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NL200 - Not a scooby where I am



  • KAM99KAM99 Member Posts: 773
    edited May 2012

    I actually didn't post on this hand before the results but my opinion was it might have been AK rather than anything else to flat twice. Mainly as no issue with flatting the 3bet with postion on you and then when the 5bet comes with the others bloating the pot he is getting 3:1 to make the call, and while he won't be loving his AK I would think at this point its reasonable pot odds to see the flop I guess and hope to hit it strong, and pray you're on the lower end of a 5bet range (IE the QQ you were on). Only downside is with AK you really want to see all 5 cards, but being this deep its not really something he wanted to shove either. Kind of toughish spot, as not going to get much extra value if ace hits and you are QQ-KK.

    Not sure this happens without you both being 200bbs deep. Though have to ask why you checked the flop? Did you put him on KK or AA and trapping? Guess thats possible, but just would be surprised to see him turn up with AA or KK, maybe JJ-QQ, but not really higher with 2 flats. Just surprised you 5bet and then don't continue on the flop. Either you're beat or your not, but think at that pont I'd want to find out rather than give him a free card or a free shot to fold me out of it.

    Thats my thoughts, but then thats me, and opinions are what we all have rightly or wrongly. hehe

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2012
    looking back AA/KK/AK - think you can b/f this spot given that oppo is unlikely to make a play w/AK as it's going to showdown

    even though b/f £70- is still feels so yucky
  • LOL_RAISELOL_RAISE Member Posts: 2,188
    edited May 2012
    problem with b/fing is if villain is slowplaying k/aa why on earth would he shove the dryest flop ever
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,818
    edited May 2012

    Tommy i know im nowhere near as expeianced or have the reads as many people in hear and i also said earlier im a fish in compariasson. But i think KAM makes a strong point does AA/KK make up enough of his range. As youve said ur ptetty pot stuck and youve basically turned your hand face up, so therefore why would AA/KK not want to get it in pre imo.

    Flatting once to avoid turning their own cards face up maybe, but to flat twice i rekon is a little too much. Just my two pennies.

    As youve said the old you gets this in, and thats maybe where my inexperiance lets me down. Obviously we have just one pair. But on the flop we have a strong betting lead, surley AA/KK is within your range as well. Once we check flop we can surley only have QQ/AK maybe KK once we check turn we then can only have QQ. I dont think we're 5 betting Tens and we're defo betting turn with KK/AK i think (i might be wrong). Therefore imo if we bet the flop we're incresing our range that we can hold. Obviously jacks do make up a percentage of their range but we're worrying about 3 hands when i think 5 or 6 hands are in our opponents range.

    I think giving up the betting lead is a mistake.

  • rancidrancid Member Posts: 5,947
    edited May 2012
    In Response to Re: NL200 - Not a scooby where I am:
    problem with b/fing is if villain is slowplaying k/aa why on earth would he shove the dryest flop ever
    Posted by LOL_RAISE
    true, but if we decide we going to stack off if we check or bet then which option is best
    don't think we can get away from hand :S
    think there are pro & cons to either check or bet in this situation
    don't think either is bad or good :S

    think I just prefer a bet as yeah it does fold out worse but as there is a less likely chance oppo makes a play with worse as it's going to showdown I feel the take down of pot is better than the possibility of getting outdrawn

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