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£40 to £1040 dev's DYM grind..(b/roll atm £1,069.18)...FINISHED



  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £108.31):
    hi jingle, gl m8, 30k...that,s a big number. i take it u have now increased no. of tables u r playing? up 2 18 yet? i,m just about coping with 12 atm. what do u think about my percentages; £1.15   60.5% £2.25   59.9% £3.30   56.9% £5.50  57.4% do u think over the number of games i,ve played that they are about what you would expect? any thought,s appreciated. i,m thinking that over a larger number of games played,the % would be more likely to drop rather than improve,any thoughts on that please. ty :-) dev
    Posted by devonfish5

    Wow, your £5 results are v.good - any profit is great once you increase your volume and get those C4P's!

    Yeah, 20k is prob more likely for me but I will see how many I can get.

  • OopnorthOopnorth Member Posts: 157
    edited June 2012
    Getting back on track  mate and when the c4p is paid that will be a masive boost, just keep going and leave those 11 dyms for now eh.
    As for England Belgium if its anything like last Saturday, you may as well grind your games, I am sure the 90 secs of action wont affect your gameplay too much.
    But lets hope I am wrong, though I would rather the action happened when it mattered rather than a friendly.
    Gl to you Dev, the recovery is coming along nicely.
  • uncle0nionuncle0nion Member Posts: 75
    edited June 2012
    hey dev, I noticed your last few updates show a drop in volume of games.

    Wondered if you find that if you focus on individual games, and identify the subtle nuances of the players at the table, and the table dynamics etc Is there a more likely winning strategy than multi tabling and making more ABC decisions?

    I rarely if ever play more than 1 or 2 tables at a time, and certainly don't put the volume of games in that other DYM regs do (i've decided to class myself as a reg based on pingus earlier definition), but is there any evidence out there of any DYM specialists focusing on quality rather than quantity?
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    hi jingle,
    yes,pretty much what i thought m8,
    gl with c4p

    hi oop
    cheers m8,
    yes can,t say i,m in much of a hurry getting back to those £11,s.
    c4p is in sight now,counting down the days.
    still think it abit unfair that we have to wait so long to get ours,
    will deffo help won,t it.
    enjoy the euro,s m8,....
    come on England,we can do it.

    hi uncleonion,
    yes m8 u could be right,
    i still had 8 tables going this morning,with the 10am freeroll added on.
    i think it could help playing less tables as u say,
    but i think it more likely that i just got off 2 a good start and i was more than happy to stop playing and take the win,a tactic that as i,ve previously said,i will now be introducing as this challenge goes forwards.
    had i lost say 3or 4 of those 7 games played i would have carried on with the session,
    until i was either back level or showing a smaller profit.
    deffo something 4 me to look out for though.
    i,m sure each player has there own individual way of approaching things,
    as to myself,atm it,s all about quantity.
    playing at the lower levels as i am i think quantity is ok,as any mistakes i make,
    which i,m sure there are a fair number,doesn,t cost me to dearly.
    i think it quite likely that if/when i move up a level or two,that the number of tables i play will drop down,
    especially after what happened previously @£11.

    if/when i play cash,i have found that playing 6 tables to be my optimum number.
    so i,m sure i must have one for playing dym,s too.
    haven,t  figured out exactly that number yet,but i,m sure in time...i,ll find one.!!! lol
    gl m8,

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  33

           w  0  £0.00
           l   1 -£5.50
           w  3  +£8.10
            l  1  -£3.30
           w  22  +£38.50
            l  13  -£29.25

    won £8.55

    b/roll  £133.26 (+£92.55) 
             (+£50.50 c4p to come)

    c4p   122
    total  184 
    another win so got 2b happy.
    played quite well i think.
    nice i,m back on track.
    (*  *)
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  34

           w  0  +£0.00
            l  1  -£5.50
           w  0  +£0.00
            l  1  -£3.30
           w  12  +£21.00
            l  6    -£13.50

    lost  £1.30

    b/roll  £131.96 (+£91.25)

    c4p  62
    total 246  £50.50 c4p to come

    bad start losing £5.50, trip 9,s to trip 10,s on bubble.
    and £3.30 also on bubble.

    kept my discipline and managed to grind most of it back.
    didn,t fall into the same trap as last time...chasing,so happy with that.
    back laters,

  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited June 2012
    Hi Dev,  

    Good for you m8 and dont forget its Sunday so I reckon a break even day today will be a great result.

    Have a good 1 dev,

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    thanks Mike,
    yes m8,sunday again...
    so will deffo being carefull.
    be lucky,
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  34

    part 2...

           w  12  +£21.00
            l   5   -£11.25
           w  10  +£8.50
            l   5   -£5.75

    won  £12.50  +£0.65 freeroll

    won  £13.15

    b/roll  £146.41  (+£105.70)

    c4p   77
    total  323  (+£50.50 c4p to come)

    rolling along nicely atm.
    playing slightly under target levels,but as i,m winning,quite happy playing there.
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  35

           w  19  +£33.25
            l   22  -£49.50
           w  19  +£16.25
            l   15  -£17.25

    lost  £17.30  (5p adrift)

    b/roll   £129.11  (+£88.40)

    c4p   190
    total  513 = £4.10  (£50.50 c4p to come)

