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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2013
    I feel sorry for Grant, i feel i cost him tuna. 

    Oh a serious note, welcome to the new member of the family. 
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    GL with the new family member Tommy, did you get 'talked into it'?... Somehow recently Emma has cajoled me into getting 2 kittens. They're only 6 weeks old atm, so we gotta wait another couple of weeks before we can pick them up.

    Btw, I had no idea your BR had went so low such a (relatively) short time ago. Your story has definitely re-inspired (I don't think that's even a word but I'm going with it) me to keep at it with my aims for my poker game/diary.
  • 12811281 Member Posts: 241
    edited April 2013
    Hi Tommy

    Not sure if this questions already been asked (i read 1st 3 pages and got impatient (just like my play))

    How do you keep your mind focussed on the day job?

    I have a responsible job but still find myself thinking about last nights play too much, or looking forward to the night ahead. And this is at low level stakes.

    Obviously trying to stay focussed at teaching must be difficult when you know your a couple of clicks away from a few grand everynight.

    Great diary BTW

    Thanks Karim / 1281
  • sighcallsighcall Member Posts: 497
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Hi Tommy Not sure if this questions already been asked (i read 1st 3 pages and got impatient (just like my play)) How do you keep your mind focussed on the day job? I have a responsible job but still find myself thinking about last nights play too much, or looking forward to the night ahead. And this is at low level stakes. Obviously trying to stay focussed at teaching must be difficult when you know your a couple of clicks away from a few grand everynight. Great diary BTW Thanks Karim / 1281
    Posted by 1281
    +1 im interested.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Hi Tommy Not sure if this questions already been asked (i read 1st 3 pages and got impatient (just like my play)) How do you keep your mind focussed on the day job? I have a responsible job but still find myself thinking about last nights play too much, or looking forward to the night ahead. And this is at low level stakes. Obviously trying to stay focussed at teaching must be difficult when you know your a couple of clicks away from a few grand everynight. Great diary BTW Thanks Karim / 1281
    Posted by 1281
    Hey Karim

    This is probably the question I get asked the most but these days I have to answer it in two parts.

    1)  I am currently on a career break so not an active teacher.  This was not a choice to 'go pro' or anything, I decided to do other things with my life.  I have a few irons in the fire which, touch wood, will happen over the summer (they are nothing to do with poker).  Sorry to be coy about it but I want to keep things in process on the down-low until they happen, I really don't want to jinx stuff.

    2)  Relating to when I was teaching, luckily it was one of those jobs which pretty much grabs you by the globes as soon as you walked through the gates.  I didn't have time to ponder last night's play or HHs, it was full on.  Going back many years prior to teaching I had an office job and yes, the the distraction was stronger.  Sat in front of a PC I more than once created a BRM spreadsheet for myself rather than do whatever unimportant task was on my desk that day.  It's just something to manage and overcome with experience.  The late nights grinding away were never too much of a problem for me, in some twist of nature I can function on very little sleep.  It's not a limitless supply of going nights on zero to 3 hours sleep, after a fortnight or so I need to do a catch up and I normally have a long weekend lie in.

    Not today though, I'm off to Sunday League.  Three games to avoid the drop for the mighty Giants.  This one's gonna sting a little.
  • DEL560DEL560 Member Posts: 487
    edited April 2013
    Hi Tommy, how did the football go, what position do u play?

    When you were planning those BRM spreadsheets, in your office job, what strategy did you come up with when u were trying to grow your BR?

    All the best for your future plans, Derek.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Hi Tommy, how did the football go, what position do u play? When you were planning those BRM spreadsheets, in your office job, what strategy did you come up with when u were trying to grow your BR? All the best for your future plans, Derek.
    Posted by DEL560
    It went bad.  We lost 3-1.  So sigh, we had a hat full of chances and only took one, they get a pretty soft pen, a deflected long range shot and a ball which was literally going sideways until it bounced at an angle in the goal mouth and found its way in.  We're pretty much relegated now.  We've never been good, until this season we spent every year in the bottom league.  We actually played really well last year and got up, the problem is half of the team decided to retire on a high and we've been rebuilding ever since.

    These days I play Right back.  When I was young and had a decent engine I was a defensive midfielder.  I just don't have the legs for that any more.

    As for growing BR, not too much strategy other than have plenty of bullets.  When you try to grow it, really scour the tables and find that value.  It's still out there, just harder to find these days.  Also do constant hand reviews, really polish your game and plug those leagues.  I can't emphasise enough how much this helps.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Had another long grind with little return, about break even on the MTTs today.  Completely whacked from football and mentally tired after a long week.  I'm feeling really irritable.  I'm reading several forums and pretty much everyone is getting on my nerves.  I see really anti SkyPoker people moaning and I'm getting irritated.  I'm seeing really pro SkyPoker being snippy and I'm getting irritated.  Everywhere I look it feels like perfectly reasonable people are acting like idiots over things that don't matter when you take a step back.  I think to myself if everyone could put as much energy into things that actually matter instead of being shrug shoulders apathetic as they do for things that don't, maybe everyone would be a bit happier.

