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Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.



  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Hi Alan

    Here's it from my point of view.  I don't think I am bemoaning my luck and I didn't want it to come across that way.  In my opinion playing tournaments is all about winning them, or more precisely finishing as deep as you can in the ones you can.  This is completely my opinion and I respect and am open-minded about other people's views that cashing may be the main thing.  That's why I posted that stuff here and not criticising someone in another diary or thread for going for a cash or not.

    The majority of MTTs you don't get that shot to final or win, it just doesn't work out that way.  What I am talking about is lately I have been in tournaments where I have had that real shot to win and I have screwed it up.  Not luck or variance or bad play by someone else, I'm squaring all of the blame on my shoulders.  And when I don't take advantage of the few MTTs where you get that run and that stack, then I view that as a personal failure.  Again this is no reflection on anyone else who goes out in similar situations, these are my opinions on myself and myself alone.

    Yes I get a bit annoyed too when other players truly bemoan their luck or blame other players.  I can't tell you how many staking threads I've read in other places that start with 'really soft field' and end with 'this idiot isn't good enough to know what I was doing.'  I've always said the way to play poker was read, adjust, crush and repeat.  And to always respect everyone else in the game.  I never once said about respecting myself.

    I'm making silly errors Alan.  Or pushing too hard in spots where the upside doesn't balance out the downside in the long term.  There are leaks and I see them.  These were not posts a la ex-Sky Regs to be unnamed who have a hot streak and then when it goes away they blame everything and everyone else.  This is me saying 'I've let things slide.'  I'm going to be playing the turbos tonight, if I bubble every one of them but don't think I've made a mistake I'll be happy about it.

    Very good post Alan.  I'm very happy you made it and would like lots more posts like this from everyone.  Ironically the only bit of your post which offended me a little was the bit where you say I can Mod Delete it if I want.  Come on mate, you gotta know me by now.  When have I ever ducked a question or tried to keep it all smooth for myself?

    May both of our upswings come soon and stay longer mate.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2013
    Alan, please do not give him any ideas as my response to him and others may offend :) 

    Very honest outlook Tommy, think you may be a bit harsh on yourself at times when analysing your game, I am more than happy to be harsh in your place anytime you need. 

  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited April 2013

    Ironically the only bit of your post which offended me a little was the bit where you say I can Mod Delete it if I want.  Come on mate, you gotta know me by now. 

    Ironically, it was the only bit of my post with a smillie after it! 

    Thanks for your'e, as ever, honest reply Tommy.

    My upswing has started.....I made the Main Event* FT last night! I was gutted I didnt win it though and blame all the other players for not doing so......obv :):) 

    *for Main Event, read DTD1
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2013
    meanwhile I decided to follow TommyD on twitter last week

    tweet has decided to share with me 5 names who it says are "similar" to Tommy Dyer (I assume leaving names in is ok as these are all in the public domain). So, Mr Maxally, you're not that far behind! (congrats on your FT last night by the way)

    Ryan Spittles @RyanSpittles
    Alan Pinkstone @Maxally
    Phil Jenkins @phil12uk
    Peter Louchran @JockBMW
    Simon Allen @slykllist
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Geldy, I normally follow people back but to be sure, have I?
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Twitter thinks I am similar to Maxy?!?!?



  • MAXALLYMAXALLY Member Posts: 17,656
    edited April 2013

    Jealousy is bad trait to have.
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    Geldy, I normally follow people back but to be sure, have I?
    Posted by TommyD
    no, but that's the way I want it for now as I learn more about it. thanks anyway.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : no, but that's the way I want it for now as I learn more about it. thanks anyway.
    Posted by GELDY
    I'm guessing you've got your tweets blocked then.  They are normally the ones I don't follow right away as I've never sure who they are.  I try to follow as few bots as posible.  Well when you are ready for a follower let me know.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013

    Bad day today, my Aunt died.  Technically she was my Great Aunt, but it's pretty much redundant to run families through a framework, to me she's my Auntie Agnes.

    It was expected.  She was given hours to a day or two about a week ago.  In a typical Little Old Irish Lady fashion she outlasted that.  If you're ever doing a spread on anything Irish, always take the overs IMO.  She even rallied a couple of days ago, and that gives you that slice of hope you know.  The same thing happened with my Grandma when she passed a couple of years back.

