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wifi grrrrrrrrrrrr



  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited February 2012
    Yes we are oop but have the best hand alot of the time so raise for valueeeeeeeeee

    it maybe tricky to play post flop but when your ahead bet/raise have a plan, checking is terrible if someone has limped in with 67suited anf flop 67J, thats going to be more tricky! or even someone with 33 on 3AJ flop again checking is defo a awful option in my book here unless u have solid reads on the limpers that either of them are limping a monster.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    Inflating the pot oop with these type of hands is not good long term imo

    Even if you raise they will probably call anyway, which is what you want right :S
    But if you are going to raise then make it big to iso, going multi way w/AJ oop is brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

    checking here is np

  • SJspanky1SJspanky1 Member Posts: 620
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: wifi grrrrrrrrrrrr:
    Yes we are oop but have the best hand alot of the time so raise for valueeeeeeeeee it maybe tricky to play post flop but when your ahead bet/raise have a plan, checking is terrible if someone has limped in with 67suited anf flop 67J, thats going to be more tricky! or even someone with 33 on 3AJ flop again checking is defo a awful option in my book here unless u have solid reads on the limpers that either of them are limping a monster.
    Posted by YOUNG_GUN
    An interesting debate. Can see the merits of both sides of this one. In a cash game such as hand posted are we not more likely to win a bigger pot by flatting/disguising hand strength and keeping people in with weaker hands if we hit? So many players limp Ace rag here.

    Alternatively in a Tourney I'm happy to raise pre, continue bet most flops and get those blinds in the bank. Certainly an awkward to hand to play OOP on later streets when we miss flop though. We are prob up against small pprs and suited cons that may have us crushed or have massive draws by now. Be good to have some hands posted  featuring A10+ in BB and see how they played out.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2012
    i dont understand why i want to be raising 7x pre to try and get the amount of limpers off this hand, to me it makes no sense. as a rule i raise the same regardless of hand + 1bb per limper, im not in the habit of raising oop with aj period. a few posters have put down "ifs, buts and maybes" regarding potential flops and to be fair my line i take with this hand will depend on this. if i raise pre then i am obligated to carry on betting, again this makes no sense with a very high % of flops not helping me.
    as been mentioned before this hand does play well with no alarm bells ringing from my limpers, any ace flop now looks good as a better ace would be raising, and i havnt shown any strength pre.
    as for the argument for the  well players at nl300 wouldnt do this, well i totally agree because there wouldnt be those limpers before hand so we would almost never have the situation. when was the last time you saw limp limp limp on a nl300 table.
    like has been mentioned before im sure there is no hard and fast rule for playing this pre and there are pros and cons for both actions, was just nice to see other peoples views.
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: wifi grrrrrrrrrrrr:
    i dont understand why i want to be raising 7x pre to try and get the amount of limpers off this hand, to me it makes no sense. as a rule i raise the same regardless of hand + 1bb per limper, im not in the habit of raising oop with aj period. a few posters have put down "ifs, buts and maybes" regarding potential flops and to be fair my line i take with this hand will depend on this. if i raise pre then i am obligated to carry on betting, again this makes no sense with a very high % of flops not helping me. as been mentioned before this hand does play well with no alarm bells ringing from my limpers, any ace flop now looks good as a better ace would be raising, and i havnt shown any strength pre. as for the argument for the  well players at nl300 wouldnt do this, well i totally agree because there wouldnt be those limpers before hand so we would almost never have the situation. when was the last time you saw limp limp limp on a nl300 table. like has been mentioned before im sure there is no hard and fast rule for playing this pre and there are pros and cons for both actions, was just nice to see other peoples views.
    Posted by pod1
    I see limpers quite a few times on Mastercash shows, you don't have to be be playing NL4 to be a fish it's just a case of how much money you have, if a bad player wins the lottory he can easily go an limp all day long at NL300, but I also imagine there are just really rich guys who like gambling.

    Another point on NL300 is most times you'll be facing a raise or 3bet before you which makes it much tougher to play, against limpers you have it easy, they put no pressure on you but that doesn't mean you don't raise for value, raising builds the pot for when you hit and also lowers the amount of players in the hand which helps with c-bets.
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2012
    i cant believe how my games changed, im being told by the nittyest nit thing, the tightest tighty i know to raise aj oop. man ,i must be a rock :-)
  • Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: wifi grrrrrrrrrrrr:
    i cant believe how my games changed, im being told by the nittyest nit thing, the tightest tighty i know to raise aj oop. man ,i must be a rock :-)
    Posted by pod1
    That's what I was thinking which is why it makes no sense lol

    I'd just imagined this would be a standard raise for you as it would most decent players.
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited February 2012
    raise pre for value, lots of worse hands call. When we hit then we have an inflated pot v hands we dominate, when we miss sometimes cbet, sometimes c/f. If we get 3 callers so what, if we get less great

    You dont have to cbet if you raise pre, c/f some flops is fine especially multiway

    checking behind make it hard to win a big pot unless we completely cooler oppo

    Also the people who limp Arag will call a raise about 98% of the time
  • BigBlusterBigBluster Member Posts: 1,075
    edited February 2012
    Know how you feel mate. I had one recently where I was in the BB with Q2, with the SB and I both 100B deep. The SB made it up, the flop came QQ2 and he shoved on me!
    I kept clicking 'call', kept swearing at the machine 'not now you B@st...oh FFS, not now" yet the thing timed me out.

    Now why can't it do that on some of my drunken idiotic 'trying to be clever' moves?
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited February 2012
    lets just say bigbluster i dragged the computer table back out to the hallway and reset it up with the cable, rather sit in a colddraft than go through that again, a few obsenities did pass my lips. have a friend who is going to put some card in my computer to stop it happening again. ps dude, cant wait till i have to tell you to reign it in coz your playing like a lunitic!!!
  • SkyPokerTVSkyPokerTV Member Posts: 185
    edited February 2012


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