Won the 19:45 too. Must be my flukey night! Padzz77 13162.50 1 £32.90 So a profit of £27.40. I make that 498%, I think Posted by Padzz77
You're on fire, mate!
Huge profits and looking odds-on for a free shot at tomorrow night's 8pm Bounty Hunter too. Unless that is, someone spoils the party between now and midnight...
Thanks Waller and decent effort, Mike. 534% though is a big 'un! Meanwhile, I just got my third cash out fo 4 games tonight. IN the 9.20pm £5.50 game for an ROI of 114%. Mr Consistent this evening! Next up- the 10pm 60 minute epic! RICHORFORD 4725 23 £11.81 Posted by RICHORFORD
Cheers Rich,
You sure you havent bought in a ringer tonight? Something doesn't stack up your either setting some ridiculous site record or its a series of epic fails, "Mr Consistent" when it comes to cashing isnt usually a description of your poker style :-)
Well done mate. You'll be automatically entered into the lobby of tomorrow night's 8pm Bounty Hunter main event which we'll also be covering from 11pm on Sky Poker TV tomorrow.
Good luck in that and thanks to everyone who played and posted tonight.
Lol- cheers guys. Another entertaining week in the bag. And we have a new name on the honours list (funnily enough, I think only a couople of players have ever won this more than once): with an ROI of 534% it's Padzz77 Well done mate. You'll be automatically entered into the lobby of tomorrow night's 8pm Bounty Hunter main event which we'll also be covering from 11pm on Sky Poker TV tomorrow. Good luck in that and thanks to everyone who played and posted tonight. Same time, same place next week then? Posted by RICHORFORD
Brilliant prize Many thanks.
And thanks for running these timed tourney things. Enjoyed the special one yesterday too.
Another real fun night & congrats to Padzz77, who with a name like that should also play the lucky 7's as well tonight. Enjoy it Padz & good luck.
Just a quick one as well Rich, between the £3.30's at 19:05 & 21:55 there are 7 TT's 6 are £5,50's & 1 is £11. It might be nice if for the benefit of the lower bankroll players one of the £5.50's was made a £3.30
I am not sure of the numbers who played each but when the 19;05 got 90 runners & smashed the guarantee it might be an idea.
Thanks Rich, Another real fun night & congrats to Padzz77, who with a name like that should also play the lucky 7's as well tonight. Enjoy it Padz & good luck. Just a quick one as well Rich, between the £3.30's at 19:05 & 21:55 there are 7 TT's 6 are £5,50's & 1 is £11. It might be nice if for the benefit of the lower bankroll players one of the £5.50's was made a £3.30 I am not sure of the numbers who played each but when the 19;05 got 90 runners & smashed the guarantee it might be an idea. See ya next week Mike Posted by Woogie8688
Hi Mike, I'm sure the people who sort these things are monitoring the fields. I know for example, that the fact there's only one 60 minute tournament at present during that time is a seasonal thing, and that eveyrthing is subject to change according to supply and demand.
I'm sure the smashing of the £3.30 GTD will have been noted.
Won the 19:45 too. Must be my flukey night!
So a profit of £27.40.
I make that 498%, I think
5.50 buy in = 149% (i think)
Lost a 6k pot last hand when trying to improve my ROI, but i don't think it would have made any difference, tough score to beat tonight!
Last one for me tonight, had fun.
Gl all and wd to whoever wins.
Woogie8688 8987.50 £22.47
Woohoo! That's £5.01 profit!
ROI of 91%
Can't beat that!... well actually you can and have... but I'm happy enough.
Brilliant prize Many thanks.
And thanks for running these timed tourney things. Enjoyed the special one yesterday too.
My last one for the night, too late to count
Profit of £38.37
So 698%
Still nowhere near the site record, but close to my personal record
I'm sure the smashing of the £3.30 GTD will have been noted.