £32.54 £86.04 £0.00
    offshoot Fold     
    RicOrford Call  £2.54 £88.58 £44.33
    will48 Show
    • 3
    • K
    RicOrford Show
    • A
    • A
    • J
    • 2
    will48 Win Three 3s £86.78
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: post removed:
    In Response to Re: post removed : No his flat is totally fine. He didnt have a fullstack so he can just flatcall and still get all his money in post flop so he doesnt need to inflate the pot pre. There are no real bad flops he is gonna be folding anyway so the hand just plays itself. I do think he should have just called the flop though instead of raising. He doesnt need to protect his hand and can get it in vs a much wider range probably if he just flats and hopes his opponent doule barrells or will call off a river bet where they wouldnt call his flop raise.
    Posted by offshoot
    Yeah, cheers, thought as much.
    Even though orford is not a Reg at these levels, would you say he is effectively balancing his range by flatting here 

  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    At the start of this, I thought it was quite amusing. Ya know, a clearly inexperienced player (not a rubdown, just an clear obvservation) who doesn't realise where he's going wrong because he's done what he thought was right AND he's won the pot which just helps cement in his mind that 'he did the right thing'. That I could cope with, things like that you can learn... what you cannot learn is how NOT to be a complete arrogant, obnoxious, rude, childish idiot who has literally ZERO respect for a single player who has posted here...many of whom would absolutely crush him at the tables. I think you've got off to possibly the worst start possible on the forum, I think your entire attitude is disgusting and it's clear that if you keep this attitude you will NEVER progress to being a successful (and happy) poker player. I for one (as I'm sure many would agree) will not be wasting a moment of my time commenting on any hands you post in the clinic ever again as I don't see the point when you are blatantly so ignorant. That shouldnt be a problem anyway though cos you won't need to post in the clinic because you already know everything about the game and are so much better than us all. On the topic of you being so much better than us, you won't mind taking me up on a challenge cos you'll so easily take all my money off me. Any format you like, HUs SnGs (any speed), HU cash, sitting at the same cash tables for a a few hours, whatever you think gives you the best chance of taking all my money. I play basically every night Monday to Friday anytime between 6pm and midnight.
    Posted by Lambert180
    blaaa blaaa blaaaaa i didnt disrespect any one i got the abuse at the start so im giving it back and im no scared of any player on here the standard is rubbish compared to other poker sites 
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    At the start of this, I thought it was quite amusing. Ya know, a clearly inexperienced player (not a rubdown, just an clear obvservation) who doesn't realise where he's going wrong because he's done what he thought was right AND he's won the pot which just helps cement in his mind that 'he did the right thing'. That I could cope with, things like that you can learn... what you cannot learn is how NOT to be a complete arrogant, obnoxious, rude, childish idiot who has literally ZERO respect for a single player who has posted here...many of whom would absolutely crush him at the tables. I think you've got off to possibly the worst start possible on the forum, I think your entire attitude is disgusting and it's clear that if you keep this attitude you will NEVER progress to being a successful (and happy) poker player. I for one (as I'm sure many would agree) will not be wasting a moment of my time commenting on any hands you post in the clinic ever again as I don't see the point when you are blatantly so ignorant. That shouldnt be a problem anyway though cos you won't need to post in the clinic because you already know everything about the game and are so much better than us all. On the topic of you being so much better than us, you won't mind taking me up on a challenge cos you'll so easily take all my money off me. Any format you like, HUs SnGs (any speed), HU cash, sitting at the same cash tables for a a few hours, whatever you think gives you the best chance of taking all my money. I play basically every night Monday to Friday anytime between 6pm and midnight.
    Posted by Lambert180
    blatantly arrogant hmmmmmmmm no i like some advice yes but not getting the pissss takin out of me or abuse ill give as gd as i get any time on the table the best way to learn is by playin and each situation is different unless the player that yer playin is easy to read 
    sorry rich but my oppinion still stands here ya never flat call aa ok unless ya want beat
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    rich can u remove this stupid post its getting boring now 
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    rich can u remove this stupid post its getting boring now 
    Posted by will48
    oh and another thing i even appologised to rich for winning this ahnd why should i have appologised when aa has no clear right to win unless it is played correct 
  • davelufcdavelufc Member Posts: 1,376
    edited December 2011

    " Find a player " could be on meltdown tonight lol
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    " Find a player " could be on meltdown tonight lol
    Posted by davelufc
    ill melt u
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2011
    Two things to say... the fact that you've said 'you should NEVER do...such and such' sums up your hypocritical stupidity. If you do the EXACT same thing with the EXACT same hand in the EXACT same spot everytime, then that's gonna become VERY predictable. And yet you've said Rich is predictable and thus rubbish so how dya explain that?

