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2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting

acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
edited February 2012 in The Poker Clinic

Every time I play on sky, I go to the 6-max 2p/4p cash tables. I generally start well, sometimes even doubling up. However, every single session there's always one play that DOESN'T EVER FOLD PRE-FLOP. How can I prevent idiots like this one taking all my money? He also called my re-raise all in with K2 on another hand and beat my aces with trip Kings.

Small blind £0.02£0.02£1.27
selzzzBig blind £0.04£0.06£1.93
 Your hole cards
  • 10
  • 10
tadamsCall £0.04£0.10£3.26
acemachineRaise £0.20£0.30£2.37
selzzzCall £0.16£0.46£1.77
  • 10
  • 4
  • K
acemachineBet £0.23£0.69£2.14
selzzzCall £0.23£0.92£1.54
  • 6
acemachineBet £0.46£1.38£1.68
selzzzRaise £0.92£2.30£0.62
acemachineAll-in £1.68£3.98£0.00
selzzzAll-in £0.62£4.60£0.00
acemachineUnmatched bet £0.60£4.00£0.60
  • 5
  • 3
  • 10
  • 10
  • 2
selzzzWinStraight to the 6£3.70 £3.70



  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    This person played every hand, re-raised every time there were 3 of one suit on the table and took the chips I'd won and then the chips I bought in with.
  • penguin7penguin7 Member Posts: 1,095
    edited January 2012
    If you think you are doing nothing wrong, think again about your betsizing on the flop and turn
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    If you think you are doing nothing wrong, think again about your betsizing on the flop and turn
    Posted by penguin7
    This - At 2p/4p when everyone is calling you, you can bet really big (3/4 pot, pot, sometimes I overbet the pot as well), and someone will still call you, and you get more value for your hands.
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited January 2012

    The bet sizing in this hand is fine, as long as you looked at his stack & bet accordingly & this isn't your default bet sizing against bigger stacks.

    In general though if in doubt bet bigger.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    if there calling pre and post raise bigger, bet bigger - win money

    if they get lucky then hey ho, as long as you play correct all is good
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    You was an 86% fave on the turn but you will still lose 14% of the time, unless you can deal with this don't play. 
  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    Thanks for your help guys. I can deal with beats like this occassionally, but when they happen EVERY session, it gets a bit ridiculous. The other day I had KA on a K45 board, i raised and my opponent went all in. I called because he was trying to bluff every hand with an all in. He had pocket 7s. The next card is a 6 and the river is a 3. Then yesterday a guy re-raised me all in when I had aces, he had K2 and hit trip kings. I want to enjoy playing poker, not quit because all the bad players that have probably lost over £100 by playing bad, end up doubling up through me with 7 2. I actually suffer less bad beats in 5p/10p PLO, in which you have to deal with bad beats because they WILL happen. Help me out guys, this is just ridiculous.
  • pilgrim07pilgrim07 Member Posts: 232
    edited January 2012
    I feel your pain Acemachine. As you are obviously no novice, by "doing nothing wrong" at this level, you will undoubtably be a winning player in the long term. On the other hand if you are being tilted by the actions of a player on your table, move to another table! There are plenty of "easy" tables  at nl4. Good luck.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012

    Winning players suffer bad beats more than losing players


    If you getting your money in ahead (>50%)  then your doing nothing wrong


    In the short term this feels unfair and sucks that your losing, but in the long term you will win if your playing correctly and getting your money in good. (>50%)



    Eg. If we bet £1 on the outcome of a coin flip, which is 50/50

    I choose heads

    The first ten flips may go




    You are losing in the short term, but it will even out over the long run

  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    I feel your pain Acemachine. As you are obviously no novice, by "doing nothing wrong" at this level, you will undoubtably be a winning player in the long term. On the other hand if you are being tilted by the actions of a player on your table, move to another table! There are plenty of "easy" tables  at nl4. Good luck.
    Posted by pilgrim07
    Thanks Pilgrim, I think sometimes when things like this happen, i tend to go on a rampage to try and felt the person that did it to me. Especially when losing a set of 10s to runner runner straight. Do you have any tips on dealing with bad beats, etc? Also, would playing on 4-6 tables instead of just the two be an idea? I would have thought that would even out thte variance?