    1st loss 4 a while,so can,t complain.
    glad i was only playing £1 & £2 tables,as would have been alot worse.
    ran terrible,but it happens from time 2 time.
    back laters
  • Woogie8688Woogie8688 Member Posts: 811
    edited June 2012
    Its monday today m8 so am sure you will be fine & pull it back laters :-)

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    thanks Mike,
    think earlier today was just about the worst run i,ve had,apart from that nite we don,t mention

    DAY  35

           w  3   +£13.50
            l  2    -£11.00
           w  3  +£8.10
            l  2   -£6.60
           w  8  +£14.00
               4  -£9.00
           w  7  +£5.95
            l  4  -£4.60

    won  £10.35

    b/roll  £139.46 (+£98.75)

    +£50.50 c4p to come

    c4p   98
    total  611 =£4.89

    better nite,
    got some back from earlier today.
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited June 2012

    Bouncebackability. ;-)
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited June 2012

    FINALLY got a 2nd monitor - gonna try a little 18 tabling now, c how it goes.
  • EvilPinguEvilPingu Member Posts: 3,462
    edited June 2012
    In Response to Re: £40 to £1000 dev,s DYM...MISSION IMPOSSIBLE (b/roll atm £108.31):
    DAY  32 £3.30        w  4  +£10.80         l  1  -£3.30                 -------                +£7.50 £2.25        w  5  +£8.75         l  3  -£6.75                 --------                +£2.00 won £9.50 b/roll  £117.81 (+£77.10) c4p  39 (+£50.50 to come) "booked the win" took the small risk of playing £3 games going to start off this month taking any win by stopping session early. it will mean less c4p but by trying to ensure a winning session as often as possible,this should more than compensate c4p,i think. it will also ensure i don,t "burn out" and keep me progressing forwards. (*  *)    "    ^ dev
    Posted by devonfish5
    Booking a winning session is a bad idea. Generally, it's something that Poker Players do when they're low on confidence.

    Most of the time when we're winning money, it's because we're playing well. Booking a winning session means that when we're playing our A-game, and therefore, playing most profitably, we're ending our session early to book a profit. It also means when we're playing our worst, we're losing money, but want to book a winning session and try to win back the money we lose, so we play more when we're playing at our worst, and playing less when we're playing at our best, which doesn't make much sense.

    If you're worried about getting burnt out, it would probably be a better idea to limit the amount of time that you play each day, or the amount of DYMs that you play, and only play longer than that if you're playing your A-game, running good, and really want to continue playing. Stopping when you've made a couple of quid is generally a bad idea for the reason in bold above.

    Just my £0.02 :) Good luck.

    EDIT: For some reason, there wasn't a Page 17 when I started writing that, how strange, lol.
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited June 2012

    Well that was mind-boggling and I ran like poo - think 15 will be my limit!
  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    hi jingles,
    nice u finally got your 2nd monitor m8.
    not so nice you lost.
    i had the same thing when i got my i7,started 2 play more tables than i could handle
    and had a bad losing session.
    think i went from 6/8 tables to 13/14 at one point,so u r not alone.
    so i went back nxt sessiom to playing 8/9 and was back in my comfort zone again.
    as i,ve already mentioned b4,i have found it a challenge moving up past 9/10
    just about playing 12 atm,but still making mistakes,but not as many.
    think 9 is my optimum number atm.
    my advice jingle...go back to where u were b4 and then add 1 table until that feels the same,then add another.
    it,s so tempting to add 2 or 3 at once isn,t it,?or more.
    back 2 basics m8 and you,ll be fine.
    best wishes,

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    hi Evil,
    thanks for your post m8,
    it all makes sense when it is written down in black & white,doesn,t it.
    where 2 begin,with my reply?
    firstly,i,ve only "booked the win" a handfull of times i think,once was after my £11 losing night,i think,
    which was understandable.i certainly didn't want another losing session.
    also i only started doing this once i moved up levels,probably as a self-defence mechanism,
    as i was A,playing at levels i,ve never played at b4,
    and B,making a bigger profit in a much shorter amount of time,therefore,happy stopping and taking the win.
    you are completely right,i should be playing longer when winning,and it will be something i intend to work on,
    but,again...i am fighting against all my natural instincts,which are to take the money and ensure the win.
    as i mentioned in my very 1st post,i think this will be a battle of the mind as much as anything.
    as for "burn out"
    yes,it is something that i need to be aware of,as i have increased the hours i play immeasurably
    since this challenge started,but i don,t think there will be a problem,but i,m simply being cautious.

    thanks again Evil for all your input and good advice;
    just hope i am able to "carry it out".
    please forgive me if i don,t fully.
    (*  *)

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  36

            w  12  +£32.40
             l    7  -£23.10
            w  11  +£19.25
             l  16  -£36.00

    lost  £7.45

    b/roll  £132.01  (+£91.30)

    c4p   138
    total  749 =£5.99

    (+£50.50 c4p to come)

    not happy losing but played ok...ish.
    still no real damage done

  • devonfish5devonfish5 Member Posts: 4,291
    edited June 2012
    DAY  37

    received may c4p £50.50

    BANKROLL  £182.51 (+£141.80)


    (*  *)

    back laters;
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