    Agnes was really there for both my Grandma and her own husband who died about a year ago, I mean went above and beyond what you'd think anyone half of her age would or even could do.  You know those little grey haired ladies who you see carrying a half dozen shopping bags down the street for their family, passing disgruntled teenagers refusing to carry one bag because their legs hurt?  Well that was her.  I'll never forget one time when I was trying to visit my Grandma in hospital.  There'd been some kind of assault in the place and they were only allowing one visitor per person and they had to be desegnated next of kin.  My Ma was already with my Nan and I couldn't get past the huge security guard they had on the desk.  Then I heard about what happened when Agnes got there to visit an hour or two later.  She fronted up to the behemoth twice her height, three times her size and a third of her age.  Talked him down until he had to listen to her and then talked him into checking his list again.  When his back was turned she just walked on through and kept on walking.  Not running or sneaking, just her own pace she would have walked had he not been there.  Her reasoning after was 'Well what can he do, pick me up and throw me out?'  She had more guts than most people.  After my Nan and then her husband died, I think then her body caught up with her.  It's one of those curious things in life, when you have something to do like that, especially for loved ones, your body somehow finds the strength to keep it going.  And so as the reason is gone, then everything just well stops.

    BTW I don't need people to ask if I'm ok, I'm fine.  Like I said, it was expected.  Still garbage when it happens but that's how it goes.

  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2013
    Sorry to hear mate, thoughts are with you and your family! 

    Sounds like a wonderful woman and I am glad you have some great memories! 

    RIP Aunt Agnes! 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    On to TSP news.

    Everyone has been invited to the Thursday night meet up, and I hear on the grapevine some others might be making an appearance which will be good.

    So what's the over/under of me turning up in a similar condition as most SPT day ones?  Be kind with your lines people.
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2013
    You do realise Julian has stiched us up with this pub mate? 

    It is only one mile walk away so we can't get a taxi, we got to walk past a cannal or something and the pub is very english apparantly. 

    The good news is though, the walk to the pub will benefit my weight loss, 
  • MattBatesMattBates Member Posts: 4,118
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    You do realise Julian has stiched us up with this pub mate?  It is only one mile walk away so we can't get a taxi, we got to walk past a cannal or something and the pub is very english apparantly.  The good news is though, the walk to the pub will benefit my weight loss, 
    Posted by dylan12
    I cant wait to see the picture of a drunk Tommy in the canal!
  • dylan12dylan12 Member Posts: 2,343
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : I cant wait to see the picture of a drunk Tommy in the canal!
    Posted by MattBates
    If he gives me any lip on the walk over, you can have a picture of a sober Tommy in the canal as well if you want! 
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary. : If he gives me any lip on the walk over, you can have a picture of a sober Tommy in the canal as well if you want! 
    Posted by dylan12
    You're gonna have to catch me first.
  • Lambert180Lambert180 Member Posts: 12,197
    edited April 2013
    I'm at the Britannia, apparently it's a 6 minute drive, but a 5 minute walk...
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    In Response to Re: Many Rivers To Cross. A Diary.:
    I'm at the Britannia, apparently it's a 6 minute drive, but a 5 minute walk...
    Posted by Lambert180
    Well I know the one way system in Nottingham can be bad but.....
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    And so I'm packing for DTD right now.  Won't be able to update this over the weekend but keep an eye out for all of the threads and updates on how TSP are getting on.  Really looking forward to it and to be honest not expecting much personally.  Like I've droned on about I'm not exactly playing at my peak right now.  However this can be a good thing as well, I feel zero pressure.  If I bust level 1, hey there are plenty of our guys to rail.

    On a related note, the GF has told me a dozen times to not get drunk tonight when we all meet up.  To me this tells me:

    1)  She has already assumed I will win and;

    2)  She has already either spent or allocated the money.

    Always nice when you feel you have to win to break even.
  • TommyDTommyD Member Posts: 4,389
    edited April 2013
    Going to start my Monte Carlo trip report with the cliffs for once.  It's pretty much what I always seem to type for live games.

    Cliffs:  The tourney was very frustrating, didn't do too much wrong or too much right, luckily paid for my expenses on the cash tables.

    I'm writing that one too much for live tournies lately.

    So that was the MC at DTD.  Having been delayed in leaving London by a naughty, chew happy and extremely quick dog, already out of puff and slightly red of cheek I hit the road for Nottingham.  I normally take the scenic route via Rutland Water, a beautiful spot I often stroll around on the way to DTD.  However I was running late so I decided to take the M1 straight up.  Of course a storm over Luton and a vast array of other drivers not knowing how to drive when it rains a bit made this my longest drive up to date.