    Point two... as I said in my earlier thread, you're constantly talking about how bad the quality of players on here are, I've offered you a challenge to put this to the test and you've completely ignored it and asked Rich to close the thread (despite the fact he's not a moderator).

    So come on, will you take the challenge to take me on at any format of your choice to prove your clear surperior skill?
  • delaney09delaney09 Member Posts: 1,145
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    In Response to Re: best post of all time : ill melt u
    Posted by will48
    how do you melt people

    please share

  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    Two things to say... the fact that you've said 'you should NEVER do...such and such' sums up your hypocritical stupidity. If you do the EXACT same thing with the EXACT same hand in the EXACT same spot everytime, then that's gonna become VERY predictable. And yet you've said Rich is predictable and thus rubbish so how dya explain that? Point two... as I said in my earlier thread, you're constantly talking about how bad the quality of players on here are, I've offered you a challenge to put this to the test and you've completely ignored it and asked Rich to close the thread (despite the fact he's not a moderator). So come on, will you take the challenge to take me on at any format of your choice to prove your clear surperior skill?
    Posted by Lambert180
    well i chop and change my plan i can change styl;es i dont always call pre with certain cards and depending on situation i even fold tens ak aq pre depends on who im playin depends on the situation so yeah i know that i will get in trouble if i call with k3 pre but not every time what im sayin is i can play different styles im no predictable and i know im no perfect as i lose aswell a s win why is it such a crime to call with k 3 in this situation you werent there and if rich is bein honest i hardly played any hands i had a tight image leading up to that hand if they gonna be honest. u have the wrong impresiion of me lambert and if ya want game ill play ya ay time m8 poker is a game to make money not fold and wait for aa to come and then lose
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    i think the best way to settle this is for me and u to get a wee sng going am bein serious i want orford to play aswell and any one else for that matter and ill sit and respect any of you guys on the chat box if i lose i say wd lets organise this seriously gl at the tables
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited December 2011
    Yeah I'm well up for that, so we'll have you and me, and lets get another 4 players involved (VALOOOOO anyone?) and hopefully Rich if he can fit it into his schedule.

    My only comment on the other thing you said is that you may very well have a tight image but why limp, you wanna appear as tight passive? open limping with about as bad a hand as possible is awful. If you make it 4x to go, then fine, you have your tight image and you can play it like you have a monster, but not open limping.

    Any Takers For The SnG?

  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    Two things to say... the fact that you've said 'you should NEVER do...such and such' sums up your hypocritical stupidity. If you do the EXACT same thing with the EXACT same hand in the EXACT same spot everytime, then that's gonna become VERY predictable. And yet you've said Rich is predictable and thus rubbish so how dya explain that? Point two... as I said in my earlier thread, you're constantly talking about how bad the quality of players on here are, I've offered you a challenge to put this to the test and you've completely ignored it and asked Rich to close the thread (despite the fact he's not a moderator). So come on, will you take the challenge to take me on at any format of your choice to prove your clear surperior skill?
    Posted by Lambert180
    just because i never answered straight away doent mean im shirking from a challenge and i only asked for the post to be removed because i cant be bothered arguing with you guys any more i appologise if i was being a xxxx can you appologise to me too i think not..... have a merry x mas
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    Yeah I'm well up for that, so we'll have you and me, and lets get another 4 players involved (VALOOOOO anyone?) and hopefully Rich if he can fit it into his schedule. My only comment on the other thing you said is that you may very well have a tight image but why limp, you wanna appear as tight passive? open limping with about as bad a hand as possible is awful. If you make it 4x to go, then fine, you have your tight image and you can play it like you have a monster, but not open limping. Any Takers For The SnG?
    Posted by Lambert180
    i can play how i like m8 just like u can play how u want this post wasnt meant to cause offence to anyone i just makin a point and u can count me in to that sng definitely
  • davelufcdavelufc Member Posts: 1,376
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    In Response to Re: best post of all time : ill melt u
    Posted by will48
    Melt mmmmm cheese and bacon please!!!

    You say that you never meant to offend anyone but your original thread title was ...

    " I beat the presenter lol " kind of a mocking title really.

    Lambert, + 1 to all your posts on this thread.
  • will48will48 Member Posts: 52
    edited December 2011
    In Response to Re: best post of all time:
    In Response to Re: best post of all time : Melt mmmmm cheese and bacon please!!! You say that you never meant to offend anyone but your original thread title was ... " I beat the presenter lol " kind of a mocking title really. Lambert, + 1 to all your posts on this thread.
    Posted by davelufc
    look whos keeping this going lol give up eh
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