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MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level

Dudeskin8Dudeskin8 Member Posts: 6,228
edited April 2012 in The Poker Clinic
No reads on Mister_M, obvz Scotty has any 2 but can I continue here with large 3bet ?

Dudeskin8Small blind 10.0010.002075.00
MAGICM8Big blind 20.0030.001915.00
 Your hole cards
  • K
  • A
hoggystyleCall 20.0050.001790.00
scotty77Raise 80.00130.001890.00
Mister_MRaise 340.00470.002000.00


  • percival09percival09 Member Posts: 3,804
    edited April 2012
    meh, I muck cos I don't wanna flip for my tourney life this early - it's fold or 4b tho
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    flat or 4 bet
  • YOUNG_GUNYOUNG_GUN Member Posts: 8,948
    edited April 2012
    Prefer 4 bet/call , dont like flatting would prefer to fold  then flat
  • TalonTalon Member Posts: 1,621
    edited April 2012
      This is a very simple situation and as a result a very simple decision.

      Your options.

      Fold: Nothing wrong with folding here you only have a sb invested on level 1 in a pot where you are not totally sure of where you are. AK becomes a much more powerful hand later on in a tourny and is less powerful at this stage.

     Raise: Any raise here would commit you to the pot(you can not 4-bet fold here) because a raise would pretty much have half your stack in the middle. So any raise is an effective shove so you might as well shove if you are going to raise as this at least gives you increased fold equity. Downside to this is the fact that the best you can really hope for in a calling range to this would be a race because you are realistically not being called by worse here.

     Call:This has to be the worst possible thing in this situation with the original raiser still left to act so it doesnt even guarantee you to see a flop. Plus you will then be playing the flop out of position against an unknown 3-betting hand. So this option has to clearly be removed from the situation.

      So like i said nice and simple shove or fold.And an arguement can be made for both of these. It all depends on you and whether you wish to be put into a gamble situation at this stage of a tourny. But for me i would much rather crash out at this stage rather than rock myself for best part of 2 hours and still not get any money for it.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
      This is a very simple situation and as a result a very simple decision.   Your options.   Fold: Nothing wrong with folding here you only have a sb invested on level 1 in a pot where you are not totally sure of where you are. AK becomes a much more powerful hand later on in a tourny and is less powerful at this stage.  Raise: Any raise here would commit you to the pot(you can not 4-bet fold here) because a raise would pretty much have half your stack in the middle. So any raise is an effective shove so you might as well shove if you are going to raise as this at least gives you increased fold equity. Downside to this is the fact that the best you can really hope for in a calling range to this would be a race because you are realistically not being called by worse here.  Call:This has to be the worst possible thing in this situation with the original raiser still left to act so it doesnt even guarantee you to see a flop. Plus you will then be playing the flop out of position against an unknown 3-betting hand. So this option has to clearly be removed from the situation.   So like i said nice and simple shove or fold.And an arguement can be made for both of these. It all depends on you and whether you wish to be put into a gamble situation at this stage of a tourny. But for me i would much rather crash out at this stage rather than rock myself for best part of 2 hours and still not get any money for it.
    Posted by Talon
    but requires a giant wall of text to explain it, as per norm eh Col :)

    you could have just said.. fold or shipppppp

    fwiw, i fold if i care about the mtt, but if its one of many, i just ship every day of the week
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    This is funny - how is fold a better option than a flat

    4 bet if you wanna get in 50/50

    flat if your happy getting in on A & K flop and obviously play it cute and also if you don't wanna straight flip at this stage

    fold = why play poker

    shove = never getting called by worse

  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
    This is funny - how is fold a better option than a flat 4 bet if you wanna get in 50/50 flat if your happy getting in on A & K flop and obviously play it cute and also if you don't wanna straight flip at this stage fold = why play poker shove = never getting called by worse
    Posted by rancid
    reasons not to flat imo

    1. we are oop with a hand that loses its value if we hit and our opponants dont.
    2. we would be calling for 1/6 of our stack. if we are deeper, i dont mind a flat so much.
    3. a jam could get folds from some better hands. I also disagree you dont get called by worst. some ppl will call with AQ AJ, youve obv not played the same mtts i have.

