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Can we raise river as played?

ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
edited January 2012 in The Poker Clinic
Sorry for putting up a live hand here but its seriously bugging me. Will give as much detail as possible.

Playing a 25/50p cash game at my local.  I've been on a serious heater, never seen anything like it.  Am connecting massively with every hand.  I think I flopped about 7 sets and a few straights.

Normally I'm pretty rocky, but table has gone from 8 handed to 4 handed and everyone is about 300bb's deep.

Because of the heater I limp the button with Kd8d, SB raises 4x (pretty solid, mainly just plays his hands, BB calls (normally a good Lag but is tilting).  I call.

I flop top two, on a Kc 8c 3d flop.  SB quickly checks.  BB leads potish, something like £5 into £6.  I make it £16.25, loking for action from a bigger K or club draw.  Initial pre flop raiser cold calls my raise, as does the BB who opponed the flop.

I think there's about £40 in there.  Kc 8c 3d 5h.  Seems like a afe turn.  SB checks, as does the BB.  I dont get the SB line at all.  Can only think he has A's K's or AK, slowplaying.  I bet £22 which they both Call.

Around £100 in pot, everyone has about £100 or so in their stack. 

Kc8c3d5h Js.  Now the SB leads out for £33, which the SB calls quickly.  I dont think he'd ever call with a plain one pair hand.

Read wise the SB doesnt usually play like this.  I thought there was a reasonable shot he'd play K's this way, but also maybe KJ.  I'm not overly worried about the BB calling the river lead from the SB.  I decide to just call with the concealed two pair, winning vs AK (SB) and Jc5c (club draw backing into two pr).

I know the limp pre is bad, just playing the heater.  But as played is just calling river awful?

At the time I didnt think that the players would call a shove by me on river with a worse hand, but I dont see how SB leads out then folds to a shove, or that the BB releases his bad two pair.


  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited January 2012
    hate the limp pre, heater or no heater un-opened i'm raising this on the button 4 handed, esp 300 bbs deep.

    pretty certain ur pot sizes are wrong, cant understand why ud only bet £22 in2 what u say is £40 on the turn, i make the pot over £50 and ur missing out on huge value imo.

    as played i flat the river
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    hate the limp pre, heater or no heater un-opened i'm raising this on the button 4 handed, esp 300 bbs deep. pretty certain ur pot sizes are wrong, cant understand why ud only bet £22 in2 what u say is £40 on the turn, i make the pot over £50 and ur missing out on huge value imo. as played i flat the river
    Posted by SHANXTA
    Yeah sry, trying to reconstruct it after the fact.

    So you dont think flatting river is that bad then?  Can I ask why?  I finished massively up and felt this was a spot I missed out on.

    But at the same time, if I shove here on river, I think they both would have called then the game would have been done.  I managed to play for an hour or so more, continuing to run super hot.

    Even if other people say that flatting is bad, do you think it can be a case of "shearing a sheep" many times?
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    I stopped readin when you said your on a heater & then limped the button
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    I stopped caring when you decided to be a goit for no reason.

    Always amuses me when someone latches on to one element of a post to be rude.  Even when you have no idea of my table image, opponents played against or dynamic, or my reasons for limping the button.  As though its just plain dumb to limp in every spot, always.  Some individuals are so arrogant, believing that they always think their way is the right thing, when they just have no idea about the context of a table.

    Snap judgment for the win!!
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012

    rather than cryin about it, think about why i said it

  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    am not crying about it you pudding.

    For as many reasons to raise, there are reasons to limp in certain spots.  But I'm sure that reading part of one hand out of a a 4 hour session makes you qualified to be right.

    Just laughable, really is, the egomania.  In the OP I even say it aint great limping in.  Trust some egomaniac to just jump on it anyway.

