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this happens alot and is so annoying...



  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    It took me an hour-and-a-half to write all that and now you're giving some bloke called Boris all the credit! I'm not even a tory... ;) You've hit upon one of the big pitfalls of varying your raise size with position: Your opponents can misread it as being due to the strength of your hand. This can make it impossible to make reliable decisions through the streets since your perception of their reasoning has been off from the very start of the hand... The second major pitfall behind making bigger raises from early positions is that it inevitably means that when you play through later streets, you'll be playing big pots when you're in a poor position and smaller pots when you're in good position. That's absolutely the opposite to how we should be playing. It's much easier to play this game when we can see what our opponent does before we act. The idea of varying your raise size for position is a pretty common mistake that beginners make. It doesn't help that some more-experienced, but poor players also advocate it. Basically you're right to think that you should make the same raise regardless of your position. The thing that should change with position is the strength of the hands you play. For example: JT on the b!utton is a good hand to open the betting with. JT under the gun is a hand we should almost always be folding. (At a full-ring table - 9 or 10 handed - assuming we're playing a standard tight-aggressive range)
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Sorry fella like i say i appreciate everyones feed back and thanks for taking the time to reply :)
    Ive listened to everyones advide and tried to use it in my games but im still losing badly lol
    I probably sound like a moaning basterd (which i am haha) i know everyone loses and has bad streaks but mine at the moment is sick!! I dont think im doing much wrong tho? that might be the problem? im a begginer so im sticking mainly to the good hands (unless im bb, which i'll fold if raised and i have nothing) im folding 90% of the time i dont hit the flop! im getting hands like AA vs 99 rainbow flop of 249 being put all in and seeing they have a set of 9's! Had the dreaded AK in the bb which was 8p, got raised to 20p and i raised him all in which was £2 and he called with 33! obviously i didnt hit a A or K!

    I just feel whatever advice you all give me and i try to use i just keep coming up against players who like the gambling side of the game to much and will call your raise with any 2 cards! had A7 in the bb which i checked, flop come 723 raised all in which he called Q5, come on the turn haha asked him what he was doing and he said you never know whats coming do you!? how can you play that??

    Think because im playing begginer level size tournaments & cash games im playing theses kind of players but i cant step up to higher standard level because i'll get ownd! its catch 22 for me at the moment
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    thats a Queen come on the turn haha
  • BorinLonerBorinLoner Member Posts: 3,863
    edited March 2012
    Read "Harrington on Hold 'em" volumes 1 and 2, then start playing nine or ten-handed sit and gos for between £3 and £5 a time.

    You need to play hundreds of these, or thousands of cash hands, to establish whether you're a long-term winning or losing player though. Getting hung up on individual hands is going to make you feel like you can't win. Forget the few and look at the many.

    Harrington will give you a sound grounding to build your game on. We all begin somewhere and these books are a great place to start.
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    Read "Harrington on Hold 'em" volumes 1 and 2, then start playing nine or ten-handed sit and gos for between £3 and £5 a time. You need to play hundreds of these, or thousands of cash hands, to establish whether you're a long-term winning or losing player though. Getting hung up on individual hands is going to make you feel like you can't win. Forget the few and look at the many. Harrington will give you a sound grounding to build your game on. We all begin somewhere and these books are a great place to start.
    Posted by BorinLoner
    Again thanks for the advice, i'll check out Harrington and keep playing on! more you play the more you learn
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance CrazyLew Small blind   75.00 75.00 1240.00 ClintonH83 Big blind   150.00 225.00 1240.00   Your hole cards 9 7       waterbutt Fold         198400 Fold         Sabooo Fold         CrazyLew Raise   225.00 450.00 1015.00 ClintonH83 Call   150.00 600.00 1090.00 Flop     10 J 8       CrazyLew Bet   150.00 750.00 865.00 ClintonH83 Raise   1050.00 1800.00 40.00 CrazyLew All-in   865.00 2665.00 0.00 ClintonH83 Unmatched bet   35.00 2630.00 75.00 CrazyLew Show J A       ClintonH83 Show 9 7       Turn     8       River     8       CrazyLew Win Full House, 8s and Jacks 2630.00   2630.00
    Posted by ClintonH83
    HI Clinton

       IMO why call with 97o but after that its just unlucky. Probably fold BB was the play for me but once in i'd have done the same mate. Cheers
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance ClintonH83 Small blind   50.00 50.00 3791.00 moneyme Big blind   100.00 150.00 9448.00   Your hole cards K A       slowhors05 Raise   200.00 350.00 2670.00 lgd Fold         NoEa5yCa5h Call   200.00 550.00 1706.00 0805 Raise   500.00 1050.00 5090.00 ClintonH83 All-in   3791.00 4841.00 0.00 moneyme Fold         slowhors05 Fold         NoEa5yCa5h Fold         0805 Call   3341.00 8182.00 1749.00 ClintonH83 Show K A       0805 Show J J       Flop     7 2 3       Turn     8       River     Q       0805 Win Pair of Jacks 8182.00   9931.00
    Posted by ClintonH83
    Hi needfoe all=in bet why not reraise and see what comes from him or Turn. Seems a lot to bet when he may have set or flush draw. Cheers
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    Just had a quick read through this thread, and the 2 things which stood out for me were:

    1) Limping pre-flop. It's actually very, very rare that you should be limping in pre-flop, if ever. As BorinLoner said, limping only gives you one way to win the pot - by having the best hand. However, raising gives you 2 ways of winning the pot - By having the best hand, and by making everyone else fold.