    After dumping my bags and running through a shower, I met up with some of the guys from TSP at what was claimed to be the oldest pub in the world.  A lovely quirky place carved into the rock below Nottingham castle.  Julian was already waiting, using that time to pop the 50p coin he saw on the street into the fruity and hitting the jackpot plus double repeater (I assume this happened, he was smiling).  I cracking night of drinks and curry.  And Andrew's stories.  Wowzers, you'd wouldn't think of it.

    After keeping my promise to the GF and not getting a hang over for the main event I was up ridiculously early.  I had a long walk down the canal to get the blood pumping and off I went for the MC.  Wearing a football suit around three sizes too big I sat at a half decent table.  I knew a couple of players were very good but I could tell a few people who were a little nervous as well.  Second hand I flopped a set, got no action.  That was the highest my chips ever got.

    I managed to get into a pot with one of or the best player on the table early.  This hand was misreported in the thread so here's what happened and where I think I should have folded.  I 3bet AQs from the button into an opener and two callers, I get three callers.  I cbet Qs 9s 8c, one caller.  That caller C/R on a Qc turn.  I flat.  I was going to check behind all turns but those trips made me a little bit more interested, they probably shouldn't have.  About a 3/4 pot bet on a Kh River, I should have folded but I did call it off.  The K is a really bad card for me but I could tell the player was uncomfortable with it as well despite the bet.  And the K nails me more than him IMO, so why bet a bad card and bet that big, and have two turned flush draws miss.  Because you do kinda have to bet nines full on the end there.  But I didn't lose that much to be honest, I was still at 24k from 30k.  While I think the river should be a fold I don't think it was that bad of a call.

    Then I had six hours of frustration, a bit like my old University Ball nights.  They kept flopping sets, trips and a straight.  My confidence wavered and I just stopped seeing the spots.  Eventually I had faded down to 10.5 which was still around 25 bigs at the time.  UTG I see AKs, raise it.  Really hope to get 3bet so I can get it all in the middle.  The BB obliges, only playing 14k himself he pops it, I jam it, and he calls with AQo.  TBH like me, I think he was just looking for a hand to spin.  A barren dry flop ops a thought in my head.  This hand would give me around 50bb.  That's plenty, I can get this thing going again.  Q on the river.  Good luck everyone.  My only thought as I left the table was 'How do I tell Matt I went out with AK.  Again.  He'll wet himself with laughter.'

    I spent the rest of that day railing my TSP buddies.  This sounds like a shill but I thought they all played very well, much better than I did.  They were all also lovely company and did the TSP proud.  It was a fab weekend, Aussie managed to get half of DTD to sign his shirt,  JL bought Dylan some lovely birthday cakes (notice the plural, another good read JL).  Both Tikay and Tighty worked their socks off and I thought provided great support and humour for us all.  The shirts did their job in so far as at least a dozen people asked me about the site and the tournament schedule etc.  And on my performance I would expect those people to sign up soon.

    Many congrats for Andrew, Stebar and Beaneh on cashing, very pleased for all three of you.

    Oh yeah, cash tables, I made the nittiest fold in my life (AK on A46 two spades to a C/R from the most active player on the table).  Obviously it looks awful but I'm still convinced I was either miles behind or only slightly ahead in the odds.  Not only was she the most bluffy player she was also the best,  I was sat opposite her and had seen her C/R other people a ton.  Sometimes she'd win a pot, sometimes she said 'you win' when called down.  The only reason I folded was her whole body language and more importantly timing completely changed for the first time ever.  I'm convinced she couldn't get the chips in fast enough and IMO is too good to be over rating lesser Aces, especially when I have fired a few streets  in the past myself.  Anyway, there were much better places at the table to try to grind some cash out of.  The very last hand I end up playing was pretty much the first time I had it in a big pot.  JJ on QJ6.  I fire flop, turn and get C/R on the river.  I Call, I win a big one.  The other player leaves and the table suddenly snap breaks around me.  What is this online or something?  I decide to call it a night with no other 1/1 games running and it being 4 in the morning.

    And that was the MC at DTD.  Thank you all for your support on the threads, it does honestly means a lot.  Fingers crossed for the next one.
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