I don't follow any religion, I believe in God though. Religion has almost twisted what God is about, I think it's just a source to control people but I don't want to go into that now. I believe spirit and science work perfectly in hand and I've watched so many videos now which explain this (type spirit science into youtube if you wanna watch some). Science is great, as is sacred geometry though (the maths of the world), and I don't think science has all the answers, but that's where spirit comes in. Science still has unanswered questions about evolution, which is why I can't believe in it fully. There definitely has to be something else. And when I say, 'God', I don't mean it in the christian sense, this big guy sat on the clouds with a white beard looking down on us, I see God as an 'energy', a 'power', who helps and guides people. I believe people are on a spiritual path and us on earth is just one part of it, we'll move on. For exmaple, I'm not scared of death anymore. I used to be, but then I thought why? It happens to everybody so what's the point in fearing it? I believe everything happens for a reason and living in the present is essential. As humans, we think we're so intelligent and that we know everything. But we don't, at all. Look what we're discovering each century. In the 20th century scientists found this whole new civilisation from thousands of years ago, who were already pretty advanced. Also, like the mayans, how did these people so correctly predict what's going to happen in the world THOUSANDS of years ago? It's crazy! look into it if you have the time. Posted by percival09
I have a passing interest in science. Whilst science reveals more and more about the world and the Universe we live in there are some things which are both indisputable and strange. The majority of leading cosmologists are religious to one degree or another and even those who are not admit there is very good evidence for a creator of everything.
The goldilocks effect is often used to describe the world we live in. Everything from the distance from the Sun to the balance of gasses in the atmosphere have to be just right for life as we know it to exist on earth. With a different balance life could exist elswhere and this is often usedas an argument against the goldilocks effect.
However what cannot be disputed (so far) is that there is a much grander goldilocks effect when it comes to the creation of the Universe. The balance (or more accurately imbalance) of elementary particles immediately after the big bang had to be just right to allow the universe to form. Any deviation from that would have resulted in nothing rather than something.
Was that the hand of God or the most outrageous good fortune?
As far as poker goes - the power of one's mind has the abilty to work wonders and make losers into winners. Maxally won the DTD last night ........ I rest my case. )
I don't follow any religion, I believe in God though. Religion has almost twisted what God is about, I think it's just a source to control people but I don't want to go into that now. I believe spirit and science work perfectly in hand and I've watched so many videos now which explain this (type spirit science into youtube if you wanna watch some). Science is great, as is sacred geometry though (the maths of the world), and I don't think science has all the answers, but that's where spirit comes in. Science still has unanswered questions about evolution, which is why I can't believe in it fully. There definitely has to be something else. And when I say, 'God', I don't mean it in the christian sense, this big guy sat on the clouds with a white beard looking down on us, I see God as an 'energy', a 'power', who helps and guides people. I believe people are on a spiritual path and us on earth is just one part of it, we'll move on. For exmaple, I'm not scared of death anymore. I used to be, but then I thought why? It happens to everybody so what's the point in fearing it? I believe everything happens for a reason and living in the present is essential. As humans, we think we're so intelligent and that we know everything. But we don't, at all. Look what we're discovering each century. In the 20th century scientists found this whole new civilisation from thousands of years ago, who were already pretty advanced. Also, like the mayans, how did these people so correctly predict what's going to happen in the world THOUSANDS of years ago? It's crazy! look into it if you have the time. Posted by percival09
I am really concerned about the "gaps" in evidence in evolution you are suggesting, let me tell you evolution is a proven fact all of the evidence is there, how can you not believe in it, there are many mysteries in the Hom-o-sapiens and our earlier ancestors life span on earth and exactly how we came to be but evolution is loud and clear and ever present. Also remember how small or almost ZERO significance we are, the earth is ~4.5 billion years old, and hom-o_sapiens have only been here for a mere 200 thousand years! that's how small we are!
I am not sure with this spirituality lark, philosophy and science go hand to hand, but philosophy should not be confused with spirituality.