    So I'm calling it a night before I just go off on some one.  I'm getting that tetchy that a nice dark room and a bit of the original Resident Evil game downloaded is the plan for the night.  It's still a great game, the graphics are completely aged and the control system is really awkward, but it still sucks you into that jumpy atmosphere better than most of the new stuff out there.

    Then again even the intro video on that is annoying me.  It's meant to be a directors cut but they've cut the scene where Chris does that crime of crimes and has a cigarette.  They've replaced this with him shooting a lot of big guns.  And it's an 18 game for crying out loud.

    Sigh, like I say, feeling tetchy.  Man I've just reread this post before posting, darn I sound like a moaning murtle.  Good luck at the tables all.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2013
    Just to make you feel better I got back to winning ways and won my tournament again!

    Any more exciting dog related news?
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2013
    Old games tommy and you have a point. 

    I've discussed this with many hardcore gamers, and i've spent time on a few developer forums. It would appear that these old games are easier to get into because of the feel of the enviroment. Expessially older horror type games. Appareneltly this was never meant to be the case but because of the "graphical limitations" the enviroment feels different to how it was meant to, but this adds to the gamers experiance. Not sure how this works but i have it from several sorces. 

    Hope you feel better today. - Matts already bragging on your thread that has to put a smile to everyones face
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Just to make you feel better I got back to winning ways and won my tournament again! Any more exciting dog related news?
    Posted by MattBates
    Congrats mate, standard obviously.

    No more exciting dog related things, since the in laws have left it's been pretty quiet.  We're settling Shirley in nicely.  Although the GF now wants me to go out tomorrow and buy a bottle of Pepsi for a photo op with the Hound.

    A very defined number of you will get that reference.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Old games tommy and you have a point.  I've discussed this with many hardcore gamers, and i've spent time on a few developer forums. It would appear that these old games are easier to get into because of the feel of the enviroment. Expessially older horror type games. Appareneltly this was never meant to be the case but because of the "graphical limitations" the enviroment feels different to how it was meant to, but this adds to the gamers experiance. Not sure how this works but i have it from several sorces.  Hope you feel better today. - Matts already bragging on your thread that has to put a smile to everyones face
    Posted by The_Don90
    Especially with the horror genre, I think too many game developers are trying to create movies rather than games.  That's one of the major criticisms I hear about the latest Resident Evil game (it's on the shelf unplayed, I planning to clock the whole series in order, just for the memories).  Instead of being involved in a game it can turn into 'press X for next cut scene' etc.  In the horror genre, Resi and Silent Hill really set out the bench mark in gaming.  And like I say, while the Directors Cut of RE touched the graphics a little, it's still no where near modern standards.  However the harsh fixed camera angles (which give you so many times where you can hear a Hunter but can't see it, therefore wet yourself a little when your health is in danger), sublime background music and the pure gameplay fact that as at least one of the characters you never have enough ammo to go around just had you right on your nerves.  Resi 5 just turned into a First Person Shooter really with elements of 'I'm playing a movie' and now I hear 6 is worse.  Resi 4 for me is probably the best in the series all things considered, control system and graphics very good while the gameplay was just like the original.

    Anyway, kind of went off your original point mate.  The main problem is a lot of developers are trying to make movies and not games.  Then again this is found in a lot of places.  I watch Crimewatch, I swear most of those reconstructions are directed by sore Art College graduates who think Harvey Weinstein might be watching and this is their big break.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Poker news.  Cash, going well.  Back on the DYMs for this month, going well.

    MTTs, today was one of those days to just shrug your shoulders and move on.  Ran KK into AA four times for stacks, bricked the lot.  Got AA in against KK once for stacks, lost.  Many other spots as well.

    I'm normally the first to have a pop at my own play but today, well, whatcha gonna do?  Chalk it off, dust myself down and we go again tomorrow.
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Poker news.  Cash, going well.  Back on the DYMs for this month, going well. MTTs, today was one of those days to just shrug your shoulders and move on.  Ran KK into AA four times for stacks, bricked the lot.  Got AA in against KK once for stacks, lost.  Many other spots as well. I'm normally the first to have a pop at my own play but today, well, whatcha gonna do?  Chalk it off, dust myself down and we go again tomorrow.
    Posted by TommyD
    AA v KK wins about 80% of the time mate so AA v KK happened 5 times and won 4 times so as a former maths teacher you should be happy with the maths behind that one!
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : AA v KK wins about 80% of the time mate so AA v KK happened 5 times and won 4 times so as a former maths teacher you should be happy with the maths behind that one!
    Posted by MattBates
    Yes Matt, when that King flopped what I said was 'Good, that's mathematically accurate.'  Obviously.  I just said it loudly and added some flair to the sentence.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    So yesterday everyone got a lather over the headline 'Widow dies of a stroke.'

