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£40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm £1,069.18)...FINISHED



  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012

    think of it this way dev i lost £86 profit playing the £11 so i dropped back down to the £5 ones and won it all back in a day so im breaking even i havnt got anywhere but gave it a go like you and it really wont take you long to get it back then you can have another bash, i lost £20 at the end of last night in an mtt on the bubble when i was chip leader for whole torny, it really annoyed me and put me on tilt a bit but today is a fresh new day and glad you slept well, and your positive thats half the battle. Now you and i can move on get on with the job and make it a good day :) You have still over double your br from starting this so all is good and were both gonna make a nice profit and cash 4 points isnt far off to bump it up even more. Also when i started on the £5dym i was losing a few at the start which hurt when i was on lower roll then suddenly it went the other way. GL buddy

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Pat,
    nice 2 see you are back playing again,
    hope things are starting to become back to normal again 4 you.
    yes,i had a bad night,but it,s only money,and money won at that,so it,s not all "doom & gloom".
    good luck yourself m8
    "keeeeep grinding".  lol

    hi Daz,
    cheers buddy,
    yes,i try and stay as positive as possible,most of the time it works,occasionally have the odd relapse.
    as i don,t drink(well occasionally),or smoke,i guess the odd gamble hear & there,s not going to kill me.!!!
    as you say "today,s another day"so let,s see what that brings.
    think we can say 4 sure...
    it won,t be £11 dym,s 4 me.   lol

    be lucky
  • GaryQQQGaryQQQ Member Posts: 6,804
    edited May 2012

    Unlucky Dev. A downswing was inevitable; your balance had been rocketing upwards at an unsustainable rate before yesterday. Variance was always going to catch up sooner or later, it's just unfortunate it happened when you reached the the £11 games.

    Despite that you're still on 2.5x your starting balance after only 4 weeks with a big chunk of C4P to follow, regardless of how you got there it's still an excellent start.

    Did you drop the £11 games as soon as your balance dropped below £220? You should have, if you didn't you've learned the hard way why you must have the discipline to stck to your BRM rules. They are just as important when your balance is falling as when it's rising.

    Your attitude is good and you'll bounce back. Based on results so far I'm very confident that you'll make the £1,000 target. It'll take a long time and there'll be many more downswings on the way, but if you can stay motivated and keep your focus you'll get there. Good luck.

  • BrrrrrrrBrrrrrrr Member Posts: 4,258
    edited May 2012
    Sorry to see your downswing, but you got to that level pretty quickly so I'm sure you'll regroup and build it back up. Am impressed by the volume of games you play and the C4P you manage to rack up - good luck with it all!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks Gary,
    yes m8 i should have stopped after i lost the 1st £11 game,as u say lesson learnt 4 nxt time.
    as i haven,t been there b4 i simply thought i would win the nxt game....wrong.
    hind-sight is a wonderful thing.
    to be fair according to my original plan,i did say i would be moving UP a level on a specific number,
    which i did here when i hit £220.what i will now have to introduce is a move back down number also,
    which will stop this happening i don,t think it,s possible to have the same number for both...
    i will have to re-think my plan totally.
    thanks again mate 4 your input & support,

    hi Brrrrrrr,
    thanks mate,
    i,m down atm but far from beaten.
    if anything this will make me even more determined than ever to succeed.
    cheers buddy,

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    DAY  25
           w  1  +£4.50
            l  0  -£0.00
           w 5  +£13.50
            l  1  -£3.30
           w  3  +£5.25
            l  1  -£2.25

    won £17.70

    b/roll  £117.86 (+£77.15)

    c4p   35
    total  2797=£33.56 to come.

    deffo not in the mood today,after y,day.
    but still made some effort.
    got very lucky to win £5 game,but after y,day...i,ll take it.

    nice to be back on familiar ground. lol
    nite all,
    (*  *)
  • VespaPXVespaPX Member Posts: 12,533
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £100.16)aaaaaaagh:
    DAY  25 £5.50        w  1  +£4.50         l  0  -£0.00               --------               +£4.50 £3.30        w 5  +£13.50         l  1  -£3.30              ---------              +£10.20 £2.25        w  3  +£5.25         l  1  -£2.25               --------               +£3.00 won £17.70 b/roll  £117.86 (+£77.15) c4p   35 total  2797=£33.56 to come. deffo not in the mood today,after y,day. but still made some effort. got very lucky to win £5 game,but after y,day...i,ll take it. nice to be back on familiar ground. lol nite all, (*  *)    "    ^ dev      
    Posted by devonfish5
    Thats more like the Dev we know ! :-)
  • uncle0nionuncle0nion Member Posts: 75
    edited May 2012
    Good discipline today :) , have been following your post with interest, as I'm sure its something we all would want to do - must say it took me 2 years of grinding to build a BR to hit the £11 DYMS and even now I couldn't risk doing them exclusively.