I have a passing interest in science. Whilst science reveals more and more about the world and the Universe we live in there are some things which are both indisputable and strange. The majority of leading cosmologists are religious to one degree or another and even those who are not admit there is very good evidence for a creator of everything. The goldilocks effect is often used to describe the world we live in. Everything from the distance from the Sun to the balance of gasses in the atmosphere have to be just right for life as we know it to exist on earth. With a different balance life could exist elswhere and this is often usedas an argument against the goldilocks effect. However what cannot be disputed (so far) is that there is a much grander goldilocks effect when it comes to the creation of the Universe. The balance (or more accurately imbalance) of elementary particles immediately after the big bang had to be just right to allow the universe to form. Any deviation from that would have resulted in nothing rather than something. Was that the hand of God or the most outrageous good fortune? As far as poker goes - the power of one's mind has the abilty to work wonders and make losers into winners. Maxally won the DTD last night ........ I rest my case. ) Posted by elsadog
No scientist will use the word "creation" in any of their scientific discoveries, or perhaps their vocab.
Oh and ref top bold bit, NAME me one scientist that this refers to!! and that is not an american theist.
I think it started with the face book poker bacteria who turned in to Fish, then we had the dinosours like doyal brunson and tk they died out a long time ago and the new sharks turned up like LOL raise. Then we had the cheeky monkeys like Richard orford and myself who learned to use tools from the poker shed, From there the donkeys appeared and carried jesus to skypoker bethlyhem so we then had a poker religion which confused things even more and started poker forum wars and no one agreed on anything. The next step is uncertain and probably we shall have a huge meteorite hit the earth and wipe out all the bacteria, fish, donkeys, monkeys and religious poker people out. Life will then start again and everyone will start with a new bankroll.
At the risk of lowering the intellectual content of this thread, I must admit that the best spiritual input I have for my poker tends to be made by Gordon's, although I must admit on Sunday I did have some Beefeater as well. The combination seems to have worked well.
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Because religous types fail to convinve me with their evidence that a God exsists. Scientists, on the other hand, continually provide the facts and reasoned arguements for evolution. Posted by Mohican
Who is to say scientists arent just discovering the way a "creator" set the universe in motion? "GOD" is such a loaded word.
I seperated spirituality and religion a long time ago and made my internal struggles far easier...could perma spam forum with it (but obv wont) lol. Was basically agnostic til 24 following catholic upbringing, but there comes a point when your increasing scientific understanding of the universe leaves you in such awe that it doesnt seem enough though (well for myself anywho).
Mahoosive big fat 1 to the religious people praying for cards comments. I simply cannot watch the wsop 07 FT. Jerry Yang is just an idiotic blaspheming tool that ridic grinds on me.
People have rituals & superstitions in poker. We see alot of slants on Positive Mental Attitude in the public game.
I put up a thread awhile back when I was perma tilting after massive downswing. Drinking goats blood doesnt help...but PMA just might :P
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : No scientist will use the word "creation" in any of their scientific discoveries, or perhaps their vocab. Oh and ref top bold bit, NAME me one scientist that this refers to!! and that is not an american theist. Posted by WHOAMI196
''We will describe how M-theory may offer answers to the question of creation.'' Stephen Hawking, The Grand design
""I think there are clearly religious implications whenever you start to discuss the origins of the universe. There must be religious overtones." Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time
- ''I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.'' - ''My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.'' - ''Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.''
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : ''We will describe how M-theory may offer answers to the question of creation.'' Stephen Hawking, The Grand design ""I think there are clearly religious implications whenever you start to discuss the origins of the universe. There must be religious overtones." Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time Posted by elsadog
Stephen hawking is an atheist so this is obviously taken out on context, this is a man who also said
"God not only plays dice. He sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen"
"One does not have to appeal to God to set the initial conditions for the creation of the universe, but if one does He would have to act through the laws of physics."
"What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary"
Goes to show his intelligence, or the importance to think before you speak as he has done most of his life, and for an atheist he is very diplomatic.
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Stephen hawking is an atheist so this is obviously taken out on context, this is a man who also said "God not only plays dice. He sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen" "One does not have to appeal to God to set the initial conditions for the creation of the universe, but if one does He would have to act through the laws of physics." "What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary" Goes to show his intelligence, or the importance to think before you speak as he has done most of his life, and for an atheist he is very diplomatic. Posted by WHOAMI196
Max Planck founder of quantum theory. His statement:
Both science and religion wage a "tireless battle against skepticism and dogmatism, against unbelief and superstition" with the goal "toward God!"