    Tbh, I've probably open folded AA more times than I've limped into a pot on Sky Poker.

    2) Short stack play. This is massively important - You need to know what size stack means your only moves are all in or fold. As a general rule, when you have 10 big blinds or less (on Sky - If there's antes, this goes up slightly but there's no antes on Sky yet), the only 2 buttons that you have in front of you are "All in" or "Fold". Forget the call button, and no min raising, just put the lot in or throw your hand away. Doing anything else when you have a short stack is just bad play.

    10 Big Blinds is only a rough guideline, it's a good place to start though. There are a lot of other factors which should influence your decision whether to shove or fold (For example, Satellites and DYM's you might allow yourself to get blinded down to less big blinds as the prize for 1st and the lowest placed cash are the same).

    PS: BorinLoner has hit the nail on the head in pretty much every post on here - +1.
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    Just had a quick read through this thread, and the 2 things which stood out for me were: 1) Limping pre-flop. It's actually very, very rare that you should be limping in pre-flop, if ever. As BorinLoner said, limping only gives you one way to win the pot - by having the best hand. However, raising gives you 2 ways of winning the pot - By having the best hand, and by making everyone else fold. Tbh, I've probably open folded AA more times than I've limped into a pot on Sky Poker. 2) Short stack play. This is massively important - You need to know what size stack means your only moves are all in or fold. As a general rule, when you have 10 big blinds or less (on Sky - If there's antes, this goes up slightly but there's no antes on Sky yet), the only 2 buttons that you have in front of you are "All in" or "Fold". Forget the call button, and no min raising, just put the lot in or throw your hand away. Doing anything else when you have a short stack is just bad play. 10 Big Blinds is only a rough guideline, it's a good place to start though. There are a lot of other factors which should influence your decision whether to shove or fold (For example, Satellites and DYM's you might allow yourself to get blinded down to less big blinds as the prize for 1st and the lowest placed cash are the same). PS: BorinLoner has hit the nail on the head in pretty much every post on here - +1.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Mr EvilPingu, ive seen you quite alot on the Sky Poker channel so its a pleasure to have a post from you :)
    I'll be honest i do tend to limp alot unless i have 2 picture cards or a pocket pair. if i have a hand thats suited that i like, like J9, in position i couldnt seem to make myself raise it and id tend to just call the blind which i know is wrong and ive been working on that and it seems to be paying off :)

    The 10 bb when short stacked, obviously i'll push with any pair or 2 picture cards but what do i do if i dont get any? Just push with any 2 cards?
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying... : HI Clinton    IMO why call with 97o but after that its just unlucky. Probably fold BB was the play for me but once in i'd have done the same mate. Cheers
    Posted by profman15
    i didnt really wanna play the 9 7 but i seen he had a short stack like me but i was to scared to push with 9 7 so being the bb and it only being raised the blind i thought i'll see if i get lucky on the flop? if not fold! probably the wrong way to play it but hey im learning haha
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying... : Hi needfoe all=in bet why not reraise and see what comes from him or Turn. Seems a lot to bet when he may have set or flush draw. Cheers
    Posted by profman15
    This hand it had been raised to 200, then re raised to 500 so thought if im going to play it might as well be an all in? if they have AQ AJ they fold, if the have a pocket pair below Kings they'll fold? obviously they didnt and i never hit but that what my thinking on the hand
  • wayne1958wayne1958 Member Posts: 263
    edited March 2012
    why dont you tyr poker stars im told thay need players like
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited March 2012
    Can't win em all, fred is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong

    Play good hands
    raise & raise more bigggggggggggggggggger

    & win

    do nothing else

  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying... : Mr EvilPingu, ive seen you quite alot on the Sky Poker channel so its a pleasure to have a post from you :) I'll be honest i do tend to limp alot unless i have 2 picture cards or a pocket pair. if i have a hand thats suited that i like, like J9, in position i couldnt seem to make myself raise it and id tend to just call the blind which i know is wrong and ive been working on that and it seems to be paying off :) The 10 bb when short stacked, obviously i'll push with any pair or 2 picture cards but what do i do if i dont get any? Just push with any 2 cards?
    Posted by ClintonH83
    As you play more and learn more about the game, you'll find that it's better to be aggressive than to limp into pots. Watch one of the high stakes cash games running on here, £1.50/£3 or something like that, and tell me how many times you see someone limp into a pot.

