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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Opps better make something clear, I can clearly see why there's been a misunderstanding.

    The no show didn't bother me.  It did make me a little uncomfortable, mainly because I could tell the kid was inexperienced playing live and I was trying to help him through a couple of bits and bobs (string betting, announcing bets etc) and was giving him some encouragement as we all started playing live once and the last thing you need is everyone acting like a jerk towards you.  And there were a few at the table who were acting in that way.  Then the kid pulls this one out of the hat.

    I just remember at the time going 'wowzer,' mainly because I knew the reaction it was going to get and thought I wouldn't have the stones to try that when I first started playing live.

    I was just posing the question wondering what the consensus opinion was.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Non poker question for people. No doubt everyone was horrified by the Colorado cinema shootings last year.  The trial has begun in earnest across the pond.  Now Colorado is one of the states of America which has the death penalty.  The defence have had a plea of guilty in exchange for a life sentence only rejected by the prosecutors. Now here's the question, put yourself in the lead prosecutor's shoes.  Regardless whether you agree or disagree with the death penalty (I'll flag up my take, I'm 100% against it in all cases) do you think the prosecutor has an obligation to go for the maximum penalty available on behalf of their client, in this case the State of Colorado.  While I am 100% against the death penalty, I can't help but agree with the prosecutor's decision when you take away personal opinions regarding what the maximum penalty should be.  If you take away the egotistical view that your own opinion is better than that of the legislators or in fact the majority of the state/country you live in, don't they have a moral obligation to seek the maximum penalty even if they personally think that penalty is abhorrent? I never said I was always going to keep this diary light.
    Posted by TommyD

    My views on the death penalty are extremely strong, and therefore i wont bring them up on your thread tommy. 

    However i think in all cases, the lawyers for the prosecution - in your example the state of colorando - have to come with a set comprimise. In most cases, including the example you give, i think pushing for the maximum sentence. If im honest if i was to say, "ill plead guilty if you accept this" i would feel im already on the back foot in any case for my defence anyways. Therefore by offering a guilty plea, the prosection already has the deck in its favour. Therefore dependant on the nature of the crime i think the maximum sentence should be pursed. Expessially when its in a case of murder. 

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2013
    Tommy, you raise an interesting moral dilemma.

    Are you saying that if you are the defence team that you would try to push for the minimum possible sentence regardless of your views and if you are the prosecution you would try to push for the maximum possible sentence regardless of your views?

    If so... are lawyers just robots without feelings who are programmed into a set way of thinking to achieve the "best" outcome for their client? This is an extremely emotive case and there are many emotive cases all over the world. Brevik in Norway springs to mind (where there is no death penalty and no life term (21 years is the max!)

    I think this is where our humanity is tested. Lawyers must all have deep emotions and personal views and I guess the best lawyers are able to separate these from their job, whilst being under intense pressure and scrutiny from all sides. We often wonder why they are paid redic sums of money... well I kinda understand it, when it is put like this. 

    So my view is that the lawyer has the duty to their client first and foremost and therefore if they feel emotionally incapable of taking on such a traumatic and emotive case, they should decline it. In this case therefore, lawyer TommyD would have to do all he could to get the death penalty for the mass murderer despite being strongly against this personally.  

    Could he handle it? :) 

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Will address everything above plus a ton of stuff which seems to have happened while I've been away.  One day offline, Skypoker make a major change and more importantly it looks like North Korea are about to start WWIII.  I pick my moments to turn off the PC.

    So why have I been incommunicado for a day.

    Well in Grant the cat news......

    Bad news.

    This is Shirley.  She lives here now.
  • Sky_PokerSky_Poker Member Posts: 2,715
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Will address everything above plus a ton of stuff which seems to have happened while I've been away.  One day offline, Skypoker make a major change and more importantly it looks like North Korea are about to start WWIII.  I pick my moments to turn off the PC. So why have I been incommunicado for a day. Well in Grant the cat news...... Bad news. This is Shirley.  She lives here now.
    Posted by TommyD
    Quality name!
  • warticwartic Member Posts: 403
    edited April 2013
    Very strong opinions against the death penalty but I believe there should be hard pointless labour ie; start hitting a very big rock with a hammer until its small bits and then start again. No tv, no recreation, no central heating and the food should keep you alive. Also think we should have the birch for petty crime for youngsters and not ruin their life's with a criminal record. Get caught first time and they show the video of a 6'8" man thrashing someone with a stick across the back. Are they coming back for more? MP's fiddling expenses get thrashed and prison lol
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : That is pretty bad saying he would show then mucking his cards! I'm surprised noone pulled him up over it, there is no need for that type of thing at poker. The reason i enjoy poker so much, is that for the most part while it is competetive there is also a great deal of banter and fun to be had, especially live. In all the time i've played poker I can't say i've came across that many people that would act in that way. In my opinion they are a small minority. ----------------------------------- Well done on getting on to team Skypoker! You have had some great results in cash and MTT's. I was just wondering at what type of level did you start playing at? Was it the lower levels and you just worked your way up? Or did you start with a reasonable amount and just build it up from there? I just play low stakes but i'm going to try and see if over the next while i can build this up and maybe move up the levels.
    Posted by LARSON7
    Thanks Sir, can't wait for DTD and TSP to start, gonna be a lot of fun.