We can bandy these all day - pointless exercise really.
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Stephen hawking is an atheist so this is obviously taken out on context, this is a man who also said "God not only plays dice. He sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen" "One does not have to appeal to God to set the initial conditions for the creation of the universe, but if one does He would have to act through the laws of physics." "What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary" Goes to show his intelligence, or the importance to think before you speak as he has done most of his life, and for an atheist he is very diplomatic. Posted by WHOAMI196
Hawkings isnt talking religion though bud, he is speaking of spirituality that supercedes man made religion.
A basic awe and reverance for the complexities of creation.
Pretty much why I said "God" is a loaded word.
Plus the hawkings quote is pretty arbitary. Discussing beginning of universe = religious conversation. Thats all that it implies.
M theory - the theory of everything is based on quantum mechanics.
One of the basic fundamentals of quantum mechanics is that at the nano-microscopic level a prime observer is required.
This is consistent with the Copenhagen Interpretation. The obverse is the many worlds theory. Neither theory has been proven to be correct. Hawkins is a promoter of the many worlds theory.
I'm not religious btw - just interested in the facts.
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Max Planck founder of quantum theory. His statement: Both science and religion wage a "tireless battle against skepticism and dogmatism, against unbelief and superstition" with the goal "toward God!" We can bandy these all day - pointless exercise really. Posted by elsadog
Ok he was a deist, but its important to note that "non believers" such as Charles Darwin, or any other Scientist around the late 1800-1900's, where not "entertained" and where pretty much frowned upon, i mean Charles Darwin's work was put back many years after he had died before his work was published.
You can "bandy" these quotes as much as you like although great pieces of litrature but they do not add anything to the discussion imo, they are simply outdated.
I always thought I had no spiritual or religious beliefs, but since starting to play poker I have become firmly convinced that someone up there doesn't like me. Mind you, so do a lot of people down here so I shouldn't be surprised.
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Ok he was a deist, but its important to note that "non believers" such as Charles Darwin, or any other Scientist around the late 1800-1900's, where not "entertained" and where pretty much frowned upon, i mean Charles Darwin's work was put back many years after he had died before his work was published. You can "bandy" these quotes as much as you like although great pieces of litrature but they do not add anything to the discussion imo, they are simply outdated. Posted by WHOAMI196
The thing has turned full circle since Darwin's day. Scientists today keep their religious thoughts to themselves for those very same reasons.
Human knowledge is only part way down the road to understanding everything.The knowledge and beliefs we hold today will be outdated in the future and may well be looked upon with some derision. Best to keep an open mind on everything.
Even (and especially) Darwin knew his theory of evolution was deeply flawed. Posted by AMYBR
Have you even read his work amybr?? Darwin had to work with pigeons for most of his work (or largely domesticated animals), it was not flawed as such but full of missing information, it was litrealy the beginning of such work and he know that he was just scratching the surface, his work was not deeply flawed as you say it or creationist out there!!
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker? : Have you even read his work amybr?? Darwin had to work with pigeons for most of his work (or largely domesticated animals), it was not flawed as such but full of missing information, it was litrealy the beginning of such work and he know that he was just scratching the surface, his work was not deeply flawed as you say it or creationist out there!! Posted by WHOAMI196
Yes have read it and studied it bud. Dont understand the last line you write?
I wont lecture you bud. All the literature is out there too read.
But am not a creationalist or an evolutionist. But fwiw evoloution is no more comprehensive fact than creationalism is.
I actually belive there is room for both and neither (:p)
It's a computer generated program that starts from the very basic building blocks required. It's currently on about the 150th generation and is totally self determined with no human interaction. It's estimated that by the 100 billionth generation it will have developed to the equivalence of a human cell. Now take that progression to the multi-trillionth generation and it is thought it may well develop intelligent thought and even consciousness.
Question - by that time will it be creation or evolution?
isnt this post going off rail a bit, The OP was asking about using a spiritual perspective in poker not what is the meaning and origins of life, stick to the question at hand or this could go on for a long long long time.
