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200NL 3bet pot

Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
edited February 2012 in The Poker Clinic

I see eddoeddo as being a fish, dunno much about pete, but Boonicon is obv a button warrior so I'm very happy to 3bet pre.

Should I lead out, check/call or check/raise on a flop like this?

I was torn between check/raise or a simple lead out (If so how much?)

Poker_Fail Small blind  £1.00 £1.00 £197.00
s_half9 Big blind  £2.00 £3.00 £187.00
 Your hole cards
  • K
  • Q
Pete852 Call  £2.00 £5.00 £118.85
eddoeddo Call  £2.00 £7.00 £125.81
Boonicon Raise  £10.00 £17.00 £456.45
Poker_Fail Raise  £25.00 £42.00 £172.00
s_half9 Fold     
Pete852 Call  £24.00 £66.00 £94.85
eddoeddo Fold     
Boonicon Call  £16.00 £82.00 £440.45
  • 10
  • J
  • K


  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 2012
    this is actually a pretty horrible board for your hand in a 3bet pot I think.

    you have a hand that looks pretty big, but if you are ever getting in stacks here then you are probably gonna be behind.

    I'd prob check/call....neverr check/jam I don't think....sometimes just bet/call it off.

  • edited February 2012
    Weird spot, because if stacks go in your most likely vs a set or AQ.

    Im not even certain I like c/c because when it 4straights you dont get much value from sets, and you lose your stack vs AQ when a 9 rolls off, plus your hand doesnt actually improve on a K turn.

    Is c/rai too crazy to get KT/JT and sometimes KJ to b/f?  
  • jakallyjakally Member Posts: 421
    edited February 2012
    In a 3 bet pot with the size of the pot already nearly half your stack, on that board, I am 100% of the time getting to showdown. (Therefore getting stacks in).

    I don't see there are many/any hands that try and bluff into this, that don't call a bet, therefore I can't see the merit in check calling.

    I think bet, call is probably the best line.
    You are probably not far short of 50% versus a get-it-in range (TT-QQ, AJs-AQs, Kts+, QTs+, JTs, Th9h,Th8h, 9h8h, AJo - AQo, KTo+, JTo).
  • WHOAMI196WHOAMI196 Member Posts: 1,170
    edited February 2012

    FWIW I would not 3-bet this hand v boonicon, he is deep and you are giving him 2.5-1 to call(if folded to him ovc), i presume he calls pretty wide here, so 3-bet-bigger imo its more profitable here if able to TID pf a higher % of the time.

    Makes a difference that you have the qh, Im having a tough time deciding if c/c or b/c is best(or even b/f), if you bet you can put boonicon on a narrow range for sure, e.g he would unlikely flat with AQ(the board smashes you range so doubt you will get bluffed at). The fish is irrelivant because you are never folding v him. Overall i think you gain greater info, and value from betting this flop imo (lead ~50).

    p.s if you lead and boonicon shoves just puke and consider folding.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    In a 3 bet pot with the size of the pot already nearly half your stack, on that board, I am 100% of the time getting to showdown. (Therefore getting stacks in). I don't see there are many/any hands that try and bluff into this, that don't call a bet, therefore I can't see the merit in check calling. I think bet, call is probably the best line. You are probably not far short of 50% versus a get-it-in range (TT-QQ, AJs-AQs, Kts+, QTs+, JTs, Th9h,Th8h, 9h8h, AJo - AQo, KTo+, JTo).
    Posted by jakally

    what size do you think a lead-out should be?, it's obv a board where they could easily have 2 pair, yet even if they do I would have redraws to the straight. AQ is the only hand i'm dreading to be up against here?

    Would most regs at this level be aggro with FD/FD+pair in Boonicon's spot if I bet?

  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    Weird spot, because if stacks go in your most likely vs a set or AQ. Im not even certain I like c/c because when it 4straights you dont get much value from sets, and you lose your stack vs AQ when a 9 rolls off, plus your hand doesnt actually improve on a K turn. Is c/rai too crazy to get KT/JT and sometimes KJ to b/f?  
    Posted by CoxyLboro
    This is actualy a very interesting point that i was contemplating, this was my first ever session at 200NL, I've never played Boonicon before.

    Does a reg assume I'm stronger or weaker than Crai portrays when I am completely unknown to him?

    I had 3bet quite often to Boonicon's raises when I was OOP, does this mean he'd 4bet me with say 10s+ AK maybe even AQs? |Or does Pete's involvement change this?
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    this is actually a pretty horrible board for your hand in a 3bet pot I think. you have a hand that looks pretty big, but if you are ever getting in stacks here then you are probably gonna be behind. I'd prob check/call....neverr check/jam I don't think....sometimes just bet/call it off.
    Posted by scotty77

    If I led out would he never shove with a bare FD?