    I'm not going to go into the Thatcher legacy here, just about a billion other places on the internet to do that if you are so inclined.  I managed to get a tweet from the friend I named the cat after (remember Ginger, pain in the backside) calling me utterly stupid for saying New Labour embraced elements of Thatcherisum in regards to the Financial sector in the city.  Of all the comments on the internet it was this one he decided to exclusively dig out.  He seems to have deleted the tweet a few minutes after sending it, I only knew through email notification.  I assume he either got sheepish or read up on my feed.  Or maybe it's a hang over to a few choice words I said to his face on the football field, for which I apologised for about twenty minutes later.  Meh, it got to me a bit at the time but I'm over it now.  I still think I made a valid point.

    Anyway, I'd rather have a look at how the reaction to Thatcher's death reflects on us as a society.  The internet and particularly Twitter has shown the very best and the utter worst of us since the announcement.  Now everyone has a voice, everyone has a global forum.  The question no one really wants to ask is should they?  We have people spitting virtual feathers at each other, defending idiotic and one eyed standpoints with bile and hate.  On the other hand there is some decent legacy debate and reasoned discussion out there, all too quickly corrupted by the Trolls of lunacy.  I still think the communication tools of today are marvellous, and think that everyone having a voice is brilliant.  I just sort of wish that some people would realise that just because you can say something doesn't always mean you should.  And just because no one replies to you doesn't mean the world's against you.  The human brain really lacks a workable self editor in times like this.

    Then again I'm a fine one to talk, I'm typing this in an online diary.

    As for the Thatch, I've put this elsewhere but I'm going to put it here too.  If nothing else, the woman did what she thought was the right thing to do.  I completely disagree with a vast amount of what she did and her political stance.  However I much prefer someone coming to power to make the changes and improvements they see as right rather than have the primary objective to be 'Stay in Power,' look good in front of the cameras, not upset the powers that be and just recycle the status quo.  That's a charge I would level at every government since 1990, Tory, Labour and ConDem alike.
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited April 2013

    The BEST (?) thing about the whole twitter explosion yesterday was when our USA cousins woke up to #thatcherisdead every where.

    Some of them read it as that-Cher-is-dead. 

    Which confirms the whole idea of the written word is very often taken out of context and read different than how it was actually written. I have become a victim of this many times, and I see it on this forum too. People (usually those who think they are more intelligent than others) have to belittle or put others down. There is probably a thin line from bullying to 'having banter'. I may of crossed it once or twice without knowing it, but there are others who thrive on it.

    I am so glad I have a place to rant now I have retired my diary. :)
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    The BEST (?) thing about the whole twitter explosion yesterday was when our USA cousins woke up to #thatcherisdead every where. Some of them read it as that-C her -is-dead.  Which confirms the whole idea of the written word is very often taken out of context and read different than how it was actually written. I have become a victim of this many times, and I see it on this forum too. People (usually those who think they are more intelligent than others) have to belittle or put others down. There is probably a thin line from bullying to 'having banter'. I may of crossed it once or twice without knowing it, but there are others who thrive on it. I am so glad I have a place to rant now I have retired my diary. :)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    The Cher mistake did give me a chuckle or two.  As did Harry from One Direction tweeting RIP Baroness Thatcher and getting responses like 'Did you know him?' 'May he RIP' and 'RIP but who are you talking about?'  With how manufactured image is these days I assume it was a PR person who manages his Twitter and the young songster didn't know a thing about the Tweet.  Then again it might of been him, he does have a penchant for the older lady.

    Too soon?
  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited April 2013

    Yeah, I saw that Harry stuff. Not sure it was genuine or not TBH.

    Nothing wrong with the older lady BTW. As long as they are just about to pop off, you don't have to see them/live with them and they are leaving all their money to you. I have been a toy boy in my past.....I was 20/21 and she was 33. It lasted about a year before the 'age' thing ended it. The other difficulty was that she was my boss's ex and it made things slightly awkward.

    I really should start a diary of my own :)
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Yeah, I saw that Harry stuff. Not sure it was genuine or not TBH. Nothing wrong with the older lady BTW. As long as they are just about to pop off, you don't have to see them/live with them and they are leaving all their money to you. I have been a toy boy in my past.....I was 20/21 and she was 33. It lasted about a year before the 'age' thing ended it. The other difficulty was that she was my boss's ex and it made things slightly awkward . I really should start a diary of my own :)
    Posted by MAXALLY
    But being a vice of tommy's diary is more fun right ;) 
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