I intend to win with consistency. 24th and 24th so far.
The timed tournament was my first ever, and I can't say I liked it. Starting stacks of 40bb with 5 minute blinds, might as well play RR. Why not have a decent structure, surely there are enough aggro players to create action naturally?
As defending champion I am disappointed with my poor performance so far and look forward to trying to improve on my position.
Even so I have started drafting my acceptance speech for the trophy presentation. I am not sure yet whether I will go for the Gwynneth Paltrow style blubbering or the Father Ted style of getting my own back on everyone who has done me down over the years. Although James Hartigan will probably cut me off midspeech like James Corden with poor Adele. Still he has got a dab hand at cutting people off as he has to present with TK and needs to prevent talk of motorway services.
Good luck to everyone on Tuesday and thanks Chris for all the work you are putting/going to put in doing the results table.
But 12th in the league so I best give it my best shot
Pot Limit Omaha Binkage FTW.