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Player | Action | Cards | Amount | Pot | Balance |
robin73 | Small blind | £0.05 | £0.05 | £5.70 | |
MEAKES | Big blind | £0.10 | £0.15 | £5.51 | |
Your hole cards |
| ||||
xxx | Raise | £0.20 | £0.35 | £10.79 | |
Ms_Chips | Fold | ||||
NColley | Raise | £0.70 | £1.05 | £9.00 | |
CRAFTYJ | Fold | ||||
robin73 | Fold | ||||
MEAKES | Fold | ||||
xxx | Call | £0.50 | £1.55 | £10.29 | |
Flop | |||||
| |||||
xxx | Check | ||||
NColley | Bet | £1.00 | £2.55 | £8.00 | |
xxx | Call | £1.00 | £3.55 | £9.29 | |
Turn | |||||
| |||||
xxx | Check | ||||
NColley | Check | ||||
River | |||||
| |||||
xxx | Check | ||||
NColley | Bet | £2.30 | £5.85 | £5.70 | |
xxx | Call |
I wouldnt bet that flop unless I intended firing again, and I prob would even on whats a horrible barrell card on turn. Checking back flop is fine imo
That A would be just too tempting when he checks river, with no showdown value I prob would fire
The 3bet pre puts you in all sorts of tricky spots postflop unless you have good reads on villain
check turn
check river.
at 10NL dont you think we are being slightly ambitious even thinking that villain could be assigning you to a certain range when you bet the river?
if they are min raising pre utg then they're a fish so probably have no clue on putting opponents on a range of hands so will just call because the little bit of writing in the middle of their table says they have 2 pairs
You've got to fire at the river though now you've gone this far.
By 3 betting m8 your representing imo tens by not 3 betting higher so think reping an ace goes to waste.
3 betting here is good because we isolate a weaker player when we have position
@ cleaver if you are putting me on 1010 when I'm 3 betting 89s, surely this gives you some idea as to why my 3 bet is a good idea.
you always want to isolate the weaker players at the table. playing a hand is a lot easier when you are better than the person you are playing against.
in all honesty our cards are not that important here. we have position, we are better than the villain and with aggression we will take the pot down 90% of the time. when we 3bet pre we probably arent thinking about taking the pot at showdown unless we really hit the board hard at which point we look to induce a call rather than induce a fold.
using cleaverjim's thinking - when we 3 bet he thinks we have 10 when he calls our flop cbet he must be strong because he thinks we are strong (assuming he has any basic poker understanding). this is exactly why i think we should check it down in the hand posted in op. with a wider 3bet range its easier to build pots with your stronger hands and take down pots when you dont have the best of it. if you only raise 10 10+ any half decent player will just fold to every single 3bet you do because you only have a good hand.
You can't see how I can rep an A?
Cleaver, some of your posts baffle me, even in this thread you started talking about a 'squeeze'. There is no squeeze involved at all in this hand. I just can't take your posts seriously on my hands when I think you don't understand the game at a level that allows you to contribute to the thread properly.
There is so many Ax spade / AQ - A10 hands I can have that would play out exactly the same way.
Huuuuume's post pretty much covers the reasons why I 3 bet.
He is prob right when he stated I was ambitious in thinking villian could be assigning me a range when I fire this river.
The other advantage to 3-bet bluffing is your image. If you are 3-betting about 2% of the time then the regs will start to notice and know that your range is roughly QQ+ or AK and will play accordingly. Either they will: a)just fold and you win 4.5BBs each time; b) adjust their 4-bet range to KK+ and you have to go all in as a 4:1 dog most times; or c) call your 3-bet with small PPs and SC in a fit-or-fold state of mind knowing that all they have to do for your full stack is beat an overpair.
If you 3-bet about 5% of the time then suddenly this small difference changes your image. You are 3-betting twice as often and your opponents will start 4-betting you with QQ and even JJ thinking they are ahead.
If your light 3-bets get called then your flop c-bets will be much more sucessful in 3-bet pots than normal since most players will have a hand that missed the flop but have every reason to believe that you have an over pair. Most times in a standard pot (no 3-bet) players will call c-bets with all sorts of 1-pair hands and draws because they think you have overcards, 3-betting pre makes the "I have an over pair" c-bet more difficult to float.
Since at low levels players tend to call 3-bets too often you should 3-bet light with hands where you give yourself a good chance of flopping a monster. 89s is a good candidate since you only have to show up once with a 9-high straight, beating your opponent's set and they think you are a maniac.
In this particular pot I think if you are going to 3-bet and the fire a c-bet on the flop the 4h is a total brick. To keep the story going at this point you have to fire a second barrel. I think you are better to bet the turn than check the turn and then bet the river, since you might make him fold here and you can always hit the flush if he calls.
In summary your line here doesn't make much sense. You 3-bet in possition which is good, bet the flop, check the turn and then bet the ace on the river. Looks like a busted flush draw to me. The check on the turn gives it way
then you say im repping 10 10 by not 3 betting higher? I mean wtf does this mean. if i 3 bet more u think I have AA?
then you imply my sizing is wrong, you say bigger but you don't say how much bigger.
If you are going to make statements, please try and justify them. Its not hard to say something like ' I would make it x amount pre flop because of ...... w/e reason you would. 'I would check river because .....'