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Am I banging my head against a brick wall here?

xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
edited November 2009 in Poker Chat
At this moment am livid!!!!

Probably shouldnt even be writing this post as have been told many a time 2 calm down b4 I post

Just been playing and had a  decent hand (poc 9's)
I raised the pot  (no limping...c I do listen to TK on sky tv)

and was called by 1 player

The flop came down and still had the best hand, so when this person raised I called. Then the turn came down and it was a nothing card I was STILL winning. Yet he still raised so I called him. Then the river came down and surprise surprise it was an ace.

Think you can guess the rest, if u cant he had an ace (no other hits)

so I called him a riverat and hes answer was 'well everybody else is playing like a donk why shouldnt I?'

I kno Im gonna get replys from people saying well u should have played it differently and maybe I should have but even if id gone allin I bet he would have called me.



  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited November 2009
    lovin the new pic by the way.

    Just one of the downfalls of online play. People will call and raise with ace high.

    It is a difficult balance to limit your losses if the miracle card hits, but still extract as much out of the pot as you can if it doesn't.

    I tend to push hard back if I think I am well in front but at risk from a stray ace. A push back post flop may have got him to fold.

    But then again, maybe it wont.

    I know it's tough but try and resist the temptation of commenting in the chat on how badly he played. Other players will pick up on this and use it against you.

    Just keep taking plenty of notes on these players. Even if you do not see them for six months, it will eventually pay dividends.

    I took a note a few months ago which read 'plays a lot of pots and will call with ace high. however, will do most of the work on the cash bubble'.

    I played him again today for the first time since, and guess what? I could easily sit quiet on the cash bubble whilst he flatted every hand. He went out fourth.

    Those notes earnt me £3.00
  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited November 2009
    un  lucky   some  players  just  wont  let an   ace  go   call  all the  to  the  river  hopeing  to  hit  get  use  to  it  cause happens  a  lot
  • dav1964dav1964 Member Posts: 2,526
    edited November 2009
    terrible for you xfallenx.i dunno if you saw a post i recently made? it went i had AJ i raised 3xbb he called flop came A 7 7 i bet pot to see where i was he called, turn came 10,i bet large again he called,river came 3,all this with no str8 or flush draw available last bet was 2k each i figured he may have AA A7 or a rag 7.know what he showed....3 3.some people just will not fold
  • elsadogelsadog Member Posts: 5,677
    edited November 2009
    I had similar in the deepy earlier. I have pocket 10's. Raise it and get 1 caller. Flop xxJ we check. Turn is another J. He goes all-in. I have him on AK, AQ but the move is wrong for a J so i call. He turns over AQ. River is a A. He made a push, I made a good call, he got lucky. Nothing you can do about's poker.
  • loonytoonsloonytoons Member Posts: 4,270
    edited November 2009
    To be honest lisa i could post 10 of these bad beats against me every week, i can also post many that have gone my way. The trick is to forget the bad beats and not fret over them as it will affect your play. When i lose a big pot, if its my fault i just say what an idiot and learn, if its not my fault i just laugh and move on - seriously its not worth getting so worked up over a game lol. Leave the worrying to the 'big game' players that lose £100's or £1000's lol. The money i win/lose at poker does not bother me in the slightest, i play for fun and enjoyment, within my means and my bankroll is all 'fun' money to me.
  • JingleMaJingleMa Member Posts: 1,319
    edited November 2009

    Hey Fallen, good to see you on the forum again, how's the gun? 8- />

    The important thing to note here is that calling is generally a losing play, so it's far better to fold if you think you're behind and raise if you think you're in front.

    By just calling, you let him catch up on every street so he was likely to hit in the end.

    So always try to make yourself fold or raise, don't call and you should see some better results, best of luck!

  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited November 2009

  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited November 2009
    Ultimately, your temprement is more important to how your balance grows than the cards you play.

    If you can leave your anger out of the game and live with the fact that this happens a lot, then you will gain the right frame of mind to be a winning player.

    I do not consider myself by any stretch of the imagination a 'good player' but I rarely get angry.

    If I do tilt at another players bad game, I end up losing.

    You will find that most of the 'donks' end up reloading far more often, even though they luckily win a few hands. Any player with a +ROI will tell you they never react to bad play. It will cost you money.
  • IRISHROVERIRISHROVER Member Posts: 7,606
    edited November 2009
    my poor poor poor fallen angel,

    you are of the sensitive type,

    i shall hunt these fish down,

    cut them open ,

    and post them to you,

    how dare they upset my angel,

    p.s hunting as we speak
  • GREGHOGGGREGHOGG Member Posts: 7,155
    edited November 2009
    Hi Fallen,

    Im sorry that you lost the hand.