    Im just allergic to playing inflated pots oop, maybe i need to learn, maybe i dont. w/e
  • grantorinograntorino Member Posts: 4,710
    edited April 2012
    Its prob a fold when some unknown guy 3bets 4.5x. I would get it in though. Dont like calling, we still valuetown ourselves v the hands we cant get it in against and only get 3 cards v pps and cant make them fold better, although thats unlikely with big 3bet
  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited April 2012
    You can flat but i dont like it as even if yiou hit you aint got a clue where you are out of posistion so its prob the wrong option. 4 bet shove is ok but so early in a tournament you can also justify the fold. This isn't a great spot and your only getting 25% increase to a stack that will be average in a level or so. Save these shoves for later level IMO
  • GlenelgGlenelg Member Posts: 6,628
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level : but requires a giant wall of text to explain it, as per norm eh Col :)you could have just said.. fold or shipppppp fwiw, i fold if i care about the mtt, but if its one of many, i just ship every day of the week
    Posted by GREGHOGG
    That's why I love replies like Colins/Borinloner's, and others.  They DON'T just say fold/shove.  They give the rationale behind the decision-making process for newbies like me.  FWIW I'd prob fold.
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level : That's why I love replies like Colins/Borinloner's, and others.  They DON'T just say fold/shove.  They give the rationale behind the decision-making process for newbies like me.  FWIW I'd prob fold.
    Posted by Glenelg
    Ye I love Colin;s posts, he knows im only messing, he is TKP!
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    flatting AK here is so easy to play oop )
    Really doesn't get any easier

    what are the benefits in folding though, don't understand the folding AK 6 max )

    Even if we say 3 bettors range can include AQ/AJ doesn't mean they going to be calling it off pre - but an ace high flop makes it impossible for them to get away )

    Greg - they really calling off 4 bet shoves with AQ/AJ this early - I don't think so

  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited April 2012

    Whats your plan if it come 4 6 T rainbow?? Check folding after sticking 20% + of you stack pre?

  • ybyb Member Posts: 1,471
    edited April 2012
    flatting is by far the worst option imo, depending on the buy in i think i could find a fold here, but in most tournies on sky i'm always getting this in 100bbs deep.

    the only positives i can find in flatting are:
    1. that we let AJ/AQ valuetown themselves on A high boards if we don't think these hands call a 4bet pre
    2. we keep bluffs in and allow them to rep A/K high boards and then we can just call down
    3. we lose less against AA/KK

    however i think 1 has to be discounted somewhat given that i don't think the people who 3bet this size with AJ/AQ are always folding to a 4bet and if you think 3 is important because the villain's range is weighted so heavily towards AA/KK then you should just be folding pre anyway.

    reasons why 4betting is better imo if we want to continue:
    1. even though stacks to pot ratio is small i still think playing the hand oop will be a considerable disadvantage
    2. we allow pairs <KK to play perfectly against us, so now we don't always stack them on A/K high flops, and we don't have fold equity against them on low boards when we could get folds preflop.
    3. we make a pair on the flop ~1/3 times (and less if villain also holds an ace or a king) so the amount of times that we get the villain to bluff into us/valuetown himself are outweighed by the times he can bluff us off a better hand
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    Youv'e all clearly been eating too much chocolate this weekend
  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
    Whats your plan if it come 4 6 T rainbow?? Check folding after sticking 20% + of you stack pre?
    Posted by Batkin88

    Just take the fold option then, easy fold init - no risk reward then

  • jugglegeekjugglegeek Member Posts: 623
    edited April 2012
    Where does this mantra of "don't take flips early" come from? I don't play many MTTs but when I have and I've done well it's usually been through getting lucky early on and doubling up, thus allowing me to keep pressure on the smaller stacks throughout the tournement. People say you can't win MTTs without winning your races. It's it better to take a flip in the early levels and get it over and done with. I mean isn't it better to crash out on level 1 than limp through the tourny card dead, stealing small pots only to bubble 3 hours later?
  • pod1pod1 Member Posts: 4,377
    edited April 2012
    jam, go get glass of wine, sit down and see if we are still in. (is this my cash mentality comming through)
  • Batkin88Batkin88 Member Posts: 1,682
    edited April 2012
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level:
    In Response to Re: MTT - AK facing raise and 3bet in SB 1st level : Just take the fold option then, easy fold init - no risk reward then
    Posted by rancid
    It's a waste of chips
  • PHILASRPHILASR Member Posts: 24
    edited April 2012
    you folding ak... never sounds like yr to scared to bet...
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