You get 5 free searches a day (if you aint a member). I use it sometimes but because I'm not a member, I can only search people's lifetime stats at SnGs or MTTs. You need to be a member to put filters on and search for specific games like DYMs and see how they've done in the last however many games.
Yeah, alot of people on the site use it. You get 5 free searches a day (if you aint a member). I use it sometimes but because I'm not a member, I can only search people's lifetime stats at SnGs or MTTs. You need to be a member to put filters on and search for specific games like DYMs and see how they've done in the last however many games. Posted by Lambert180
Hi mate,
even as a non-subscriber to sharkscope am sure you can still access information on the last 8 games any player has played (Game type & how they did )
Woops, just used my 5 searches in about 1 minute ahah. Seems like a pretty good tool, I'm not buying any searches though because I'll just waste them on every player I come across :P
You can have a break in the sense that you can do level 1, 2 and 3, then play an MTT, play some cash whatever, then carry on from level 4. You just gotta get the DYMs in the corect order without losing 1
You get 5 free searches a day (if you aint a member). I use it sometimes but because I'm not a member, I can only search people's lifetime stats at SnGs or MTTs. You need to be a member to put filters on and search for specific games like DYMs and see how they've done in the last however many games.
Regged for my 60p
As he can't post on the forum anymore, he will be emailing me with his progress and I'll stick it up here for him
Good luck Spag Bol
Just starting level 2 again ;-)
Will be very interesting to see how this goes.
does it matter if its reg or turbo?
and also can put my name down for th challenge please.
Tempted to try Omaha and i suck at it.