    I started playing 5cent/10cent cash elsewhere and $5.50 SnGs.  Back then the SnG player pool was a lot bigger and the game wasn't solved to the degree it is now, plus Huds weren't so popular.  On SkyPoker I started by playing the main TV events, down to my TV Tartness, fiver DYMs and 20nl.  To summarise for you I was up and down for a while, blackjack used to be a huge leak but I closed that one, went back to school and had to spend a lot of my initially spun roll elsewhere, went on a down swing here about about 3 years ago which left me with around £60 in my roll, I swore I was never going to deposit again and spun that £60 into what I play with now.

    It's been a fun ride.
  • waller02waller02 Member Posts: 9,129
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Thanks Sir, can't wait for DTD and TSP to start, gonna be a lot of fun. I started playing 5cent/10cent cash elsewhere and $5.50 SnGs.  Back then the SnG player pool was a lot bigger and the game wasn't solved to the degree it is now, plus Huds weren't so popular.  On SkyPoker I started by playing the main TV events, down to my TV Tartness, fiver DYMs and 20nl.  To summarise for you I was up and down for a while, blackjack used to be a huge leak but I closed that one, went back to school and had to spend a lot of my initially spun roll elsewhere, went on a down swing here about about 3 years ago which left me with around £60 in my roll, I swore I was never going to deposit again and spun that £60 into what I play with now. It's been a fun ride.
    Posted by TommyD
    Hi Tommy. How did you start to do this? What games, buyins etc...?

    Awesome to see how far you have come from £60 btw
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Tommy, you raise an interesting moral dilemma. Are you saying that if you are the defence team that you would try to push for the minimum possible sentence regardless of your views and if you are the prosecution you would try to push for the maximum possible sentence regardless of your views? If so... are lawyers just robots without feelings who are programmed into a set way of thinking to achieve the "best" outcome for their client? This is an extremely emotive case and there are many emotive cases all over the world. Brevik in Norway springs to mind (where there is no death penalty and no life term (21 years is the max!) I think this is where our humanity is tested. Lawyers must all have deep emotions and personal views and I guess the best lawyers are able to separate these from their job, whilst being under intense pressure and scrutiny from all sides. We often wonder why they are paid redic sums of money... well I kinda understand it, when it is put like this.  So my view is that the lawyer has the duty to their client first and foremost and therefore if they feel emotionally incapable of taking on such a traumatic and emotive case, they should decline it. In this case therefore, lawyer TommyD would have to do all he could to get the death penalty for the mass murderer despite being strongly against this personally.   Could he handle it? :) 
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    Yes because the whole point of the advocate system is that both parties argue their side to the very best of their ability and it's up to the judge and/or jury of peers to decide on before the level of guilt and the appropriate sentence if needed.  The prosecutor isn't the one who decides the person deserves to die and the defense isn't the ones who set killers free.  I've got an interesting history with the law (Law degree sadly not used but that's another matter and somewhat of a regret of mine, I'll go into that another time; I used to work at the CPS as a caseworker and wondered how anyone is ever put into jail; and I had a temporary job for a few months at a charity who helped offenders find jobs and housing when they left jail, mainly first time offenders and women).  It still fascinates me.  The OJ trial was on during my A-Levels, I must of watched 80% or so of it, it was shown live on CNN constantly.  I remember D the Elder saying to me if he doesn't take the stand then he did it.  Of course he never went up there yet after watching much of the coverage I still thought he should be found not guilty and yes I know I'm in the vast minority with that one.

    The real problem with the system there was that after the not guilty verdict, the police basically declared the case closed.  They'd already decided he did it, I wanted them to open it up again.

    D the Elder's saying was sort of proven wrong on his saying much later, about 18 months ago I was given jury service and to my mind the prosecution's case was pretty weak, the barrister was just awful.  I was starting to think he got the job on a typo and he'd original applied as a barista at Costa's.  In my mind there was just about a case to answer but any plausible defence would put enough doubt in my mind to return a not guilty view.  The defence only had one witness, the defendant.  My word, it was like he wanted to go to jail, the story got twisted up and contradicted several times before even the bumbling prosecutor got a chance to have a go.  We eventually returned a guilty verdict, I was the last one to go for it purely because I was weighing up in my mind if the prosecutor had done enough before even thinking about the defence case.  We found out after that a second party in the event had already pleaded guilty and then heard our guy's previous and pending cases.  Let's just say it made me even more sure we made the right call.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Hi Tommy. How did you start to do this? What games, buyins etc...? Awesome to see how far you have come from £60 btw
    Posted by waller02
    Remember I spun down to there as well.

