In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Haha, cheers Rob. You should have seen me at the cash table at Blackpool. Irene and myself decided to go shot for shot, which was interesting. So there I am drinking Sabucca and tea at a 1/2 table. Then a guy sat down opposite me who looked exactly like the Fonz, only with a moustache. I probably bored everyone with this but I swear he was Henry Winkler's double, I fear I got rather obsessed with that fact. Must have been the drink. Blooming tea. Posted by TommyD
Hahahahaaaa have you seen the resulting 'My Name Is' yet??
Ever so sorry for chucking you under the 'my name is' bus dear - it's obv. hoppys' fault for trying to coerce a drunk girl into the tele seat!!!
Saying that, where your drunken recording was a mere roll-eyed slur-fest, mine would have been a veritable car crash so thanks muchly for manning-up for me ;o))
SPT Notts? Pick your poison - the first round is on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee )
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Hahahahaaaa have you seen the resulting 'My Name Is' yet?? Ever so sorry for chucking you under the 'my name is' bus dear - it's obv. hoppys' fault for trying to coerce a drunk girl into the tele seat!!! Saying that, where your drunken recording was a mere roll-eyed slur-fest, mine would have been a veritable car crash so thanks muchly for manning-up for me ;o)) SPT Notts? Pick your poison - the first round is on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee ) xx Posted by TRIP5
The above will be my mantra for the upcoming 17 days. Yes after many years of build up and tax increase the 'Greatest Show In Town' hits my hometown in a matter of hours. The official start of the Olympics. Leading up to tonight my emotions have been a mixture of apathy and irritation. I'm probably the one Londoner who wanted it to go to Paris. So many advantages, someone else pays for it and it would have been close enough to go for a lovely day-trip, plus Paris is a lovely city. But ho hum, the public, especially in London have over paid for it while the companies involved have tried to do it on the cheap (hello G4S). The massive multi week advert for a famous bank, burger chain and fizzy pop drink is about to start. And I have to admit I've started to become bothered about it. I'm even now looking forward to it, and as soon as the hope entered my heart the fear chased in after it.
The only opening ceremony I remember is the one for Euro 96. That involved a man dressed in a floppy felt Dragon costume being chased around Wembley by a gentleman in a child's 'My First Knight' armour. But this is the Olympics so surely it can't be as kooky right? Then I saw the preview with Carry On Bed Bouncing and drunken wedding dances to Tiger Feet. So much great music from the UK and they play Mud?!?! Mr Boyle, I sincerely hope that was all a level.
Leading up to tonight my emotions have been a mixture of apathy and irritation. I'm probably the one Londoner who wanted it to go to Paris. Posted by TommyD
There are more of us than you would think - but we don't get the airtime. And when we are offered it we turn it down (A TV team asked if I would be willing to discuss the olympics - I turned down their kind offer - not wanting to be the recipient of pig's heads and other such pleasantries reserved for those who defy the collective euphoria).
And in the GB number of gold medals challenge I'm in the bottom 10% - bah humbug
Well that was quite a show last night. I thought it was amazing from start to finish TBH. Danny Boyle turned the ceremony into a cinematic experience and I thought it was marvellous.
So as far as I'm concerned my initial fears were unfounded, wp all.
I'm a little amused how so much of the news media are focused on how the rest of the world would interpret it, would they understand it? Trust the British to get hung up on that. I doubt China cared if anyone else got their show, they just wanted to say 'We're here, we're rich, get used to it.' No doubt there will be some people who hate the show, probably due to the amount of thinking the viewer has to do throughout. I thought it showed the eclectic contrast it is to be British and that it worked perfectly.
Have you had time to watch the Dark Knight Rises? Twitter suggested it was very good. All i can say was that is was poo. Such a let down, considering Dark Knight was soooo good. Posted by KKrippler
Yes I've seen it. Tought to gauge it for me. Yes it was good IMO, but not amazing. The real problem with DKR (and Dark Knight IMO) is too many classic Batman stories are cannibalised into one narrative, these are stories worthy of a few movies and I counted at least four in DKR (Knightfall, No Man's Land, Cataclysm, The Dark Knight Returns). That's just too many to squeeze into one film, plus Nolan puts his own narrative in there as well.
I really don't think there was a huge difference in standard between all three Bale Batman movies, however IMO they problem decrease in quality as they have gone one (yes, Begins was better than Dark Knight IMO).
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : There are more of us than you would think - but we don't get the airtime. And when we are offered it we turn it down (A TV team asked if I would be willing to discuss the olympics - I turned down their kind offer - not wanting to be the recipient of pig's heads and other such pleasantries reserved for those who defy the collective euphoria). And in the GB number of gold medals challenge I'm in the bottom 10% - bah humbug Posted by GELDY
Yes I was preparing myself for the Beeb to relentlessly big up the opening ceremony regardless if it was any good or not. I guess you have to shill your product. Luckily I thought the show was great and I can deal with some of the blinkered vitriol about it.
I'm kind of into it now Geldy, even starting to maybe even regret not getting a ticket for anything, might have to get out for one of the marathons....
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : (yes, Begins was better than Dark Knight IMO). Posted by TommyD
batman begins was awful(or at least worst of the three) :S, . . . characters are better when they are somewhat mysterious, here they bring up batman's past when no one really cares. IMO there's nothing that separates dark night and dark night rising, both are equally good films imo but they are not outstanding.
