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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2013
    Politics news (just for Don)

    Enjoying the mass U-Turns by the three major parties following the UKIP surge at the recent council elections.  Currently I pretty much detest all political parties, being a politician has become a career rather being a representative for a community and their interests.  Politicians first aim is to survive, then to thrive.  Maybe I'm reflective of the general apathy people in this country have right now.  MPs haven't learnt a jot from the expenses scandal.  I remember an interview with some brand new shiny MPs on the day the last government was formed.  It was around lunchtime.  They were asked about expenses and to a man and woman, across all parties their first reaction was 'I've kept the receipts.'  For crying out loud, you've been there half a day and you'll already charging the public for stuff.

    Now I pretty much disagree with UKIP entirely.  However, seeing Nigel Farage pop for a cheeky lunchtime pint after a good day/night at the office, I can't help but liking his style.  No doubt they will revert to the same old same old in quick time, but at least the whole situation is amusing me at the moment.
  • Giant811Giant811 Member Posts: 613
    edited May 2013
    If the likes of Cameron and UKIP push their anti-European nonsense to the point where the UK leaves the EU and I have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to stay/work here I will be a very angry giant. You have all been warned!
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,634
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    If the likes of Cameron and UKIP push their anti-European nonsense to the point where the UK leaves the EU and I have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to stay/work  here I will be a very angry giant. You have all been warned!
    Posted by Giant811
    Who usually has most of the chips!! 

    p.s. Cameron = Dead man walking! (Politically speaking, of course)
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2013
    I'll be so pleased when this promo ends.  I thought it was a good one but combining the fact I'm getting grief for it as well as doing my wassits in it is just ebbing at my soul.  Mass multi tabling means I've made some mistakes but I am certain I am running below expectation.  At a lovely -15% ROI which is personally disappointing.  Sigh, these things happen, guess I gotta work harder.  This would be my favourite of the hands in this promo:

    xSmall blind  25.00 25.00 2695.00
    eboue27402 Big blind  50.00 75.00 3225.00
      Your hole cards
    • K
    • K
    alig1234 Fold     
    TommyD Raise  150.00 225.00 2025.00
    The_Flex Fold     
    Call  125.00 350.00 2570.00
    eboue27402 Fold     
    • 6
    • 4
    • 7
    TommyD Bet  250.00 600.00 1775.00
    xCall  250.00 850.00 2320.00
    • Q
    TommyD Bet  450.00 1300.00 1325.00
    Call  450.00 1750.00 1870.00
    • Q
    xAll-in  1870.00 3620.00 0.00
    TommyD All-in  1325.00 4945.00 0.00
    xUnmatched bet  545.00 4400.00 545.00
    • Q
    • 5
    TommyD Show
    • K
    • K
    xWin Three Queens 4400.00

    PLO fun night tomorrow night,  I promised I'd help Tikay out so I'll be playing wither some micro PLO STTs or MTTs with the chat open.  If anyone has a question about Omaha please come along and chat about the hands, hopefully it'll be a fun night.  After that I'll be taking a week or so break away from the forum.  After some of the comments and attitudes I've encountered over the last weekend I need a break away.  Maybe I'm being over sensitive, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm out of line.  All of those possibilities do not change the fact that while in the past I have gone well out of my way to help people here with small to big things, yet right now the thought I doing the same for a lot of people makes me want to physically vomit.  I'll do tomorrow because I have already offered.  After that it's into the cave with me for a bit.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited May 2013
    you are too thin-skinned Mr TommyD
    it's a problem for a lot of the good guys
    but pleased you were TommyD, promo player, and not a Mod on that other thread
    looking forward to the omaha advice tomorrow
    & all your posts therafter