  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    Winning players suffer bad beats more than losing players   If you getting your money in ahead ( />50%)   then your doing nothing wrong   In the short term this feels unfair and sucks that your losing, but in the long term you will win if your playing correctly and getting your money in good. (>50%)     Eg. If we bet £1 on the outcome of a coin flip, which is 50/50 I choose heads The first ten flips may go   HHTHHTTHHH   You are losing in the short term, but it will even out over the long run
    Posted by rancid
    Thanks as well Rancid, I believe you were on the two tables I was playing so you saw the level of play and may have even remembered this player playing 98% of hands pre flop and seeing showdown about 88%? I generally respected your raises as I noticed you were multi-tabling and had amassed a huge amount of league points for 2p/4p. Is there an argument for me playing DYM sit and gos to try and build my bankroll as well? I find that PLO and NLH DYMs are pretty easy to win if JohnConnor isn't on the table.
  • AcidMan27AcidMan27 Member Posts: 3,752
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting : Thanks Pilgrim, I think sometimes when things like this happen, i tend to go on a rampage to try and felt the person that did it to me. Especially when losing a set of 10s to runner runner straight. Do you have any tips on dealing with bad beats, etc? Also, would playing on 4-6 tables instead of just the two be an idea? I would have thought that would even out thte variance?
    Posted by acemachine
    You've got to try and distance yourself from that. When you're playing like that against one player it's getting too personal and ego takes over.

    Maybe try writing a few pointers on some paper and having them nearby when you're playing.

    Things like........... bad beats will happen, it's part of the game.

    Don't let it get personal, think about every hand on it's own merit.

  • BADBOY985BADBOY985 Member Posts: 1,957
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting : Thanks as well Rancid, I believe you were on the two tables I was playing so you saw the level of play and may have even remembered this player playing 98% of hands pre flop and seeing showdown about 88%? I generally respected your raises as I noticed you were multi-tabling and had amassed a huge amount of league points for 2p/4p. Is there an argument for me playing DYM sit and gos to try and build my bankroll as well? I find that PLO and NLH DYMs are pretty easy to win if JohnConnor isn't on the table.
    Posted by acemachine
    DYMs are a less volatile way to build a bankroll than cash tables. also when playing cash dont forget your not glued to the seat if youve built a nice stack get up and bank some,if some idiots calling every raise make a decision on wether to take him on  and risk the bad beats. make notes on everyone you sit down with and dont sit down with those who have your measure or more importantly cause you to tilt.
    and as stated above NEVER go after a player for revenge its a sure fire way to blow your role
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting : Thanks Pilgrim, I think sometimes when things like this happen, i tend to go on a rampage to try and felt the person that did it to me. Especially when losing a set of 10s to runner runner straight. Do you have any tips on dealing with bad beats, etc? Also, would playing on 4-6 tables instead of just the two be an idea? I would have thought that would even out thte variance?
    Posted by acemachine
    1. not a great idea as you get sucked into trying to bust them with any 2. usually ends up bad. you need to try n keep a level head and its not the easiest when they start spewing money to everyone else

    2. increasing tables is ok but you need to remember you are exposed to more bad beats also. evening out the varience across more tables is a longer term thing not a quick fix. when the "15 minutes of doom" strikes it will hit you on all tables so be prepared to drop 3-6 buyins quickly
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited January 2012
    hi acemachine,
    it can be tough some days,
    you do deffo get all-sorts @ 2/4p level.
    bad beats do happen very regularly,
    trust me,i know.
    u just have to except it when it does happen,
    and hope that your good play out-ways these in the long run.

    don,t make the game personel towards any player,
    u really can get into trouble as tintin says.
    as a matter of interest,
    y/day i lost £9.57 playing 2 tables @ 2/4p in the afternoon,
    had like yourself some really awfull bad beats.
    had a little think about what to do nxt...
    came back in the evening,loaded up 4 tables,won £11.70

    so it really can be so up & down.

    best wishes

  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited January 2012
    Hi acemachine, i have recently started playing cash at nl4,been playing for about three weeks now.I have seen this type of play that you describe and it can be so frustrating when you get your money in good and then get sucked out on.

    However the advice given by the guys is correct and you have to look longterm in this game(i know it can be difficult after a badbeat) but you can overcome this if you play correctly.

    All the best
  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    Wow, thanks for the huge response guys. I actually had a really goof session today, bought in to 6 tables for £2 each and cashed out once I reached £5 (waited an orbit before I left for respect to some players that were actually playing well) then put £2 on another table. I managed to profit £20 from this! I even dodged my usual bad beats like all in on flop with kings vs 8 7 on an 8 high board, usually seems to turn into to pair. I also hit a straight flush against an ace high flush for a £2 profit, which was nice. I will learn not to chase players and respect all of them, good or bad. At the end of the day, they put the money in the middle, so they're entitled to dish out some beats once in a while.

    Thanks again guys, you've been a great help. Hope to be on the forum a lot more with some positive news and even contribute to the poker clinic and other sections.

  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    At the end of the day, they put the money in the middle, so they're entitled to dish out some beats once in a while. 

    ...provided i profit over the session.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012

    Sit with £4, you win more

  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    Sit with £4, you win more
    Posted by rancid
    I will be very soon Rancid, just need to keep up the constant profit and once its up to £100, I'll withdraw £20 and use the 80 for 6-max 2p/4p cash. Also, I considered going to 4p/8p after i reach this target and play with half a max buy-in (presumably £4) is it more profitable to play at 2p/4p with £4 or 4p/8p with £4? I guess you'd get more cash for points and league points, but are there any negatives?
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