FWIW i thinkMichael Keaton was great as batman, tim burtons rendition of batman (the actual character) was perfect, he was a cool bad-as.s, very mysterious, said very few words and when he did speak at least i could understand him and nor did i cringe like i do every time i hear the Bale batman speak.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : batman begins was awful :S, . . . characters are better when they are somewhat mysterious, here they bring up batman's past when no one really cares. IMO there's nothing that separates dark night and dark night rising, both are equally good films but they are not outstanding. FWIW i thinkMichael Keaton was great as batman, tim burtons rendition of batman (the actual character) was perfect, he was a cool bad-as.s, very mysterious, said very few words and when he did speak at least i could understand him and nor did i cringe like i do every time i hear the Bale batman speak. Posted by WHOAMI196
Batman is entirely about his past, that's what makes him Batman. You can't just go from rich orphan to World's Greatest Detective/Ninja of the night without something big there. Begin's origin story is a mile better than Burton's 'The Joker killed my dad' rubbish. The Joker needs a blank origin, not Batman/Wayne.
I agree Keaton was a great pick but Burton's films get worse every time I watch them. He focuses far too much on the villain in both of his movies, and gets all villains completely wrong.
I have to give a hat tip to Hathaway though, IMO she beat the Catwoman curse and played the role wonderfully.
In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Batman is entirely about his past, that's what makes him Batman. You can't just go from rich orphan to World's Greatest Detective/Ninja of the night without something big there. Begin's origin story is a mile better than Burton's 'The Joker killed my dad' rubbish. The Joker needs a blank origin, not Batman/Wayne. I agree Keaton was a great pick but Burton's films get worse every time I watch them. He focuses far too much on the villain in both of his movies, and gets all villains completely wrong. I have to give a hat tip to Hathaway though, IMO she beat the Catwoman curse and played the role wonderfully. Posted by TommyD
ok fair enough on that point lol, i do like the new batman franchise but i slightly disagree with some of your comments on the old. I do like tim burton's batman and batman returns i think the villains are great tbh they are very dark, gritty and a bit gruesome at parts and i think the new batman movies are little to "clean" compared to them, probably because they have to adhere to the 12A rating. Anyhoo that's just my opinion and although we might disagree i hope we agree on one thing that batman 3 and 4 was ... well.. not worth talking about lol
Yes Hathaway is a fox, she played a great role. She played a different catwoman than the crazed psycho bi-ch that was portrayed by Michelle pfeiffer, and she played it perfectly imo.
I'll buy you a drink in Notts if you're there.
Ever so sorry for chucking you under the 'my name is' bus dear - it's obv. hoppys' fault for trying to coerce a drunk girl into the tele seat!!!
Saying that, where your drunken recording was a mere roll-eyed slur-fest, mine would have been a veritable car crash so thanks muchly for manning-up for me ;o))
SPT Notts? Pick your poison - the first round is on meeeeeeeeeeeeeee
That 'My Name Is' was filmed in Cardiff.
I was stone cold sober.
The above will be my mantra for the upcoming 17 days. Yes after many years of build up and tax increase the 'Greatest Show In Town' hits my hometown in a matter of hours. The official start of the Olympics. Leading up to tonight my emotions have been a mixture of apathy and irritation. I'm probably the one Londoner who wanted it to go to Paris. So many advantages, someone else pays for it and it would have been close enough to go for a lovely day-trip, plus Paris is a lovely city. But ho hum, the public, especially in London have over paid for it while the companies involved have tried to do it on the cheap (hello G4S). The massive multi week advert for a famous bank, burger chain and fizzy pop drink is about to start. And I have to admit I've started to become bothered about it. I'm even now looking forward to it, and as soon as the hope entered my heart the fear chased in after it.
The only opening ceremony I remember is the one for Euro 96. That involved a man dressed in a floppy felt Dragon costume being chased around Wembley by a gentleman in a child's 'My First Knight' armour. But this is the Olympics so surely it can't be as kooky right? Then I saw the preview with Carry On Bed Bouncing and drunken wedding dances to Tiger Feet. So much great music from the UK and they play Mud?!?! Mr Boyle, I sincerely hope that was all a level.
Please don't be rubbish.
Well that was quite a show last night. I thought it was amazing from start to finish TBH. Danny Boyle turned the ceremony into a cinematic experience and I thought it was marvellous.
So as far as I'm concerned my initial fears were unfounded, wp all.
I'm a little amused how so much of the news media are focused on how the rest of the world would interpret it, would they understand it? Trust the British to get hung up on that. I doubt China cared if anyone else got their show, they just wanted to say 'We're here, we're rich, get used to it.' No doubt there will be some people who hate the show, probably due to the amount of thinking the viewer has to do throughout. I thought it showed the eclectic contrast it is to be British and that it worked perfectly.
I really don't think there was a huge difference in standard between all three Bale Batman movies, however IMO they problem decrease in quality as they have gone one (yes, Begins was better than Dark Knight IMO).
I'm kind of into it now Geldy, even starting to maybe even regret not getting a ticket for anything, might have to get out for one of the marathons....
I agree Keaton was a great pick but Burton's films get worse every time I watch them. He focuses far too much on the villain in both of his movies, and gets all villains completely wrong.
I have to give a hat tip to Hathaway though, IMO she beat the Catwoman curse and played the role wonderfully.