    Re: 10bb - Having a hand obviously helps, but you're looking for situations as well - For example, if it's folded around to you in the small blind, and you have 7 big blinds, then the right move will often be to go all in with any two cards, as your opponent needs a hand to call, if he doesn't, you add 1.5bb to your stack and even if he does have a hand, you're probably still going to have 30-35% equity anyway.

    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    why dont you tyr poker stars im told thay need players like
    Posted by wayne1958
    Bit harsh, and out of order TBH.
  • mitchell89mitchell89 Member Posts: 14
    edited March 2012
    Sorry Borin! Haha I was tired!

    One of my main pitfalls is being blinded out, even if I'm an early chip leader I can't seem to capitalise on it. :-/

    ClintonH83 you do seem to be having a run of bad luck at the moment, but just remember that your always learning from it. Try to forget the negatives and even if you know you played the hand well but lost you can take comfort knowing it was just one of those things. (Remember if your 80%-20% pre flop their 2-8 is going to win 1/5th of the time)

    People who have checked their big blind could have any 2 cards. Don't forget also that just because someone has raised it doesnt always mean they've caught the flop, there could be some scare cards out there that they try to represent. Try a play early on, if it doesn't work then remember it for next time. It could turn in your favour if you've got AA and flop quads ;-). It's usually wise not to slow play your monsters that often as well, which i've noticed you haven't, you've just had idiots calling with anything haha. 

    Think about pot control too, if people are just flat calling your raises they could be trapping you and your just happily spewing your money into the pot.

    Position is key, maybe try raising in the hijack early on with suited connectors occasionally and vary your range. 

    Chances are if theres 4+ people in the pot they could all have each others Aces, Kings, Queens etc so 45c could work in your favour.

    Lots to think about, and BorinLoner and EvilPingu if you want to give some comments on my advice it would be greatly appreciated as I am still learning myself!
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying... : As you play more and learn more about the game, you'll find that it's better to be aggressive than to limp into pots. Watch one of the high stakes cash games running on here, £1.50/£3 or something like that, and tell me how many times you see someone limp into a pot. Re: 10bb - Having a hand obviously helps, but you're looking for situations as well - For example, if it's folded around to you in the small blind, and you have 7 big blinds, then the right move will often be to go all in with any two cards, as your opponent needs a hand to call, if he doesn't, you add 1.5bb to your stack and even if he does have a hand, you're probably still going to have 30-35% equity anyway. In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying... : Bit harsh, and out of order TBH.
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Thanks for the advice :) started being more agressive with good hands and in position and it working well, even just a min raise is getting people to fold. taking notice a lot more now of peoples stack sizes and pushing on them if there short stacked.

    All about playing and learning isnt it and not dwelling on the bad beats which im understanding more now.

    Again thanks for the advice :)

    Ps. me and Wayne have had some banter the last week but i think he's taken it to
  • profman15profman15 Member Posts: 1,808
    edited March 2012
    In Response to this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance SUPERK1NG Small blind   15.00 15.00 2760.00 ClintonH83 Big blind   30.00 45.00 1940.00   Your hole cards A K       walrusegg Call   30.00 75.00 1120.00 clenzac Call   30.00 105.00 1930.00 tillyseeed Fold         SUPERK1NG Call   15.00 120.00 2745.00 ClintonH83 Raise   180.00 300.00 1760.00 walrusegg Fold         clenzac Call   180.00 480.00 1750.00 SUPERK1NG Fold         Flop     8 2 5       ClintonH83 Bet   240.00 720.00 1520.00 clenzac All-in   1750.00 2470.00 0.00 ClintonH83 Call   1510.00 3980.00 10.00 ClintonH83 Show A K       clenzac Show J J       Turn     2       River     7       clenzac Win Two Pairs, Jacks and 2s 3980.00   3980.00
    Posted by ClintonH83
    Hi Clinton
    IMO.Yes a bit of a pain but you all-in his reraise at your own peril with Ace high, don't you. Did you really think you were ahead or just trying to push him off the pot? He could have had a small pair, couldn't he? Cheers
  • ClintonH83ClintonH83 Member Posts: 431
    edited March 2012
    In Response to Re: this happens alot and is so annoying...:
    In Response to this happens alot and is so annoying... : Hi Clinton IMO.Yes a bit of a pain but you all-in his reraise at your own peril with Ace high, don't you. Did you really think you were ahead or just trying to push him off the pot? He could have had a small pair, couldn't he? Cheers
    Posted by profman15
    I just thought with 2 raises if im playing it the best thing to do is go all in? I honeslty thought when he called he must have AA or KK? didnt expect JJ

    The original raiser folded and i still think JJ should of been folded so i think i played it right?
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