Are you sure this isn't a brag post? The fold on the river is nice. My compliments.
The call of the full-pot bet on the turn, with 20% chance to hit is a bit questionable. I think you have to be convinced that you'll get paid big every time you hit. Maybe you were convinced, I don't know, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts.
In Response to Re: Folding K high flush to 4 and 5 bet all in : You think peeps dont limp at nl40/50? Note that I was in the BB and forced into the action and it nearly cost me a stack ! Posted by ACEGOONER
If they do then they must have a very obvious limp range from UTG & SB, so it was a very easy fold for you ) Well unless they limp AA-78s UTG! Where's the balance Gooner
& yes I see u BB Why you not raise pre, surely you can exploit this )
In Response to Re: Folding K high flush to 4 and 5 bet all in : If they do then they must have a very obvious limp range from UTG & SB, so it was a very easy fold for you ) Well unless they limp AA-78s UTG! Where's the balance Gooner & yes I see u BB Why you not raise pre, surely you can exploit this ) Posted by rancid
Coz gooners pre flop raising range is AA/KK/QQ & Q9.
Wrong section Yer obv ppl going to say easy fold with results so pointlesss thread now nice fold then goonhead Posted by YOUNG_GUN
Dont you start!
The next person that says the word "brag" im going to send jj round to sit on them. Im not a poker clinic reg so guess I need to know the form before posting a hand again !
In Response to Re: Folding K high flush to 4 and 5 bet all in : If they do then they must have a very obvious limp range from UTG & SB, so it was a very easy fold for you ) Well unless they limp AA-78s UTG! Where's the balance Gooner & yes I see u BB Why you not raise pre, surely you can exploit this ) Posted by rancid
The call of the full-pot bet on the turn, with 20% chance to hit is a bit questionable. I think you have to be convinced that you'll get paid big every time you hit. Maybe you were convinced, I don't know, but it would be nice to hear your thoughts.
Well unless they limp AA-78s UTG!
Where's the balance Gooner
& yes I see u BB

Which is unusual for a gooner this season!
P.S visit the clinic more, its fun round here, dudenit says fold alot, grantorino says flat call alot, and dohhhhhhh says all in alot
Ok it's not a great position but if hero knows oppos limp ranges UTG & SB - hero can easily exploit - no?
Or am I in the land of fairies )
Or are oppo's too dim to realise that a raise out of the BB would be deemed as massive
Or are they postionally aware and would defend being exploited
But maybe hero would be so balanced that he goes loook NUTZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooom!
Who knows )