    PS still time to get rid of that iphone if you got it on-line - distance selling regs & all that
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Politics news (just for Don) Enjoying the mass U-Turns by the three major parties following the UKIP surge at the recent council elections.  Currently I pretty much detest all political parties, being a politician has become a career rather being a representative for a community and their interests.  Politicians first aim is to survive, then to thrive.  Maybe I'm reflective of the general apathy people in this country have right now.  MPs haven't learnt a jot from the expenses scandal.  I remember an interview with some brand new shiny MPs on the day the last government was formed.  It was around lunchtime.  They were asked about expenses and to a man and woman, across all parties their first reaction was 'I've kept the receipts.'  For crying out loud, you've been there half a day and you'll already charging the public for stuff. Now I pretty much disagree with UKIP entirely.  However, seeing Nigel Farage pop for a cheeky lunchtime pint after a good day/night at the office, I can't help but liking his style.  No doubt they will revert to the same old same old in quick time, but at least the whole situation is amusing me at the moment.
    Posted by TommyD
    Just seen this tommy. seem to have missed what happened, and mel went out with weeman today so had a few bevvies. 

    In an attempt to follow, politicians have a pretty horrible job. The lad i know is a trainee MSP but he's fully following what he believes is the correct thing to do. Although hes with the SNP so mostly hes talking about independance given next years referendum is huge for them i guess thats not a suprise. 

    Politics is a brutal world and if im honest, many eyars ago when the people rose against the monarcy they wanted the common man - people like many of us - to have a voice in how this country is run. I now no longer see that. 

    I feel sorry for teachers, doctors and top quality cival servants who do a great job and dont get paid enough - i know this may be close to you tommy. 

    However you get people on benifits (much like myself) who are unable to get a job because their qualifications aren't good enough, or they dont have clean clothes. In my personal case i lost my job on medical grounds, following an operation and physio we where in ressession and i had i which struggled to get a job. I went through a weird time in life and had a mental break down. Im now almost recovered, but what really worries me is the fiancial side, given housing benefit, my benifits and council tax benifit, unless i get a strongly paid job, i will be much worse off per month. Im trying to recover from mental health issues and return to normal society and work, but im worried about being £2-300 per month worse off. Surely this shoudlnt be the case - although i think the torries have gone over the top with the new benefits and DLA changes. 

    Meh its a tough one to balance but i no longer feel like the average person trully has a say 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,476
    edited May 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    I'll be so pleased when this promo ends.  I thought it was a good one but combining the fact I'm getting grief for it as well as doing my wassits in it is just ebbing at my soul.  Mass multi tabling means I've made some mistakes but I am certain I am running below expectation.  At a lovely -15% ROI which is personally disappointing.  Sigh, these things happen, guess I gotta work harder.  This would be my favourite of the hands in this promo: Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance x Small blind   25.00 25.00 2695.00 eboue27402 Big blind   50.00 75.00 3225.00   Your hole cards K K       alig1234 Fold         TommyD Raise   150.00 225.00 2025.00 The_Flex Fold         x  Call   125.00 350.00 2570.00 eboue27402 Fold         Flop     6 4 7       x  Check         TommyD Bet   250.00 600.00 1775.00 x Call   250.00 850.00 2320.00 Turn     Q       x  Check         TommyD Bet   450.00 1300.00 1325.00 x  Call   450.00 1750.00 1870.00 River     Q       x All-in   1870.00 3620.00 0.00 TommyD All-in   1325.00 4945.00 0.00 x Unmatched bet   545.00 4400.00 545.00 x Show Q 5       TommyD Show K K       x Win Three Queens 4400.00 PLO fun night tomorrow night,  I promised I'd help Tikay out so I'll be playing wither some micro PLO STTs or MTTs with the chat open.  If anyone has a question about Omaha please come along and chat about the hands, hopefully it'll be a fun night.  After that I'll be taking a week or so break away from the forum.  After some of the comments and attitudes I've encountered over the last weekend I need a break away.  Maybe I'm being over sensitive, maybe I'm wrong, maybe I'm out of line.  All of those possibilities do not change the fact that while in the past I have gone well out of my way to help people here with small to big things, yet right now the thought I doing the same for a lot of people makes me want to physically vomit.  I'll do tomorrow because I have already offered.  After that it's into the cave with me for a bit.
    Posted by TommyD

    I fully understand that Tommy. It's so very sad that such aggression & rudeness was encountered, there was just no need. Whatever happened to the art of debating stuff in a civil manner?

