Well, yes, i did wear the outfit for the DTD forum and sent a pic to my kids to prove it. It was worn to make me more aggressive and it worked so well that i was at 2/3 of my original stack within 20 mins!!! God it was hot so like any good poker player i blamed that for my efforts and took it off....no i wasn't naked!!!Anyway, it didn't go too badly and a nice cash and overall 17th was satisfactory. Maybe i'll wear my pink one next week as i am a HITSQUAD member and it is the skippers favourite colour!!
Has anyone had any problems with sharkscope not picking up some of your results? In my case it is some DYM results and you cannot get them to rectify it unless you are subscribed to it. I just noticed that they had put only one out of of four results on. Funny that they were all wins and with other wins last night, i was looking for to "super hot" lighting up my monitor. HEY HO!
Have had the same thing now & again its not 100% accurate but gives a fair indication of players performance on a site. Its not something I use that often but sometimes I will check a player just to confirm the image I have of them at a table.
Thanks for your congrats on last night, its just a shame it wasn't for the Hit Squad in the DTD !! Speaking of which will you lose the picture of that dinosaur outfit, its one thing imagining Jen playing in her Pj's like Glenelg suggested, but the sight & thought of you in that or even worse wearing a PINK one whilst playing poker is too much for my delicate stomach.
COMING BACK FROM TENERIFE TO MAYHEM....nice to be back though...
Back home...DTD forum...Totty doesn't start.... then does...then stops....Well, what a palava eh!! I'm happy...it's the longest i've stayed in the Totty!! Congrats Slyklist and team Hitsquad.
Tenerife was gorgeous with beautiful weather and so much nicer knowing it was awful "back 'ome"! Cruel! I managed to avoid burning by a mixture of factor 30, large umbrella's to cower under and afternoon kips! A good time was had by all but may i just let my team Hitsquad Capt'n, HITMAN_RV, know that two poker books were taken away with me to study!!!(actually three if you include Barry Greensteins 'Ace In The Hole" which my children bought me for father's day along with the Dino one piece poker suit...see pic in a previous diary...). The book, so far, is interesting if a little self-satisfying on Barry's behalf, at times. I do like him though.
Mind, my karaoke skills(not once but twice no less!) went on parade too...its amazing what a jug of sangria, a few cocktails and a fear of embarrassing silences bring out! Seriously, thanks Sue for a lovely time. She is going to move in with me in Liverpool at the end of the year and took took photo's of the karaoke(wearing earplugs!) and we had a good laugh with the 'few' people that stayed......
So back with lots of poker knowledge then....you must be joking! My mind was mush last night but at least i could see what i needed to consider more....the list was long ,believe me!
Some thoughts for your consideration guys......
1. New Sharkscope can have your 'affairs' in pounds now....seems better but cut and paste doesn't transfer very well onto my spreadsheet. Any thoughts...Sigh....
2. Is it Jakally after a night out? Have a look at the adverts when 'The Big Game' is on channel five. There's a chap on it that looks just like Jakally after a night on the town...what do you think? No offence intended jakally.
3. How many of you consider calling and raising ranges of opponents and folding percentages needed as advocated in the book 'Winning T's one hand at a time'? The calcs are complicated and too long-winded during play even for me as an ex maths teacher. it's becoming acquainted with the valus that is hard.
Well, thank you for reading. It's nice to be back and after another profitable month, i'm looking to set goals and improve my poker ....how is the problem! It will be enjoyable though....
Did anyone see any of the Sky programmes last nightI watched Sky poker from 7pm and found myself watching the lot!! Thoroughly enjoyed it. James was excellent as an expert as we could see a more amateur approach and he and Anna gelled so well, i thought. Another Orford and Tikay combo perhaps?. The 'amateur' comment isn't meant as an insult. I could see HIS way personal way of playing and i felt it stacked up very well. In fact, the accents he put on certain plays by some is missing when some poker pro's guest as he has more 'camera' presence.