    I wrote about this waaaaaay back in the diary, but after a slap in the face I decided to put it on two £22 DYMs and go from there.  I got a small streak going then went to very low cash and low level MTTs.  I managed to win the old Take on Tikay £11 MTT a couple of weeks in to give me a roll in the hundreds, set myself and target and treat, made the target meaning I'd let myself enter the Primo once, finished 4th and from there I had a 4 figure roll.  At this point I practiced quite rigid BRM and that's allowed me to spin it to a decent chunk over the next two or three years up until this point.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Very strong opinions against the death penalty but I believe there should be hard pointless labour ie; start hitting a very big rock with a hammer until its small bits and then start again. No tv, no recreation, no central heating and the food should keep you alive. Also think we should have the birch for petty crime for youngsters and not ruin their life's with a criminal record. Get caught first time and they show the video of a 6'8" man thrashing someone with a stick across the back. Are they coming back for more? MP's fiddling expenses get thrashed and prison lol
    Posted by wartic
    Actually agree with the labour part but not the pointless bit.  You ever seen Cool Hand Luke where they tarmac the road?  I like that as an idea but there are probably health and safety/human rights issues with it.  Came up with an idea once that low level crime prisoners would get some time off if they donated blood, I think it was when those adverts were everywhere about how low blood stocks are (I have given blood in the past).  I'm not sure if that makes me sound like a vampire or not, I was just thinking 'there's a shortage and an incentive.'

    I disagree with corporal punishment personally but much more willing to have a debate and a consider on this rather than capital punishment.

    Totally agree the clear class divide in who gets pulled and who doesn't needs to be addressed but I'm not going to start on the MP expenses thing, my keypad would probably wear out.

    Before anyone thinks I'm a sissy for being against the death penalty, for the very worst in our society I have zero problem with putting them in a deep hole in the ground and have no comforts save basic food and a small hole in the side for nature.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013

    New puppy news.

    So I bought the GF a puppy.  She's been wanting one for years and I held off to the point I was sure she was ready and wouldn't change her mind after five minutes.  As far as I am concerned a dog is for life.

    It's been an interesting start to Shirley's life with us, mostly good, sometimes poop (literally).  I will get to these eventually but right now I have a problem.  We've got a puppy sleeping crate and tonight is her first night in it.  The GF is in bed while I play poker in the office.  Shirley has been crying now for 30 minutes.  There was a five minute lull where I thought she'd finally gone to sleep but the crying has started again.  I have to be strong and leave her in there but I can just feel myself cracking.  Darn dogs, they get right into your heart.

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Loverly, now got Grant the cat meowing outside trying to get in.  They've been introduced.  Shirley wants to play, Grant wants to hiss and run away.  We stopped feeding Grant over a week ago (at least I did).  I know it's our own fault but after the night he turned up smelling like chip fat we know he either has an owner or somewhere else to visits on a regular basis.  Before I tried to cut ties with him he'd show up, get fed, walk around like he owned the place and then disappear for a couple of days.  Since I pied him he's been showing up every night and stays around the garden.

    And Shirley is still crying in the crate.  I'm in furball turmoil here.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2013
    Man up Tommy!
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Man up Tommy!
    Posted by MattBates
    But they're so cute and small and they look up at me with their big round eyes and that look of naive innocence.

    It's just like the first time I met you.
  • Giant811Giant811 Member Posts: 613
    edited April 2013
    I love this diary. That is all.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : But they're so cute and small and they look up at me with their big round eyes and that look of naive innocence. It's just like the first time I met you.
    Posted by TommyD
    Come on then, what time did you wimp out?
  • iWntUrDoshiWntUrDosh Member Posts: 29
    edited April 2013
    What a cute puppy! 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Come on then, what time did you wimp out?
    Posted by MattBates
    Didn't crack.  The little lady was crying and rocking the crate until about half one in the morning and then eventually bed down.  The crate wasn't a pretty sight inside though in the morning, poopy wonderland.  I have to go through with this as the puppy will sometimes be left alone in the future around the house and they need to get used to being alone, especially at night.  Like all puppies right now she wants to sleep in the big comfy bed with the people who feed her.

    As for Grant, he wandered around the garden again all night.  He's not happy.  But he's not my cat so I don't feel too bad about it, he'll be alright.
  • Giant811Giant811 Member Posts: 613
    edited April 2013
    What kind of monster would pick a dog over a cat?


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