    The Community will be much the poorer place in your (hopefully short) absence.
  • walesboywalesboy Member Posts: 993
    edited May 2013
    i thought you handled yourself very well Tommy. As did some of the other posters once some misunderstandings or clarifications were made.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited May 2013
    Cheers guys (and those of you who PMed me, going through them now).

    Honestly I'm cool.  Got a bit grumpy which is a combination of long grind at a very disciplined variation of the game, run bad, play bad and read bad things.  Obviously if I was running super hot (or my default setting) then it's a lot easier to ignore other factors.  And I already decided to have a little slow down next week, got some other things to take care of as well as breaking in the mutt for her walkies.  We've had a few attempts so far, mixed success.  She doesn't understand why she's not being carried everywhere now, I think she takes after the GF for her high maintenance (no one tell her I said that, shushhhhhh).

    So on to better things, please post up what sort of Omaha people want to try out tomorrow.  PLO or PLO8 (lesson one, these two games are as similar as Draughts and Chess, you really need to understand this).  I'll play as low as anyone wants, and either cash or tournaments.  I know Tikay will be doing similar and he's a great person to learn the game from, but for the overspill and to help him out, I'll be on different tables and might have his open to help with some questions if he gets inundated.  I hope you all enjoy it, it's a wonderful game.  PLO8 is probably my second favourite variant (behind Badugi).  Let's have us some fun.

    Finally, I'm not likely to leave the forum anytime soon, and when the day finally comes there won't be a 'I'm leaving thread,' I really dislike those.  When that day comes, I'm simply going to click stand and get my coat.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited June 2013

    Miss me?

  • hawk7112hawk7112 Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Miss me?
    Posted by TommyD

    That would be telling. ;)

    Hope you are well
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited June 2013
    Ahh, I was gonna bump this a few days ago just to ask if you were still on 'sabbatical' from the forum.

    Welcome back, see you in a few weeks at DTD.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited June 2013
    And we're back in the room.

    Poker news, personal poker news too.  You may or may not of noticed that I've had a decent MTT run this month.  Another young man who has is Matt Bates, you might now him from such events as get it in behind and got there.  For those that don't know we're mates.  Actually met through SkyPoker and last year's VLV trip.  Everyone pretty much got on well on that little expedition but myself, Matt, my brother, Matt's +1 Adam and Kev (Oldboy) did form a little bit of a chill out group.  Dylan turned up a bit as well when he wasn't getting an older gentleman Lattes.  Anyway I digress onto memories a year old, me and the pocket luckbox are pretty tight these days.  And we're had a little charity bet this year.

    The bet is on the Sharkscope Leaderboard.  Myself, Matt and Ryan.  Whoever finishes highest gets to tell the other two a charity to donate to.  We're just trying to kid karma really.  Now the real reason I bring this up is another purpose of the bet was to give myself some real motivation this year.  You see I finished top of that leaderboard the last two years (I don't normally brag but it's crucial to the point I say this).  But I noticed Matt was playing on Sky more and more.  He'll probably roll about and laugh after I say this but I know he's a much better MTT player than me (so is Ryan for that matter).  So the bet was an attempt by me to get my backside in gear and improve my MTT game.  How's it going?
    1 MattBates  SkyPoker $33,806
    2 TommyD  SkyPoker $18,451
    Meh, I was a lot closer before he won the Primo last Sunday.  $15k to claw back in just over half a year.  Going to be a challenge for sure.  At least I'm still working on my game.  After the last two years I really felt I was beginning to get sloppy with looking for leaks, improving and refining how to play some spots.  Just in the last two months I've found so many faults with my MTT game.  I may have to flick some money towards Matt's favourite charity (which I assume will be Luckboxes for Justice) but the +ev benefits of not being idle will be worth it.