However, it was his interaction with Anna that had me laughing. God knows what faces they are pulling out of shot? I'd pay to watch a night's filming from the producer's box listening to the instructions and banter.
Anna is a hoot. When James talked of 15 to 1 odds in response to a post and she said she didn't understand that stuff well,.........that was one for the star clips show. A year doing shows and pot odds etc were not understood!!! James' shock was a prize! Anna you really are a treasure and that fan club should be started immediately.......but what name could it be called, i ask myself?Any thoughts?.......
The Big Game wasn't on this week. Got a feeling last weeks was the end of the current run. Posted by AcidMan27
Hi 'acid' Its funny that as there was definitely another programme for the loose cannon wasn't there? I'll repost once its back on...jakally is in vegas playing so VGL to him eh?
I know the diary hasn't surfaced for a long time. I'd put it to bed as it didn't seem to fit in with the forum but hey, i'm looking for advice on a point so i may as well insert it and change the title a little eh?
Recently, i've been a little underwhelmed with my game . I wanted to improve my post flop play for sure and the mindset that i had in a T. I admit i'm currently trying to deconstruct my playing patterns in order to play a more improved game. It can be difficult to know how to go about that without someone more experienced to inform you. That's why i appreciate the clinics help as there is always something that i can mentally note and absorb into my game. I'm enjoying the learning process and my mindset towards playing pots is better now......probably describe it as more aggressive but considered from a possible opponent hand range spectrum.
Winning Tournament 1HAAT is a cracking set of books to see how good players play their opponents at times and not their cards. However, i do wonder that they can over complicate things and i can see myself doing completely the opposite because of an assumption i make. Its good fun at the moment, not crippling me financially at all and provides an interest that requires constant reassessment.
I can do the equity calculations and win/lose calcscompared to the pot odds to check if a course of action is a +Ev situation though this is complex and time-consuming. By analysing hands afterwards you get a feel for it, as it were i've read. TBH as an ex maths teacher it's something i enjoy. However, as a maths teacher lot was based on a tick or a cross ie either right or wrong. As we all know poker isn't like that and i find myself tying up in knots from being unsure. Maybe that's why i'm too passive in the middle to late stages. The fact that it has helped me to ladder to joint 1st in the DTD one week and then win the august monthly DTD has probably been counter productive as you see others go out for playing in pots whether ahead or not.
My problem is more to do with the best and quickest path to take in order to improve as quickly as possible. Any suggestions from you or comments on what you did after playing for say 18 months and then realising their was more to do would be most welcome. Cheers guys.
PS One other thing. I've concentrated on dym's and BH's but now play more deepsracks which have more post flop play. I've stayed away from cash and pot limit omaha. Is it worth trying to bring these up a notch at the same time or concentrae on the others first in your opinion.
Hi Steve, just realised we both have something in common... we are the same age.1959 must have been a good year. lol
i'm not going to offer you any advice mate,but i was in a similar dilema with my game a while back. i was struggling to get to grips playing cash,didn't fancy playing tournaments.played a few b/hunters which were ok,then 1 day by chance,came across john connors DYM blog and the rest is history.
as i've not played every poker format,i'm in no position to judge,but i can tell you that from the ones that i have played,DYM is certainly the easiest i have found to win at. not saying it's been easy,i've put in a lor of practise,which is in my opinion the best way of learning,as you soon remember the mistakes you are making,seeing your b/roll going backwards is a good reminder. i'm not saying you should play them,as i know they are not everyones 'cup of tea' but they work for me.
