Ideally if you dont want to deposit paddie, tourney wise you shouldnt be playing more then £1. In tournaments the recommended BRM is 50-100 buy ins, obviously ppl do use less but the more strict you are with BRM the less likely you will ever need to deposit again.
DYM are slightly different and 20-30 buy ins should be sufficient so if your roll is £50ish you should be rolled for £1.15-£2.25 DYM, as long as you drop down once you get below 20 you will be ok.
I also dont think you have enough for nl4 at the moment as it can be really swwingy and you could easily lose half your roll if your running bad. i would recommend hold fire on csah untill you have £80 minimum, mainly due to variance then have a set amount eg. 5 buy ins and if you lose stop playing till you have £80 again.
Glad your enjoying the community keep up the good learning