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Can we raise river as played?



  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played? : why do you keep wantin to touch me?
    Posted by potattoooo
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:

    Posted by rancid
  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
    pot control , aggro 3 bettors , short stack games jus to name a couple reasons why someone MAY want to limp
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited January 2012
    sometimes you come across as "stressed" and as such some relaxation i think is in order. dont get me wrong im a big lad with wife and kids but everyone needs a hug from time to time :-)
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    pot control , aggro 3 bettors , short stack games jus to name a couple reasons why someone MAY want to limp
    Posted by LnarinOO
    The only expection would be that you have a nice big pair of meatballs on the btn, but there are no meatballs on the button !

    If you have aggro players in the blinds then they gonna 3 bet your btn open so why limp :)
    Why would you pot control from the button :s
    Short stack games, even more of reason to open btn with a wider range

  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
    if their aggro 3bettors from the blinds it shouyld be clear to u why it would be wise to limp or min raise so we can call for cheaper once they 3bet... this would be controllin the size of the pot in our favour..! 
    if u stil dont understand ill give u an example.. we open for £1.50 with a speculative hand and get 3bet to £5.. we now fold or can call £3.50.. OR  we can min open for £1 (or even limp)with a spectulative hand and get raised (hopefully ) to around £3 (or less ).. now we can easily call for less and play a hand RUNNNNG HOT, in [positon)..! 

    and short stack games are different depending on stack sizes, but a raise sometimes would be bad if it comitts us or opens us up for getting shoved on. a limp may be more profitable to try and stop this happening a see a pot...

    these are just my veiws and i think they are correct in some, but not all situations.. there are tons of diffents ways this game can be played and i dont like meatballs.!!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012

    Let me just say that I don't agree with you and leave it there.

  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012

    I remember reading ages ago an article on why we raise & not limp, this is pretty much what it entailed, bein new to the game at the time this was some of the best info i read

    why we raise & dont limp...

    how do you win a big pot?

    your almost never gonna win a sizeable pot by limpin,  unless your opponent hits the flop very hard, but you hit it harder. when you raise preflop your introducing another layer to the game: cbettin with air, double barrel bluffin, the over-valueing of hands by your opponent due to the appearance of your aggressive image, bluffing etc. THATS not happening in a limped pot, or rarely. A raised pot is also better suited for stacking someone, the bet sizes are more easy to faciltate an all in

    I can lose a big pot?

    You limp a hand like Q3d and flop a flush.  The BB had K4d and would have folded to a preflop raise, STACKED. i think this is a bad example because it works the other way too. a better way too put it is limpin may put you in tough situations with big hands that become ABC situations if the pot is raised.

    The idea of raising vs limping directly correlates to the idea of switching gears, or changing tempo during your session. The more often your raising pre flop, the more likely your opponent will take a stand against your frequent preflop raises in the wrong spot or spew chips off by making an herioc calldown. As you notice people making plays at you, or calling you lightly, react by either a) firing more barrels at them, or b) folding preflop.
    The great thing about a raised pot is that you dont need to get to showdown to win. and if you do hit, your hand strength is disguised. People will often be calling your frequent raises (key point here, THEY are calling & YOU are raising, thats the way it should be) thinking they have implied odds to crack you if i hit, of course thats not true, because you can easily dump your hand postflop- the money is only going in with the best of it. Limpin bleeds money.

    By raising pre-flop your creating +EV situations where none existed before. couple this with solid postflop play & your onto a winner. limping is just asking good players to pick on you!

    besides, raising is fun :-P 

  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited January 2012
    where u copy that from lololol.... ok as i said before i raise prob 100% of the time and this thread is not about me. im putting some points across why it may be viable to limp .. not sayin 100% of the time, just sayin that there can be spots or situations it can be used in our favour..! 
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012
    Wowzum, last time i read this there was 10 posts.

    My heater continued, finishing 3rd in the 2k(g) 90c on 888 for a decent cash then cash has been pretty sweet to.

    My thinking was mainly what rancid said.

    I could make it 4x in the button but my image is pretty solid, so ppl would likely get out of way, especially as running so blatantly hot.

    Opponents will call off super light in this game (it is one of amybr's already described home games).  Rather see a  flop cheap, IP that keeps the blinds in.  Cant really bluff table without mahoosive bets so felt like giving self chance to win max but losing min when flop is barren.

    Ty for all the feedback, was sure flatting river was wrong, but you've all made me feel better.  I just didnt get the SB cold call on flop then river lead.  Think he smirks and shows top set a fair bit.
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: Can we raise river as played?:
    Wowzum, last time i read this there was 10 posts. My heater continued, finishing 3rd in the 2k(g) 90c on 888 for a decent cash then cash has been pretty sweet to. My thinking was mainly what rancid said. I could make it 4x in the button but my image is pretty solid, so ppl would likely get out of way, especially as running so blatantly hot. Opponents will call off super light in this game (it is one of amybr's already described home games).  Rather see a  flop cheap, IP that keeps the blinds in.  Cant really bluff table without mahoosive bets so felt like giving self chance to win max but losing min when flop is barren. Ty for all the feedback, was sure flatting river was wrong, but you've all made me feel better.  I just didnt get the SB cold call on flop then river lead.  Think he smirks and shows top set a fair bit.
    Posted by ilove2h8pr
    so i guess your just gonna ignore the actual good advice then? (you know the advice some egomaniac spent a chunk of his saturday afternoon doin for ya lol) & im pretty sure rancid was agreein with me lol but whatever....

    wow best pick my dummy up lol
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited January 2012
    althou limping button is bad its already been discussed at length

    imo the biggest mistake by far in this hand, is when ur in a hand vs 2 opponents who will 'call off light' and on a draw heavy board with a hand thats likely to be good a huge % of the time you are betting under half the pot, this is where you miss the most value
  • ilove2h8prilove2h8pr Member Posts: 148
    edited January 2012

    In honesty I thought when I raised the flop a better K of flush draw would raise me back in this game, so i was in no mans land abit at turn when sb check calls a bet and raise on flop.

    So I should have gone 3/4ish pot to make river a no brainer then?

    Potattoooooo: Im not ignoring anything, I'm sorry if it seemed that way.  Thankyou for taking the time to go into it in depth.  I'll read thru it properly when I'm a bit more with it.... :)  There was a lot to read and I just wanted to get a quick reply in.  The chance of being 3bet at this table is low so I should likely have opened the button, especially as I wouldnt have lost much with 1pr K hands...I think
  • potattoooopotattoooo Member Posts: 145
    edited January 2012

    where is pod1 when u need him??? perfect time for a group hug :-P

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