anyway,just thought i'd mention it. good luck mate,which ever path you decide to take. keeeeep posting. lol best wishes dev
Hi Steve, just realised we both have something in common... we are the same age.1959 must have been a good year. lol i'm not going to offer you any advice mate,but i was in a similar dilema with my game a while back. i was struggling to get to grips playing cash,didn't fancy playing tournaments.played a few b/hunters which were ok,then 1 day by chance,came across john connors DYM blog and the rest is history. as i've not played every poker format,i'm in no position to judge,but i can tell you that from the ones that i have played,DYM is certainly the easiest i have found to win at. not saying it's been easy,i've put in a lor of practise,which is in my opinion the best way of learning,as you soon remember the mistakes you are making,seeing your b/roll going backwards is a good reminder. i'm not saying you should play them,as i know they are not everyones 'cup of tea' but they work for me. anyway,just thought i'd mention it. good luck mate,which ever path you decide to take. keeeeep posting. lol best wishes dev Posted by devonfish5
Cheers Dev
Yes, i've been playing DYM's though low volume unlike you. I've got a 5% roi from them which is respectable i suppose but they are a bit formulaic, which i'm sure suits multi play perfectly, and i'm not in it for points each month. Played with you quite a few times and i know i'm playing a solid player. I read JohnConnors ABC to get into them and it made a lot of sense along with Moshman though that's more for 50:30:20 splits etc. I've enjoyed playing them and have taken notes on players which have paid off. I'm enjoying deep stack poker TBH. Doesn't pay a lot but you don't lose a lot either. I'm in it for fun but i've always been competitive though i will lose with good grace(makes me laugh when AA gets busted by some hand and...."sky is fixed" appears in chatbox). I can't really afford sky roller entries but i do enjoy the meta game side. I'm just trying to make sure the fundamentals are in place . I know they aren't as when a short stack goes ai and i can't make my mind up especially in the middle to late stages....i should really know . I got a free entry into the Sunday Roller for winning the DTD monthly but it was like chalk and cheese with so much 3 and 4 betting. I retreated into my shell which is the worst thing i could do. I eventually went out having played my AA poorly!! It did give me a taste for it though. I'm not looking to win a ton of money or play high volume. I just want to learn in an efficient way and to know that what i'm doing is correct, whether the poker gods allow me to win the pot or not. TY for your opinion Dev
Hi Steve Please continue with diary. I think it's a great read. I started a thread a little while ago as well and I know what you mean. It can be a little disheartening when no one posts. I'm a bit unsure what to suggest with regard to your poker. 5% roi is excellent and way above what the average Dym's player has. However, you're playing to have fun and learn and so I'm not sure if they are the best way to go for you. Do you play live? The social side and some of the deep structures they can have could definitely suit you. In a shameless attempt to get someone to read 'ramblings of an old man' have a look at some of the random stories I've mentioned and see if it might be for you. Posted by Jac35
HI Jac
It's funny but i was reading your diary late last night....you've got so much experience on the live side and i really enjoy the anecdotes. Please continue with as i like the 'outer-ring' stories concerning poker rather than just the "here is how i played, this a interesting hand"type of post though they have their place to help me learn too. It's funny Jac, i'm hooked on poker and love the trying to improve my play but funnily i'm not hooked on playing to win or lose money. As long as it doesn't cost me a fortune and i've seen some baaaad sharkscopes ) then i'm content. I lost a smallish amount this month and 3/4 through i was angry . No reason, the amount was miniscule in relation to the entertainment i was getting in return. The reason was that i was allowing the results to impede on the enjoyment. Yes, understandable but then you don't play your 'normal' game do you?
Unfortunately, in some ways, my mathematical side is quite honed as i taught it for 20+ years so i like terms such as 'non-exploitable strategy' and so on but we all know it's not a game of perfect and the poker gods can be brutal at times. I put effort into study but tend to flit from book to book, article to article,creating sheets for what to do when etc. It's getting a bit extreme though. I'm considering some form of poker coaching TBH so that i can have my q's answered if and when they crop up but i'm not sure whether the cost would be prohibitive.
As to live , i think i may go back to the genting casino and play there again. It was a great buzz o play there. Yes, winning it was more than a shock as it was my first time. Heads up the guy wanted a deal. I said "nah" because wanted to say i'd won it i had no idea of how to do it.However, i enjoyed the chat and i'm sure i could 'fit' in and enjoy a regular game. It's funny, but i'd see that as a night out and wouldn't have problems paying a £25 entry or so. Your 'stories' make that scene appealing and i think you've give me the psh to pay live again...cheers Jac!!!