    Couple of points I wanted to endorse/questions to ask:

    Johns 'book a win' quote - priceless - suppose its tilt by another name, but have been there so many times, just seeing that in writing has made me think about when I need to take a breather, cheers John!

    I started at 30p DYMs and set myself some pretty tight ceilings over the lasy 2.5 years before going up a level, and always sticking to them!  My initial £5 deposit seen me allright though, 5,500 games later!!  Know my uber tight BR management probably ridiculous, but is there a definitive set of levels/ceilings for DYMS?  I'll share mine at some point if anyone is interested :)

    Finally, on a few threads I see people referred to as regs - what do you have to do to be classfied as one of these?  Be in profit?  Play x amount of tables?  Have a certain shark scope rating?

  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £100.16)aaaaaaagh:
    DAY  25 £5.50        w  1  +£4.50         l  0  -£0.00               --------               +£4.50 £3.30        w 5  +£13.50         l  1  -£3.30              ---------              +£10.20 £2.25        w  3  +£5.25         l  1  -£2.25               --------               +£3.00 won £17.70 b/roll  £117.86 (+£77.15) c4p   35 total  2797=£33.56 to come. deffo not in the mood today,after y,day. but still made some effort. got very lucky to win £5 game,but after y,day...i,ll take it. nice to be back on familiar ground. lol nite all, (*  *)    "    ^ dev      
    Posted by devonfish5
    Well done m8 
    So glad you got straight back on the horse & proved to yourself that you can still do it.
    So many people are willing you to do well so a lot of people will be a lot happier after this post. :)


  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £100.16)aaaaaaagh:
    Hey dev, Just wanted to reiterate (as forgot earlier) that you haven't let anyone down mate not at all. We're just here to support you on this great journey that you're letting us be part of. I think we all admire your refreshing attitude towards the game.   Anyway, thought this hand might lift your spirits a bit mate. In the hand I have the original raiser down as very weak and the callers the same. Of course, if I know just how weak they are, I never make this move as the outcome is pretty frightful to say the least. Oh, by the way, have a guess what stakes this is. Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance JohnConnor Small blind   25.00 25.00 1850.00 Player 5  Big blind   50.00 75.00 2720.00   Your hole cards Q A       Player 1  Raise   150.00 225.00 1575.00 Player 2 Call   150.00 375.00 1585.00 Player 3  Call   150.00 525.00 1385.00 Player 4 Fold         JohnConnor All-in   1850.00 2375.00 0.00 Player 5  Fold         Player 1 All-in   1575.00 3950.00 0.00 Player 2  All-in   1585.00 5535.00 0.00 Player 3 All-in   1385.00 6920.00 0.00 JohnConnor Unmatched bet   140.00 6780.00 140.00 JohnConnor Show Q A       Player 1 Show 10 10       Player 2 Show A J       Player 3 Show K J       Flop     A 6 A       Turn     3       River     6       JohnConnor Win Full House, Aces and 6s 3390.00   3530.00 Player 2 Win Full House, Aces and 6s 3390.00   3390.00
    Posted by JohnConnor
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    HI MICK,
    cheers m8,
    bit better nite,maybe i should just stay here at this level and simply play even more tables?
    starting to feel more comfortable now playing 10/11 atm.

    hi uncleonion,
    thanks for posting m8.
    looks as though you are doing well yourself,anyone playing dym,s £5 and over and grinding out a profit
    should be congratulated....well done.
    i would normally only move up a level myself with a minimum 100 buy-ins.
    as this is simply "a challege" that rule has been thrown out the window.  lol
    yes,i messed up big time y,day,don,t think i will make the same mistake twice.
    (but you never can tell 4 sure....hopefully i won,t.)
    maybe even 100 is on the tight side imo as each game lost is 1%
    as i,m sure you well know,losing 10 buy-ins or more in 1 session is easily possible,
    so that,s up to 10% of your roll.
    maybe even 200 buy-ins would be preferable?
    it is so tempting though to creep up a level,but as i found out y,day...
    but as it was only down to playing in  this challenge,no real harm has been done.
    if i was playing properly;ie,simply trying to build my b/roll, last night would simply never have happened.

    i,m not to sure the exact definition of what a reg is,
    perphaps someone else might know and be able to tell us.
    mine would be;a player who
    a/ playes almost every day at the same level/levels.
    b/ a known multi-table player.
    c/ a dificult accomplished opponent who i would if possible try and avoid.

