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Did i shove too early in this DYM?

VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
edited February 2012 in The Poker Clinic
VespaPX Small blind   50.00 50.00 1845.00
BLIND-PUGH Big blind   100.00 150.00 2119.25
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • 10
tyler85 Fold        
pkallin Call   100.00 250.00 5680.53
VespaPX All-in   1845.00 2095.00 0.00
BLIND-PUGH Fold        
pkallin Call   1795.00 3890.00 3885.53
VespaPX Show
  • A
  • 10
pkallin Show
  • 7
  • 3
  • 6
  • 5
  • K
  • 8
  • 3
pkallin Win Pair of 3s 3890.00   7775.53


  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited February 2012
    You are not in any danger so you can just fold.  Tyler has about 2.2k too...  But, If you are going to play the hand i like your shove. Making up is bad imo.

    If you are playing dyms alot, it is important to note the limp callers and the limp folders. Both are exploitable.

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    You are not in any danger so you can just fold.  Tyler has about 2.2k too...  But, If you are going to play the hand i like your shove. Making up is bad imo. If you are playing dyms alot, it is important to note the limp callers and the limp folders. Both are exploitable.
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Cheers for the reply buddy,
    The opponent who called me was shoving from level 1 with anything so just thought it was an opportunity to double up even though (as you said) Tyler had similar stack.
    I'm usually pretty tight on the DYM's and quite patient.
    Just put it down to unlucky river card ! lol
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited February 2012
    Shove is never super bad especially against limpers who most likely have nout but in general with 18bbs like here you don't NEED to that badly so can just fold. 

    Looking again though you are 4-handed and shortest stack so I think shove is fine. 
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    Shove is never super bad especially against limpers who most likely have nout but in general with 18bbs like here you don't NEED to that badly so can just fold.  Looking again though you are 4-handed and shortest stack so I think shove is fine. 
    Posted by Dudeskin8
    Cheers Dude
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    if blinds were 200/400 then easy all in but blinds still low here its a fold for me ya might aswell have 2 7 here or 2 3 if u get called by ya all in ya more then likely to be dominated here at best flipping 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Cheers buddy,
    Advice taken on board and noted.
  • TWRAMYEPTWRAMYEP Member Posts: 351
    edited February 2012
    I don't know why everyone is stuck on either shoving or folding this, you can do some of your own thinking with spots like this and stop playing robotic, calling is certainly an option here and imo is easly the best play.

    Calling and playing some streets is the most +EV play here for anyone who is not a complete drooler. Sure shoving is profatable but almost certainly not the most optimal this deep and with all the equity we have, folding a hand this strong is weak and misses  too much value.

    Calling and playing somewhat passivly post with lines like folding everything ya miss all the time, and playing top pr second pr with check/calling small bets and bet small/fold lines and using your hand reading skill, reads etc. I mean if you cant fold top pr, second pr and draws etc shoving or folding is probably best but if you have any skills playing some poker here is good.

    We are pritty much joint second with the other two 2k stacks and have loads of equity in this. Big stack is obviously a fish and will be donating loads and there is nothing to say we cant call and play for a small pot that we have big edges in.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    I think this has to be a limp, my reason being this sentence: "The opponent who called me was shoving from level 1 with anythin" with that info he will be calling you MUCH lighter than most opppos, and when you have A10 you simply do not want a call.The only reason I say to make up the blind is cos folding would suck and you don''t want to inflate the pot OOP by raising, if you call for 50 chips you still have a chance of hitting it well and getting a little pot to build your stack with much less risk.

  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    I don't know why everyone is stuck on either shoving or folding this, you can do some of your own thinking with spots like this and stop playing robotic, calling is certainly an option here and imo is easly the best play. Calling and playing some streets is the most +EV play here for anyone who is not a complete drooler. Sure shoving is profatable but almost certainly not the most optimal this deep and with all the equity we have, folding a hand this strong is weak and misses  too much value. Calling and playing somewhat passivly post with lines like folding everything ya miss all the time, and playing top pr second pr with check/calling small bets and bet small/fold lines and using your hand reading skill, reads etc. I mean if you cant fold top pr, second pr and draws etc shoving or folding is probably best but if you have any skills playing some poker here is good. We are pritty much joint second with the other two 2k stacks and have loads of equity in this. Big stack is obviously a fish and will be donating loads and there is nothing to say we cant call and play for a small pot that we have big edges in.
    Posted by TWRAMYEP
    Cheers mate
    Very interesting
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    I think this has to be a limp, my reason being this sentence: "The opponent who called me was shoving from level 1 with anythin" with that info he will be calling you MUCH lighter than most opppos, and when you have A10 you simply do not want a call.The only reason I say to make up the blind is cos folding would suck and you don''t want to inflate the pot OOP by raising, if you call for 50 chips you still have a chance of hitting it well and getting a little pot to build your stack with much less risk.
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    Cheers buddy
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited February 2012
    I don't think we can ever make-up the small blind in a DYM and hope to be profitable. This is all about conserving your stack and surviving. Never, ever limp or make-up. It's going to result in dribbling away chips when we don't hit the flop, which will be most of the time.

