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2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting



  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited January 2012
    In general I would NEVER suggest willingly shortstacking espeically micro limits where you mainly make money from your big hands so e.g. you 3bet pre w/AA get Q high flop and get it in against KQ, you can ony win say 50bbs (if other guy has full stack) as opposed to 100bbs which is gonna limit your profit longterm big time. 

    Although as a disclaimer Rancid will come on now and say it's a great strategy lol
  • TINTINTINTIN Member Posts: 1,612
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting : I will be very soon Rancid, just need to keep up the constant profit and once its up to £100, I'll withdraw £20 and use the 80 for 6-max 2p/4p cash. Also, I considered going to 4p/8p after i reach this target and play with half a max buy-in (presumably £4) is it more profitable to play at 2p/4p with £4 or 4p/8p with £4? I guess you'd get more cash for points and league points, but are there any negatives?
    Posted by acemachine
    this is incorrect. for the c4p you earn them at same rate upto n including 5p/10p and for league points its still the same up to n including 15p/30p.

    i would always go the max buyin at the lower level rather than half stacking at the above especially if you dont have much of a bankroll to begin with.

    also another thing to note when making your decision is the volume of tables at 4/8. this is significantly lower and during the day it is not uncommon to only see 3 or 4 tables running. i had a look at the lobby before posting this and was suprised to see around a dozen tables running at 4/8 which personally is the most ive seen running compared to 30+ at 2/4
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited January 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    In general I would NEVER suggest willingly shortstacking espeically micro limits where you mainly make money from your big hands so e.g. you 3bet pre w/AA get Q high flop and get it in against KQ, you can ony win say 50bbs (if other guy has full stack) as opposed to 100bbs which is gonna limit your profit longterm big time.  Although as a disclaimer Rancid will come on now and say it's a great strategy lol
    Posted by Dudeskin8

    Never short stack at micros, NL20+ only )
    big hand, big bet, win more

    No need to wait till £100, if you just want to grind NL4 and make a little money and not move up then wait till you get to £160 - then grind from there imo

  • kalooki8kalooki8 Member Posts: 451
    edited January 2012
    Remember these tables are for beginners to learn and for smaller bank rolls so you do get alot of strange decisions - we all learn somewhere.

    My advice is bet big when your ahead, over a length of time you will profit. You want players with K 2 to call your AA as over time you will win 75% of those hands (just made up that %). Also you will go through times when it seems the world, software, sky hates you - play your good hands very strong and over time you will win.
  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2012
    Hey guys, in less than a week since i came back to sky, I have turned my £20 deposit into £57.99. Considering some of the bad beats that I have encoutnered in this period, i would count this achievement as quite significant and the most consistent profit I have made playing poker on any site in any period of time. Lets hope I don't go on an Isildur1esque downswing! Thanks for your advice!

  • SpikeladSpikelad Member Posts: 406
    edited February 2012

    Hi Ace well done mate keep on doing what you are doing and dont let the bad beats get to you.

  • tregesea31tregesea31 Member Posts: 13
    edited February 2012
    I have been playing dym s for the last 6 months and play what I think is a reasonable style of wait early on to conserve my chips. Then when blinds get big enuff either shove in position or shove any pair if first in pot or any ace if first in pot. The only problem I have got is I keep getting outdrawn after 6 months of this bull I really want to give up as can t stand the bad players getting rewarded all the time. Just lost 5 in a row. Hands I lost with were qq/ak/ak/1010/88 Really cannot see how anyone can make money at this. Went in ahead each time. Please help someone my sanity is at stake.
  • acemachineacemachine Member Posts: 20
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 2p/4p - Doing nothing wrong, yet still incapable of profiting:
    I have been playing dym s for the last 6 months and play what I think is a reasonable style of wait early on to conserve my chips. Then when blinds get big enuff either shove in position or shove any pair if first in pot or any ace if first in pot. The only problem I have got is I keep getting outdrawn after 6 months of this bull I really want to give up as can t stand the bad players getting rewarded all the time. Just lost 5 in a row. Hands I lost with were qq/ak/ak/1010/88 Really cannot see how anyone can make money at this. Went in ahead each time. Please help someone my sanity is at stake.
    Posted by tregesea31

    Well I personally would say that AK, 10s and 8s are easily beat. There are two overs to queens as well. I wouldn't necessarily shove once you've got those kinds of hands unless you have around 20 or less big blinds. Hands like KQ, AJ, AQ, KJ, A 10 and maybe even QJ are all hands I'd probably consider playing even in the early stages in the DYM. If you play too tight, you will be blinded away and probably get multiple callers if you shove with 10 or less BBs, depending on what stake you play. Play tight, but not too tight. If someone shove or re-raises when you have those kinds of hands though, i'd fold fairly easily (except AQ, my favourite hand :)).

    I wouldn't shove any pair, because if you shove with 22 and 88 shows up, you're going to need a miracle. I'm not the Oracle of DYMs though, so don't take my word as gospel. I'm sure others will help you out.

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