    good luck & best wishes,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks again Mike,
    very much appreciated.
    yes,funny old day today really...
    i did have 10/15 minutes early this morning when it simply "hit me"
    so i felt better after that.
    tonight was such an effort but i wanted to do it...
    if only to put y,day to bed.
    feeling much more like my "old self"now.
    hope you are good yourself m8.
    i,m sure you & i can get "something going" once this mission is done & dusted.!!!
    if u r still up 4 it.
    don,t think we.ll make it something like "best of 1001 dym,s " though.   lol
    chat soon buddy,
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    i,m not to sure the exact definition of what a reg is, perphaps someone else might know and be able to tell us. mine would be;a player who a/ playes almost every day at the same level/levels. b/ a known multi-table player. c/ a dificult accomplished opponent who i would if possible try and avoid. good luck & best wishes, :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    I define "Reg" as simply being short for regular. Regs don't necessarily have to be good, although generally they will be multitabling. There's a couple of well-known regs (Names removed for obvious reasons) who I'd happily sit with every day of the week and twice on Sundays. 
    UsernameGames PlayedAv. ProfitAv. StakeAv. ROITotal ProfitFormAbility /100NetworkFilter
    Player 1      7,261-$7  $51  -11%-$50,604  -69SkyPokerSNG Only 
    Player 23,789-$17  $80  -19%-$65,182  Hot71SkyPokerSNG Onlyx
    Just because these people aren't winning players doesn't mean they're not regulars. I'd consider both of these to be regs just because of the number of DYMs they play, but I wouldn't consider them to be particularly great players :)
  • GELDYGELDY Member Posts: 5,203
    edited May 2012
    but we regs are not all that bad are we?
    that isn't a random sample is it pingu?
    regs play a lot, but don't neccessarily have a profit motive.
    well done today Dev - very impressed.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £117.86):
    but we regs are not all that bad are we? that isn't a random sample is it pingu? regs play a lot, but don't neccessarily have a profit motive. well done today Dev - very impressed.
    Posted by GELDY
    Most aren't :P 

    The point you made is the one that I was also trying to make - You don't have to be a winning player to be a reg.

    In DYMs, there's winning regs and losing regs, regs that break even and make money through C4P, and regs that don't care whether they win or lose, as long as they have fun. Some are good players, some are bad players. The only thing they have in common is that they play a lot.

  • DazlerDazler Member Posts: 3,970
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £117.86):
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £117.86) : I define "Reg" as simply being short for regular. Regs don't necessarily have to be good, although generally they will be multitabling. There's a couple of well-known regs (Names removed for obvious reasons) who I'd happily sit with every day of the week and twice on Sundays.  Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter Player 1       7,261 -$7   $51   -11% -$50,604   - 69 SkyPoker SNG Only   Player 2 3,789 -$17   $80   -19% -$65,182   Hot 71 SkyPoker SNG Only x Just because these people aren't winning players doesn't mean they're not regulars. I'd consider both of these to be regs just because of the number of DYMs they play, but I wouldn't consider them to be particularly great players :)
    Posted by EvilPingu
    wow please pm me who they are lol :)

    makes it even more funny that it says 'hot' next to the amount they have lost. You could by a half a house with that.

    I see a lot of bad regular players, what i would call a reg is someone i know from the forums or i see at the tables on a daily basis, agree there are regs that are bad but i dont use the term for them just people i know.
  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012
    Well done Dev,

    Nice to see yesterday was just a blip along the way to completing your challenege.Hope I didn't steer you wrong when saying dyms where easier on the weekends.They are, but when not running well AA don't hold up even when 3x raising to the mighty hand of 57 off suit.Not complaining love people calling with them hands but when on a downswing they always seem to hit.Ahhh feels better got that hand off my chest.Still doing ok.After last week slowly coming back to some sort of normality.Thanks for asking.While im here just wondering reaching 1000 points for the month but not showing £10.Is it £10 for 1000c4ps.

    Run well pal

  • day4eire76day4eire76 Member Posts: 912
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £117.86):
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £117.86) : I define "Reg" as simply being short for regular. Regs don't necessarily have to be good, although generally they will be multitabling. There's a couple of well-known regs (Names removed for obvious reasons) who I'd happily sit with every day of the week and twice on Sundays.  Username Games Played Av. Profit Av. Stake Av. ROI Total Profit Form Ability /100 Network Filter Player 1       7,261 -$7   $51   -11% -$50,604   - 69 SkyPoker SNG Only   Player 2 3,789 -$17   $80   -19% -$65,182   Hot 71 SkyPoker SNG Only x Just because these people aren't winning players doesn't mean they're not regulars. I'd consider both of these to be regs just because of the number of DYMs they play, but I wouldn't consider them to be particularly great players :)
    Posted by EvilPingu
    Thanks pal makes me feel alot better losing a few pounds

  • OTW04OTW04 Member Posts: 65
    edited May 2012
    Gd recovery yesterday dev it a start.

    Just like to say been in a dym tonight and notice tactics from 2 players, must be mates
    what happend was player B kept calling to player A then at river he fold happend hand full of times. p.s player b
    was chip leader hmmm....  if u guys see that happen their likely to be buddys helping one an other.

    still cashed but not the point!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited May 2012
    thanks 4 that Evil,
    they deffo were not on my £11 tables the other
    gl m8,

    thank you GELDY,
    and also for your very nice earlier post,
    much appreciated,

    morning Daz,
    pretty much the same as my definition then m8,

    hi Pat,
    yes m8, 1000 pts =£10
    gl m8

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