    I don't hate the shove. I'd prefer a straight-foward fold if we think he's going to call us super-wide. If he's playing every hand, not letting go of 73, then he's going to get himself caught out against a hand much stronger than AT. It doesn't have to be you that gets him, as long as one of your opponents does. He might even get lucky and bust someone with his weak hand - which is exactly what happened to you.

    The shove's fine, since DYM's play so differently to standard SNG's. I'd fold it most of the time, but that depends on meta-game issues.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    I don't think we can ever make-up the small blind in a DYM and hope to be profitable. This is all about conserving your stack and surviving. Never, ever limp or make-up. It's going to result in dribbling away chips when we don't hit the flop, which will be most of the time. I don't hate the shove. I'd prefer a straight-foward fold if we think he's going to call us super-wide. If he's playing every hand, not letting go of 73, then he's going to get himself caught out against a hand much stronger than AT. It doesn't have to be you that gets him, as long as one of your opponents does. He might even get lucky and bust someone with his weak hand - which is exactly what happened to you. The shove's fine, since DYM's play so differently to standard SNG's. I'd fold it most of the time, but that depends on meta-game issues.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    IMO you can in certain occasions, this being one of them, the description of oppo certainly paints him as a fish, and i think in this case making up the blind and small-balling if we hit a piece of the flop, can often earn us a welcome little pot.

    I think most DYM players underestimate the power of building their stack

    At the 2nd bolded bit, because I would so rarely advocate making up the blind it would barely make a difference in that respect.
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited February 2012
    I think there's a common misconception that the idea of small-balling means doing things as cheaply as possible. What it actually is about is taking the aggressive line, as cheaply as possible - 2.2x or 2.5x raising in unopened pots. If we make up here we're only going to hit about 1/3 flops. We also have to expect that if our opponent misses he won't pay us off either. So limping just takes us to the flop, which we'll have to play out of position against an unknown hand, knowing that we'll miss 2/3 times. If we do hit, the only way we'll get paid is if our opponent also hits, but slightly weaker than we have. If we miss, we can't win the hand without going crazy.

    If we know that our opponent is limping weak hands, why let him see the flop? Playing passively, out of position is bad in any form of the game.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012

    raise – play poker


    Shoving is not good with this stack and holding A10

  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited February 2012
    I don't think you can raise here to 300, since few players will limp for 100 and then fold for 200 more. The minimum raise you could hope to get a fold for would be 400 and that's more than 1/5 of your stack. Just imagine the troubles of putting in 1/5 of your stack, being called, then missing the flop as you did... I think you shove or fold here, especially given that it's a DYM. I fold. Shoving isn't bad against most players but if he's a nutter (as described) I think it probably isn't too good an idea.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    I think there's a common misconception that the idea of small-balling means doing things as cheaply as possible. What it actually is about is taking the aggressive line, as cheaply as possible - 2.2x or 2.5x raising in unopened pots. If we make up here we're only going to hit about 1/3 flops. We also have to expect that if our opponent misses he won't pay us off either. So limping just takes us to the flop, which we'll have to play out of position against an unknown hand, knowing that we'll miss 2/3 times. If we do hit, the only way we'll get paid is if our opponent also hits, but slightly weaker than we have. If we miss, we can't win the hand without going crazy. If we know that our opponent is limping weak hands, why let him see the flop? Playing passively, out of position is bad in any form of the game.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Given he is a fsih, we can get paid with MUCH weaker than whatever we hit.

    As we are the shortest stack (only slightly though) it would make us much more comfortable to gain a few chips, IMO this is the safest way possible, in this scenario.

    Yes we will miss most of the time, but 50 chips on a very rare occasion really doesn't matter.

    We can't stop a player like this from seeing a flop without putting our stack in danger
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited February 2012
    We can stop him seeing the flop against us: We can fold. I'm not sayin that if we put in 50 chips in a spot like this it's a massive leak. It is a leak, but hardly anything to write home about. The fact that this has been posted on the clinic suggests that the player views a make-up as being fine in many spots. It really isn't. View it across 10 DYM's and you'll leak off 500 chips in spots like this.

    I can't say that it's a dramatically huge mistake to make-up here, but it is a mistake by the numbers and it would be better if we tried to make no mistakes at all.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    Nothing bad in folding, think it's better than shoving

    raise is good ya!
    Oppo will miss 2/3 so c bet take pot
    by iimping you win only when you hit so 1/3, by raising you win 2/3

  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    Nothing bad in folding, think it's better than shoving raise is good ya! Oppo will miss 2/3 so c bet take pot by iimping you win only when you hit so 1/3, by raising you win 2/3
    Posted by rancid
    Not that simple, oppo is fish, not unlikely to call flop very weak, maybe even no hand. you'd be risking a lot for still quite a small pot.
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    so fish is going to call pre and post with no hand :s

    ok, sorry but call pre - yes, hardly post unless oppo got a tiny bit of it
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: Did i shove too early in this DYM?:
    We can stop him seeing the flop against us: We can fold. I'm not sayin that if we put in 50 chips in a spot like this it's a massive leak. It is a leak, but hardly anything to write home about. The fact that this has been posted on the clinic suggests that the player views a make-up as being fine in many spots. It really isn't. View it across 10 DYM's and you'll leak off 500 chips in spots like this. I can't say that it's a dramatically huge mistake to make-up here, but it is a mistake by the numbers and it would be better if we tried to make no mistakes at all.
    Posted by BorinLoner
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