PS As for the diary, maybe i can just use it more as to put q's on requiring comments and the odd story, point of view etc. There are some really good ones in the forum....you do start to feel like you know what they are like as people though that may be way out!! Ha!
There is obviously a lot there to read; online poker articles, books, poker videos on Youtube, poker videos on training sites etc etc and it sounds like you've been doing alot of this and you do seem to be doing well at the game. If you do wanna go down the coaching route then I'd advise you check this out...
I'm sure you will have heard of Coxy on Sky and may have even seen him on 861. Always a good idea to just message him on FB and have a chat if you just wanna discuss what it entails, what you want to get out of it, what he thinks he can give you etc. Obviously it depends on your own personal situation but I don't think his prices are prohibitive and I've never seen anyone with rates as cheap as him (especially considering he's a pretty sick player).
Maybe read his blog, the 'About' page etc and see what you think. His pricing is for different stakes of cash but I'm 99% sure he coaches MTTs and SnGs too
Hi folks,
Well, yes, i did wear the outfit for the DTD forum and sent a pic to my kids to prove it. It was worn to make me more aggressive and it worked so well that i was at 2/3 of my original stack within 20 mins!!! God it was hot so like any good poker player i blamed that for my efforts and took it off....no i wasn't naked!!!Anyway, it didn't go too badly and a nice cash and overall 17th was satisfactory.
Maybe i'll wear my pink one next week as i am a HITSQUAD member and it is the skippers favourite colour!!
GL at the baize
the prof...
Has anyone had any problems with sharkscope not picking up some of your results? In my case it is some DYM results and you cannot get them to rectify it unless you are subscribed to it. I just noticed that they had put only one out of of four results on. Funny that they were all wins and with other wins last night, i was looking for to "super hot" lighting up my monitor. HEY HO!
the prof
Back home...DTD forum...Totty doesn't start.... then does...then stops....Well, what a palava eh!! I'm happy...it's the longest i've stayed in the Totty!! Congrats Slyklist and team Hitsquad.
Tenerife was gorgeous with beautiful weather and so much nicer knowing it was awful "back 'ome"! Cruel! I managed to avoid burning by a mixture of factor 30, large umbrella's to cower under and afternoon kips! A good time was had by all but may i just let my team Hitsquad Capt'n, HITMAN_RV, know that two poker books were taken away with me to study!!!(actually three if you include Barry Greensteins 'Ace In The Hole" which my children bought me for father's day along with the Dino one piece poker suit...see pic in a previous diary...). The book, so far, is interesting if a little self-satisfying on Barry's behalf, at times. I do like him though.
Mind, my karaoke skills(not once but twice no less!) went on parade too...its amazing what a jug of sangria, a few cocktails and a fear of embarrassing silences bring out! Seriously, thanks Sue for a lovely time. She is going to move in with me in Liverpool at the end of the year and took took photo's of the karaoke(wearing earplugs!) and we had a good laugh with the 'few' people that stayed......
So back with lots of poker knowledge then....you must be joking! My mind was mush last night but at least i could see what i needed to consider more....the list was long ,believe me!
Some thoughts for your consideration guys......
1. New Sharkscope can have your 'affairs' in pounds now....seems better but cut and paste doesn't transfer very well onto my spreadsheet. Any thoughts...Sigh....
2. Is it Jakally after a night out? Have a look at the adverts when 'The Big Game' is on channel five. There's a chap on it that looks just like Jakally after a night on the town...what do you think? No offence intended jakally.
3. How many of you consider calling and raising ranges of opponents and folding percentages needed as advocated in the book 'Winning T's one hand at a time'? The calcs are complicated and too long-winded during play even for me as an ex maths teacher. it's becoming acquainted with the valus that is hard.
Well, thank you for reading. It's nice to be back and after another profitable month, i'm looking to set goals and improve my poker ....how is the problem! It will be enjoyable though....
"May all your pots be big ones, Grasshopper"....