    Plus I haven't given up on chasing the kid down yet.  It's still June.  You will be updated.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : That would be telling. ;) Hope you are well
    Posted by hawk7112
    Peachy thanks Hawkster.  How is your good self?

    Did you enjoy watching the US Open as much as I did?  Been a while since an English winner and you sort of got the feeling that when Rose started crying a little on the final green that he thought he was over the line.  I was just thinking 'Please no play off, dude's started crying, you can't play golf after crying.  You cry after playing golf (at least I do).'
  • hawk7112hawk7112 Member Posts: 3,627
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Peachy thanks Hawkster.  How is your good self? Did you enjoy watching the US Open as much as I did?  Been a while since an English winner and you sort of got the feeling that when Rose started crying a little on the final green that he thought he was over the line.  I was just thinking 'Please no play off, dude's started crying, you can't play golf after crying.  You cry after playing golf (at least I do).'
    Posted by TommyD

    All's good thanks.

    Merion is an awesome course I have actually had the pleasure of playing it many years ago, it was something that I always wanted to do. Also being a big Ben Hogan fan it was a fantastic experience.

    The Us Open was great, it proved that you don't have to make the courses a Zillion yards long. The greens at Merion are its defense, yes the rough was penal but that the way it should be for a Major. 
    If it had gone to a play off it would have been an 18 hole play off the next day whether that's a good thing or not I'll leave that to debate

    As for Justin Rose I couldn't be happier for him especially how his Professional career started with 22 missed cuts as they say "The boy did good"

  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : All's good thanks. Merion is an awesome course I have actually had the pleasure of playing it many years ago, it was something that I always wanted to do. Also being a big Ben Hogan fan it was a fantastic experience. The Us Open was great, it proved that you don't have to make the courses a Zillion yards long. The greens at Merion are its defense, yes the rough was penal but that the way it should be for a Major.  If it had gone to a play off it would have been an 18 hole play off the next day whether that's a good thing or not I'll leave that to debate As for Justin Rose I couldn't be happier for him especially how his Professional career started with 22 missed cuts as they say "The boy did good"
    Posted by hawk7112
    Yeah after that silver medal at The Open his career has taken a longer route to a Major than most people expected.  Very impressed at his mental toughness to get through to this point and keep improving his game.  Also glad he managed to maintain a run through all 72 holes, recently he seems to be in it after the first round of a major then drop away.  Many kudos.

    Mickelson was also awesome.  The guy couldn't find a fairway off the tee with a roadmap in the final round yet he was still in it right up to the last hole.  If it had gone to a playoff I really couldn't see anyone but him winning it, just such a competitor.

    Personally I thought Merion was great.  Set up perfectly to really challenge accuracy rather than strength, have high risk/high reward spots along the way and obviously drama on the greens.  I remember a commentator saying it's probably be the last US Open at Merion as, to quote, 'It's too small and the game has outgrown it.'  Thoughts on this?  Personally I thought it was a great venue and a massive equaliser for the big tee off merchants.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    Glad you are backLess than half way through your challenge and at least one ukops to come so no slacking matecan't let the kids win too easilystill waiting for your comments on the hilo hand that you said would be very instructiveI reminded myself about that oneThink I was happy with my play as an amateur hilo player but interested how I could have played it better
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited June 2013
    Sorry about lack of punctuation but timed out on the post but had a rough copy saved on my phone
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited June 2013
    Oh Gonzo, I forgot completely about that hand mate.  Where was it again?  Did you PM it to me?  Flag it and I'll get onto it today.
  • Jac35Jac35 Member Posts: 6,492
    edited June 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : Peachy thanks Hawkster.  How is your good self? Did you enjoy watching the US Open as much as I did?  Been a while since an English winner and you sort of got the feeling that when Rose started crying a little on the final green that he thought he was over the line.  I was just thinking 'Please no play off, dude's started crying, you can't play golf after crying.  You cry after playing golf (at least I do).'
    Posted by TommyD
    He would have been fine.
    US Open is 18 hole play off the next day.
    Fantastic to see an English winner
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