    First session at this level so don't kill me if I'm being stoopid
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited February 2012
    if you look at the board texture, and we have the Qh, its hard to see what FDs he could shove with bar maybe AThh.

    also as itsa  3bet pot, it narrows your range so much that I doubt he would shove something like 78hh here as its so likely that you have hit some kind of that board, so he has litte FE, so I would prob expect a peel from a FD here, assuming what your bet is OTF ofc.
  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2012
    pretty standard iso spot for boonicon, not that he needs an invite when hes on the button. so i think the combination of hands he could have here is pretty large. it isn't like we can narrow is range down much after the flop because of the 3rd party involved in the hand. hes gonna be raise/calling pre in this spot with 22-JJ (prolly 4bets QQ-AA/AK) any suited connectors/ suited gap connectors/ any2 picture card hands/ id also put hands like Ax suited in his range here to.

    i would be bet/calling it off. he would jam alot of draws and we have a blocker to the straight draw and also the Qh for insurance if a heart rolls off on the turn. plus we have outs against alot of hands he can have here that he doesnt 4bet pre with.

  • hurst05hurst05 Member Posts: 1,567
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    if you look at the board texture, and we have the Qh, its hard to see what FDs he could shove with bar maybe AThh. also as itsa  3bet pot, it narrows your range so much that I doubt he would shove something like 78hh here as its so likely that you have hit some kind of that board, so he has litte FE, so I would prob expect a peel from a FD here, assuming what your bet is OTF ofc.
    Posted by scotty77
    from past experience id feel confident in saying if he has any flush draw. hes gonna be playing it hard and fast. i cant see him flatting a draw because of the stack sizes and the fact that if he hits the turn it possibly kills the action from alot of hands.
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    I love the fact that you are all solid, big winning players and have different views, gotta love poker <3

    Hopefully some other big guns will share their opinion too
  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    i am 100 percent leading this flop pete could easily of called with ace jack 99 etc i think your getting value betting 3 streets here plus u have alot of outs for a straight im never checking this flop im thinking of how i can get the max out of this hand if pete had aces or ace king dnt you think he would reraise your 4 bet ? he could have a set but chances are not likely 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    Given pot size there isn't gonna be 3 streets to bet ;)
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited February 2012

    Your 3 bet oop is way way too small, boonicon prob calls it with his entire iso range everytime purely because of the size.

    When a 3 bettor check/raises me on boards like this I'm usually confused because it seems like a wierd line to take if they have the straight/set/2pair since they would just be giving me better odds to call if I had a draw. Then again I suppose this could be a good thing.

    I think you have to lead, but I don't think your favourite alot of the time if you get put all in by boonicon.

  • LnarinOOLnarinOO Member Posts: 545
    edited February 2012
    i dont know if it would be sick to c/raise this spot and make a semi range merge in the way of i know u dont get much worse to call but defo get better to fold..! 

    suppose it depends on pete852's action/bet.. but could see this foldin alot of better hands in boonicon range thats beats us.. say pete bets £40, called by boonicon, we jam ??? could also depend on pot odds for boonicon he may jus click call .. 
    if it did work pete may show up and get it in with worse alot
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited February 2012

    why did u 3bet pre? I think I would usually prefer to flat in that situation. If you do 3bet make it bigger

    I bet/call cos I think worse can call or raise and also Im an unimaginative sod with TPGK+OESD in a 3bet pot <100BB deep. Tough spot though

  • Poker_FailPoker_Fail Member Posts: 1,755
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    why did u 3bet pre? I think I would usually prefer to flat in that situation. If you do 3bet make it bigger I bet/call cos I think worse can call or raise and also Im an unimaginative sod with TPGK+OESD in a 3bet pot <100BB deep. Tough spot though
    Posted by grantorino
    Boon raising button there with any 2
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot : Boon raising button there with any 2
    Posted by Poker_Fail
    If boon is raising btn with a wide range and we 3 bet, which is fine I guess but I prefer to flat
    When boon flats our 3 bet, what are we thinking
    Is boon flatting with iso range, if so you gotta be good on flop

    If boon has a value hand here, then I guess your in bad shape

    But you gotta call it off f, b/c as whats said above boon is gonna play it hard and fast whatever the holding

  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited February 2012
    just because he raises btn with any 2 doesnt always mean you should 3bet pre

    3betting prob fine, but when you do it with KQ his calling range is much more important than his btn raising range. Flatting also may keep limpers in, and you dominate their ranges
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    Why 3 bet, is this for value versus boons perceived iso/calling range

    Are we happy boon has called and if so, flop is good for us

    Only holdings that give us action on flop are either ahead of us or worse such as draws
    If we check will boon fire bluffs and/or draws, likely I guess

    If we are 3 betting pre for value then surely we just b/c

    checking flop may be a viable option but you may end up just paying off

    good luck NL200 aye poker_fail - nice

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited February 2012
    In Response to Re: 200NL 3bet pot:
    rancid if u just flat boonicons raise tho your handing boonicon the initative in the hand and the lead in the hand and boonicon will fire all 3 streets and put poker _fail under maximum pressure i like the way fail has played it 
    Posted by IDONKCALLU
    This is fine if boon is raising btn w/ATC, we want boon to go aggro on us )
    If our hand is bigger lets say QQ, do we 3 bet pre in this spot
    Would we rarther 3 bet bluff solid with at least a reasonable holding rarther than 84o

    Also depends if boon is aware PF may 3 bet light and does PF know that boon know this !

    If we talking about no cards then we have to consider the meta between them, maybe there is none and if boon considers PF to be a random then PF needs to really consider boon's calling range here

    in my humble opinion :S

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