    You said that when he bet out on the flop you had the best hand so you called. With 99 the best play here imo is to reraise and take the pot down.

    If he calls then get it all in on the turn, that way he never hits his ace, and if he calls with only Ace high then its his mistake.

    Like Jinglema said by just calling your letting him catch up and your not putting the decision on him.

    Just my opinion.

  • SolarCarroSolarCarro Member Posts: 2,273
    edited November 2009
    I agree with Greg, re-raise takes the pot down.

  • DeadluckDeadluck Member Posts: 521
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Am I banging my head against a brick wall here?:
    Ultimately, your temprement is more important to how your balance grows than the cards you play. If you can leave your anger out of the game and live with the fact that this happens a lot, then you will gain the right frame of mind to be a winning player. I do not consider myself by any stretch of the imagination a 'good player' but I rarely get angry. If I do tilt at another players bad game, I end up losing. You will find that most of the 'donks' end up reloading far more often, even though they luckily win a few hands. Any player with a +ROI will tell you they never react to bad play. It will cost you money.
    Posted by Hale72

    This post sums up my thoughts exactly Hale.

    I'm sorry, but I still get annoyed by these threads so I'm doin my best here to be constructive. Instead of ranting and raving you'd do yourself and everyone else taking the time to read these forums far more justice by posting a hand history through which constructive criticism and opinions can be delivered, as opposed to sympathy - which will not improve your game.

    As others have said, *raise* if you think you're ahead. If it all goes in then yes you got sucked out but going in ahead never means you've won the hand, if he had 2 overcards on the flop he still wins 1 in 4 times, discounting other draws he may have.
  • FlashFlushFlashFlush Member Posts: 4,494
    edited November 2009
    You need to put the ball in your opponents court, make them make decisions, like others have said you should of re-raised on flop and turn, without putting the Hand History on here we cant see what the board is reading/chipstacks or anything, but IMO, raise flop, if they call and you still think your ahead on turn go all in, he cant call. At the end of the day he was trying to bluff you off i wouldn't describe it as "cant let go of an ace" because your showing weakness.

    All in on flop or turn he folds
  • SirFrankSirFrank Member Posts: 197
    edited November 2009
    99 suited can so easily be beated by another 99 off suit...its so frustrating ...when i had KK suited beat by AAA suited on the turn and the river ...

  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2009

    raise the flop or the turn or both then he wont get anywhere near the river. simples ;)

  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Am I banging my head against a brick wall here?:
    raise the flop or the turn or both then he wont get anywhere near the river. simples ;)
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    He raised b4 me, if hed checked if would have raised. I didnt see point of re-raising cos I knew hed call me if i did and if id gone allin on turn (b4 hes ace came up) I reckon he would have called (he put 2 much on pot aleady) so I would have lost 100% of chips not just 90%.
  • xFALLENxxFALLENx Member Posts: 826
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Am I banging my head against a brick wall here?:
    my poor poor poor fallen angel, you are of the sensitive type, i shall hunt these fish down, cut them open , and post them to you, how dare they upset my angel, p.s hunting as we speak
    Posted by IRISHROVER


  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,815
    edited November 2009
    I feel sorry for you fallen.

    Im one of the worst for raising on Ace high post-flop if its a raggy board but if the opponent calls and i miss on the river again i usually let them have it.

    As Hale said place notes on these people, the amount of times these notes have helped me against an opponent in a game speaks for itself.
  • NColleyNColley Member Posts: 1,178
    edited November 2009
    was on stars yesterday, pocket K's, deep stacked, opponent (also deep stacked) raised in front, I re raise, he calls, Flop: 3, 6, 10, he checks, I bet pot, he calls, Turn: Q, he checks, I bet 3/4 pot, he calls, River: Ace, he goes all in, I call because I am a non believer, he shows wait for it... A 2.
  • The_Don90The_Don90 Member Posts: 9,815
    edited November 2009
    ncolley that minds me of the time i was short stacked on a table (not in terms of blinds and i had 18 bb left bt in terms of the table we had 8 of the 8 biggest stacks and i was 8th in the tournament) i had AK raise to 6x BB SB doubles that i call flop comes AK5 i bet all in 6xBB with my 2 pair making it appear as a  continuation bet and the SB calls. With funilly enough A2
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