Did anyone see any of the Sky programmes last nightI watched Sky poker from 7pm and found myself watching the lot!! Thoroughly enjoyed it. James was excellent as an expert as we could see a more amateur approach and he and Anna gelled so well, i thought. Another Orford and Tikay combo perhaps?. The 'amateur' comment isn't meant as an insult. I could see HIS way personal way of playing and i felt it stacked up very well. In fact, the accents he put on certain plays by some is missing when some poker pro's guest as he has more 'camera' presence.
However, it was his interaction with Anna that had me laughing. God knows what faces they are pulling out of shot? I'd pay to watch a night's filming from the producer's box listening to the instructions and banter.
Anna is a hoot. When James talked of 15 to 1 odds in response to a post and she said she didn't understand that stuff well,.........that was one for the star clips show. A year doing shows and pot odds etc were not understood!!! James' shock was a prize! Anna you really are a treasure and that fan club should be started immediately.......but what name could it be called, i ask myself? Any thoughts?.......
Its funny that as there was definitely another programme for the loose cannon wasn't there?
I'll repost once its back on...jakally is in vegas playing so VGL to him eh?
know the diary hasn't surfaced for a long time. I'd put it to bed as it didn't seem to fit in with the forum but hey, i'm looking for advice on a point so i may as well insert it and change the title a little eh?
Recently, i've been a little underwhelmed with my game . I wanted to improve my post flop play for sure and the mindset that i had in a T. I admit i'm currently trying to deconstruct my playing patterns in order to play a more improved game. It can be difficult to know how to go about that without someone more experienced to inform you. That's why i appreciate the clinics help as there is always something that i can mentally note and absorb into my game. I'm enjoying the learning process and my mindset towards playing pots is better now......probably describe it as more aggressive but considered from a possible opponent hand range spectrum.
Winning Tournament 1HAAT is a cracking set of books to see how good players play their opponents at times and not their cards. However, i do wonder that they can over complicate things and i can see myself doing completely the opposite because of an assumption i make. Its good fun at the moment, not crippling me financially at all and provides an interest that requires constant reassessment.
I can do the equity calculations and win/lose calcscompared to the pot odds to check if a course of action is a +Ev situation though this is complex and time-consuming. By analysing hands afterwards you get a feel for it, as it were i've read. TBH as an ex maths teacher it's something i enjoy. However, as a maths teacher lot was based on a tick or a cross ie either right or wrong. As we all know poker isn't like that and i find myself tying up in knots from being unsure. Maybe that's why i'm too passive in the middle to late stages. The fact that it has helped me to ladder to joint 1st in the DTD one week and then win the august monthly DTD has probably been counter productive as you see others go out for playing in pots whether ahead or not.
My problem is more to do with the best and quickest path to take in order to improve as quickly as possible.
Any suggestions from you or comments on what you did after playing for say 18 months and then realising their was more to do would be most welcome. Cheers guys.
PS One other thing. I've concentrated on dym's and BH's but now play more deepsracks which have more post flop play. I've stayed away from cash and pot limit omaha. Is it worth trying to bring these up a notch at the same time or concentrae on the others first in your opinion.
just realised we both have something in common...
we are the same age.1959 must have been a good year. lol
i'm not going to offer you any advice mate,but i was in a similar dilema with my game a while back.
i was struggling to get to grips playing cash,didn't fancy playing tournaments.played a few b/hunters which were ok,then 1 day by chance,came across john connors DYM blog and the rest is history.
as i've not played every poker format,i'm in no position to judge,but i can tell you that from the ones that i have played,DYM is certainly the easiest i have found to win at.
not saying it's been easy,i've put in a lor of practise,which is in my opinion the best way of learning,as you soon remember the mistakes you are making,seeing your b/roll going backwards is a good reminder.
i'm not saying you should play them,as i know they are not everyones 'cup of tea' but they work for me.
anyway,just thought i'd mention it.
good luck mate,which ever path you decide to take.
keeeeep posting. lol
best wishes
Cheers Dev
Yes, i've been playing DYM's though low volume unlike you. I've got a 5% roi from them which is respectable i suppose but they are a bit formulaic, which i'm sure suits multi play perfectly, and i'm not in it for points each month. Played with you quite a few times and i know i'm playing a solid player. I read JohnConnors ABC to get into them and it made a lot of sense along with Moshman though that's more for 50:30:20 splits etc. I've enjoyed playing them and have taken notes on players which have paid off.
