Do the experts select their tournaments by the amount of time they expect to put in or the value of prize money on offer? silly question i know but if MTTs were worked out on hourly rate returns from some tournaments though the prize fund is lower may be more worthwhile to play
What do you guys think about multi tabling both cash and tournies as well as other varients at the same time? I'm normally ok at this but I once tried to multi table 2 NLHE MTTs, 2 PLO Cash games and a Badugi Cash game across 3 sites at once. I cried a little. Posted by TommyD
Plus, to celebrate five years of Sky Poker, we're giving away five fantastic prizes: £33 Sky Sports Bounty Hunter entry £55 Primo entry £110 Sky Roller entry SPT Glasgow seat SPT Brighton seat Details on how you can win will be revealed later. Posted by J-Hartigan
Just wondering when prize winners will appear in the lobby?
In Response to Sky Poker's 5th Birthday Special - with James, Redmond & special guest Alex Rousso (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : Hiya, Just wondering when prize winners will appear in the lobby? Posted by EvilPingu
I believe they're there now. If not, they will be very shortly! Congrats!
In Response to Re: Sky Poker's 5th Birthday Special - with James, Redmond & special guest Alex Rousso (***OFFICIAL LIVE SHOW THREAD***) : I believe they're there now. If not, they will be very shortly! Congrats! Posted by Sky_Dave
I'm normally ok at this but I once tried to multi table 2 NLHE MTTs, 2 PLO Cash games and a Badugi Cash game across 3 sites at once. I cried a little.
silly question i know but if MTTs were worked out on hourly rate returns from some tournaments though the prize fund is lower may be more worthwhile to play
#476390246I think I did......