    In this spot am happy to raise or limp for a wide variety of reasons.  Its funny how ppl auto demean from the armchair dynamics they have never seen.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    Why limp button ?
    Don't know what dynamic would make you limp button with that hand ?

    call river
  • Twenny_PTwenny_P Member Posts: 81
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    am not crying about it you pudding. For as many reasons to raise, there are reasons to limp in certain spots.  But I'm sure that reading part of one hand out of a a 4 hour session makes you qualified to be right. Just laughable, really is, the egomania.  In the OP I even say it aint great limping in.  Trust some egomaniac to just jump on it anyway. In this spot am happy to raise or limp for a wide variety of reasons.  Its funny how ppl auto demean from the armchair dynamics they have never seen.
    Posted by ilove2h8pr
    I think some people just like to take pops and cause arguments and have no actual answer to you questioning their reasons for their blinkered views, pointless and unhelpful comments..

  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    LOL! ffs pick your dummies up....

    open limpin the button is BAD, there are no "dynamics", there is no "blinkered view", and there is not a "wide variety of reasons" to ever open limp button in this spot, its just BAD!...

    im not an egomaniac, im not a pro, ill never be a pro, & i dont wanna be a pro. i play the game as a hobby & if i make a bit of dosh along the way then great! im pretty new to the game but ive done ok for myself so far, cant complain & tbh the game interests me, i like discussin it & if any of the stuff i write here helps players a bit then great! if ppl think im talkin rubbish then cool, obviously i want to learn alot more myself!...but im not the type of guy to sugarcoat stuff, ill basically just say stuff how i see it, if it upsets ya then go grow a set! tough love ftw imo
    if you actually noticed other ppl who have posted in this thread (opinions from players who i think you should listen too) have said exactly the same thing as me & tbh i promise 99% of the players who have read this will think exactly the same, some may sugarcoat it, others wont bother replyin, & maybe somebody will write an essay for ya on whilst open limpin the button is bad but its all the same thing. my view is your playin nl50, your talkin about reads, lines, dynamics etc i honestly shouldnt have to explain to you why open limpin the button sucks.

    rather than thinking "this guy is a complete tool, who the **** does he think he is" think about why i have said it, it will be alot more valuable to you! if you honestly think that there are valid reasons for limpin the btn, cool, carry on! i honestly could care less, but your just deludin yourself...if you genuinely dont realise & wanna know my reasons for limpin the btn is bad then ill happily drop you a pm.

    gl at the tables anyway sir, you have my word i wont comment on any future hands you post.
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    lol this guy is saying pick your dummies up?

  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    yeah my initial thought was correct, i shouldnt have bothered replyin x
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2012
    tbf, if someone has put that much effort into writing this opening post with this much detail ie how each player is playing and styles and trying to paint a picture of what has happened during the night, then just focussing on on a detail THAT HE HAS ALREADY SAID WAS BAD  is not being constructive.
    the question, if im reading it right was about flatting the river .
    as you played it i think flatting is fine" ilove" but if you had raised pre then the whole pot is inflated down all streets taking a lot more.(you know this anyway :-))
  • CrazyBen23CrazyBen23 Member Posts: 865
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    I stopped readin when you said your on a heater & then limped the button
    Posted by potattoooo
    Hahah i like you sir!

    But yh flatting the river is fine, dont be results orinantated
  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
    OMFG !! u limped the button??????

    jokes.. who cares he said inop it was bad but the whole point of op was nuffin to do with preflop funny thread..! 

    jus flat river, its only winding u up because u see the hands and they prob wont fold to (thin) value shove 
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    limps button because hero is getting lucky and hitting everything, so the thinking is "may aswel see all flops with speculative hands"

    I understand the thought process, but it be more profitbale raising button than limping even on a heater )

  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
    no one can say raising is more profitable, in my opinion its only profitable if u get more fold than calls from blinds. dont get me wrong tho, i raise 100% in most games but in this case its a live local game and i see nothing wrong with limping button and im sure hero has his merits for doing this .. 
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    ffs i need a lie down...
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2012
    group hug?? lol

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    There are no merits imo, by limping button your not playing cash poker tbh

    May aswell go down the local bingo hall :D

    or maybe just explain what dynamic would make limping the button more profitable in the short term let alone long term
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    group hug?? lol
    Posted by pod1
    why do you keep wantin to touch me?
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