I'm enjoying deep stack poker TBH. Doesn't pay a lot but you don't lose a lot either. I'm in it for fun but i've always been competitive though i will lose with good grace(makes me laugh when AA gets busted by some hand and...."sky is fixed" appears in chatbox). I can't really afford sky roller entries but i do enjoy the meta game side. I'm just trying to make sure the fundamentals are in place . I know they aren't as when a short stack goes ai and i can't make my mind up especially in the middle to late stages....i should really know . I got a free entry into the Sunday Roller for winning the DTD monthly but it was like chalk and cheese with so much 3 and 4 betting. I retreated into my shell which is the worst thing i could do. I eventually went out having played my AA poorly!! It did give me a taste for it though.
I'm not looking to win a ton of money or play high volume. I just want to learn in an efficient way and to know that what i'm doing is correct, whether the poker gods allow me to win the pot or not. TY for your opinion Dev
It's funny but i was reading your diary late last night....you've got so much experience on the live side and i really enjoy the anecdotes. Please continue with as i like the 'outer-ring' stories concerning poker rather than just the "here is how i played, this a interesting hand"type of post though they have their place to help me learn too. It's funny Jac, i'm hooked on poker and love the trying to improve my play but funnily i'm not hooked on playing to win or lose money. As long as it doesn't cost me a fortune and i've seen some baaaad sharkscopes ) then i'm content. I lost a smallish amount this month and 3/4 through i was angry . No reason, the amount was miniscule in relation to the entertainment i was getting in return. The reason was that i was allowing the results to impede on the enjoyment. Yes, understandable but then you don't play your 'normal' game do you?
Unfortunately, in some ways, my mathematical side is quite honed as i taught it for 20+ years so i like terms such as 'non-exploitable strategy' and so on but we all know it's not a game of perfect and the poker gods can be brutal at times. I put effort into study but tend to flit from book to book, article to article,creating sheets for what to do when etc. It's getting a bit extreme though. I'm considering some form of poker coaching TBH so that i can have my q's answered if and when they crop up but i'm not sure whether the cost would be prohibitive.
As to live , i think i may go back to the genting casino and play there again. It was a great buzz o play there. Yes, winning it was more than a shock as it was my first time. Heads up the guy wanted a deal. I said "nah" because wanted to say i'd won it i had no idea of how to do it.However, i enjoyed the chat and i'm sure i could 'fit' in and enjoy a regular game. It's funny, but i'd see that as a night out and wouldn't have problems paying a £25 entry or so. Your 'stories' make that scene appealing and i think you've give me the psh to pay live again...cheers Jac!!!
PS As for the diary, maybe i can just use it more as to put q's on requiring comments and the odd story, point of view etc. There are some really good ones in the forum....you do start to feel like you know what they are like as people though that may be way out!! Ha!
There is obviously a lot there to read; online poker articles, books, poker videos on Youtube, poker videos on training sites etc etc and it sounds like you've been doing alot of this and you do seem to be doing well at the game. If you do wanna go down the coaching route then I'd advise you check this out...
I'm sure you will have heard of Coxy on Sky and may have even seen him on 861. Always a good idea to just message him on FB and have a chat if you just wanna discuss what it entails, what you want to get out of it, what he thinks he can give you etc. Obviously it depends on your own personal situation but I don't think his prices are prohibitive and I've never seen anyone with rates as cheap as him (especially considering he's a pretty sick player).
Maybe read his blog, the 'About' page etc and see what you think. His pricing is for different stakes of cash but I'm 99% sure he coaches MTTs and SnGs too