The goldilocks effect is often used to describe the world we live in. Everything from the distance from the Sun to the balance of gasses in the atmosphere have to be just right for life as we know it to exist on earth. With a different balance life could exist elswhere and this is often usedas an argument against the goldilocks effect.
However what cannot be disputed (so far) is that there is a much grander goldilocks effect when it comes to the creation of the Universe. The balance (or more accurately imbalance) of elementary particles immediately after the big bang had to be just right to allow the universe to form. Any deviation from that would have resulted in nothing rather than something.
Was that the hand of God or the most outrageous good fortune?
As far as poker goes - the power of one's mind has the abilty to work wonders and make losers into winners. Maxally won the DTD last night ........ I rest my case.
I am not sure with this spirituality lark, philosophy and science go hand to hand, but philosophy should not be confused with spirituality.
Oh and ref top bold bit, NAME me one scientist that this refers to!! and that is not an american theist.
I seperated spirituality and religion a long time ago and made my internal struggles far easier...could perma spam forum with it
Mahoosive big fat 1 to the religious people praying for cards comments. I simply cannot watch the wsop 07 FT. Jerry Yang is just an idiotic blaspheming tool that ridic grinds on me.
People have rituals & superstitions in poker. We see alot of slants on Positive Mental Attitude in the public game.
I put up a thread awhile back when I was perma tilting after massive downswing. Drinking goats blood doesnt help...but PMA just might :P
In Response to Re: Spiritual Poker?:
''We will describe how M-theory may offer answers to the question of creation.''
Stephen Hawking, The Grand design
""I think there are clearly religious implications whenever you start to
discuss the origins of the universe. There must be religious overtones."
Stephen Hawking, A Brief History of Time
- ''I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.''
- ''My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind.''
- ''Every one who is seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws of the Universe-a spirit vastly superior to that of man, and one in the face of which we with our modest powers must feel humble.''
Albert Einstein
"God not only plays dice. He sometimes throws the dice where they cannot be seen"
"One does not have to appeal to God to set the initial conditions for the creation of the universe, but if one does He would have to act through the laws of physics."
"What I have done is to show that it is possible for the way the universe began to be determined by the laws of science. In that case, it would not be necessary to appeal to God to decide how the universe began. This doesn't prove that there is no God, only that God is not necessary"
Goes to show his intelligence, or the importance to think before you speak as he has done most of his life, and for an atheist he is very diplomatic.
His statement:
Both science and religion wage a "tireless battle against skepticism and dogmatism, against unbelief and superstition" with the goal "toward God!"
We can bandy these all day - pointless exercise really.
Hawkings isnt talking religion though bud, he is speaking of spirituality that supercedes man made religion.
A basic awe and reverance for the complexities of creation.
Pretty much why I said "God" is a loaded word.
Plus the hawkings quote is pretty arbitary. Discussing beginning of universe = religious conversation. Thats all that it implies.
Just a brilliant quote by einstein though.
One of the basic fundamentals of quantum mechanics is that at the nano-microscopic level a prime observer is required.
This is consistent with the Copenhagen Interpretation. The obverse is the many worlds theory. Neither theory has been proven to be correct. Hawkins is a promoter of the many worlds theory.
I'm not religious btw - just interested in the facts.
You can "bandy" these quotes as much as you like although great pieces of litrature but they do not add anything to the discussion imo, they are simply outdated.
I always thought I had no spiritual or religious beliefs, but since starting to play poker I have become firmly convinced that someone up there doesn't like me. Mind you, so do a lot of people down here so I shouldn't be surprised.
Human knowledge is only part way down the road to understanding everything. The knowledge and beliefs we hold today will be outdated in the future and may well be looked upon with some derision. Best to keep an open mind on everything.
I wont lecture you bud. All the literature is out there too read.
But am not a creationalist or an evolutionist. But fwiw evoloution is no more comprehensive fact than creationalism is.
I actually belive there is room for both and neither (:p)
It's a computer generated program that starts from the very basic building blocks required. It's currently on about the 150th generation and is totally self determined with no human interaction. It's estimated that by the 100 billionth generation it will have developed to the equivalence of a human cell. Now take that progression to the multi-trillionth generation and it is thought it may well develop intelligent thought and even consciousness.
Question - by that time will it be creation or evolution?