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so embarassing... (rant continued)



  • SirFrankSirFrank Member Posts: 197
    edited November 2009

    What do you mean telling DOHHHHH "DONT" ...are you the boss then ..."DONT" is a command....when did you have the right to COMMAND others thought patterns!

    So i say to you ...DONT COMMAND OTHER FOLK .....Ok chap!
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009
    Hi Dohhhh

    Thanks for coming back to the thread this morning.  I think it was me who referred to your calling james "embarrasing" as abusive.  That was my opinion, and maybe its wrong.  Certainly, your post hasnt been deleted by the mods which indicates its ok, and i'm perfectly happy to admit i got it wrong if thats the case, and apologise.

    But i do think that there was a better way of going about disagreeing with james' analysis, and putting it in the poker strategy section for debate is one idea.

    By the same token, i would say that one thread would have been enough, as anyone who wants to comment can do so without the need for a second thread.  in the forum, there is an issue with relatively new threads being lost to page 2 after a couple of  hours because of the high number of new threads being posted.

    Finally, as for ruffling feathers, that is a good thing.  The forum is at its best when there are differing views being expressed, so even if i thought your opening post was unfair, debate is healthy.  As I said at the start, thanks for coming back to the thread and posting again, as all too often, someone posts and then doesnt respond when others disagree.
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    Haha wow thats definately ruffled some feathers. As you can see from the number of posts I have written, and from what I said in my initial post, I'm not a regular forum user. I wasnt aware of the code of conduct or any forum rules which might apply, apart from the obvious 'no swearing' no personal abuse etc etc. Again regarding starting 2 threads or posts or whatever they are called, wasnt aware that starting 2 was frowned upon. As for one bloke who said id abused the presenter in question, maybe he needs to look up the definition of the word. But having said that in this community it seems that that comment in itself, may be classed as Anyway i'll be more careful in future. JJ
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    It's not about ruffling feathers fella, it's about conducting yourself in the right an appropriate manner in accordance with the forum. The way you just come onto the form and announce that some one is embarrassing is a personal attack. 

    Let's put it another way, your at work and the boss comes onto the shop floor and gives his verdict of your performance in front of the whole work place and customers alike. He says your performance this month has been embarrassing and it's not up to much and other people do a much better job -  your gonna be pretty chuffed off that he has done it in public view and that it he has not really given you constructive feedback. If however he'd of done it private or in a constructive way that was not belittling you then your gonna accept it. It's the same thing on here fella. 

    If you have a point to make, it's how you present the point that matters and not so much as to what the point is. It is a fairly tight knit community which can only be a good thing, as we all want to learn and be better players etc etc and trust me fella there ain't no better than sky poker!!!!!

    Personally i take my hat off to you as you come back and stood your corner!! i have been on many forums and most just slink away when opinion is against them in general. But you have come back done your thing and fair play to you!!!!! If you have a point in future just take a second before you start typing furiously when your annoyed, as the point you are trying to make will never come across in the manner in which you intend it too. From what i have seen of you today, quite looking forward to having you around as you speak your mind and that's quality for the forum in the long run.

    We all have little outbursts, jesus i only had one last week!! so it's par for the course... but just get it out there in a constructive manner and you'll always get a very healthy debate going!!

    As for starting 2 threads, no real great shakes on that your new an we all do daft things when we first start these things. One last thing to remember as well, no one is perfect. Last person that was supposedly perfect got nailed to a cross .... didn't do him much good ;)

    Oh by the way welcome to the forum good to have you on the site!!! ;)
  • EDKENT123EDKENT123 Member Posts: 416
    edited November 2009
    NAIL ON THE HEAD, spot on mate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    n Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    In Response to so embarassing... (rant continued) : I am assuming that you are a pro poker player, with a trophy cabinet the size of the tower of london where you keep all your WSOP bracelets and cash out in every tournament that you play!! Everyone is entitled to an opinion as it's a free country. But to come on the forum and blatantly undermine and attack someone personally is bang out of order. You could of put that in a far more constructive and adult way! this is a forum not a playground. James is a very well respected member of the team and obviously just has a different style to you. Poker is like boxing it's the clash of styles that make it exciting and varies the way the game is played. personally i think you owe the guy an apology, not for your opinion but for the way in which you decided to display it!! I personally don't agree sometimes with how he says you should play certain hands, but that's because my style is different. Would i come onto the forum and have it with him like that, no way in this world. I would of sent a private message asking for an explanation if i felt that strongly, as they are all really good like that and give you the time of day .... which i might add you won't find anywhere else. Or put a polite post on forum to start a debate. i find the way you have dealt with this situation chimerical at best. They all do a great job and work hard and it's for entertainment mainly as they do not promise to make you a better player, they just explain things from a different perspective. This is just one man's opinion, would all the other presenters  have said the same thing i very much doubt it. if you feel that strongly about it just ignore it ;)
    Posted by margatemaf
  • daveydaveydaveydavey Member Posts: 217
    edited November 2009
    The problem with JH is he belittles players whilst making the odd bizzare assesment. 
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2009

    When I replied on the other Thread, I was not aware that TWO seperate Threads have been started by the same Member to criticise the same Analyst.

    I may be wrong, & merely reading betwen the lines, but my extra sensitive spidey senses suggest to me perhaps Dohhhhhhh is not overly fond of James. Which is, of course, is a different thing entirely. Or it may be an attempt to hide affection, in much the same way I abuse Orford, though really, I love him to bits.

    We are Presenters & Analysts, we dispense so-called words of wisdom. Sometimes we get it wrong, we just do. I reckon I've probably got it wrong, oooh, 59,00 times.

    PS - We DO need Smileys on this Forum, badly!
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    we do indeed, there are plenty out there to be had!! some real crackers too!! I don't think its a case of not being overly fond of james at all, he just had a point to make, instead of taking a deep breath before typing ... he typed straightaway ... an we've all been guilty of that at some point ;)  ( smiley's defo needed )
  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    When I replied on the other Thread, I was not aware that TWO seperate Threads have been started by the same Member to criticise the same Analyst. I may be wrong, & merely reading betwen the lines, but my extra sensitive spidey senses suggest to me perhaps Dohhhhhhh is not overly fond of James. Which is, of course, is a different thing entirely. Or it may be an attempt to hide affection, in much the same way I abuse Orford, though really, I love him to bits. We are Presenters & Analysts, we dispense so-called words of wisdom. Sometimes we get it wrong, we just do. I reckon I've probably got it wrong, oooh, 59,00 times. PS - We DO need Smileys on this Forum, badly!
    Posted by Tikay10
    hahaha love it
  • DOHHHHHHHDOHHHHHHH Member Posts: 17,929
    edited November 2009
    Haha just to clarify, the pot size was 59,000. And as for the way I went about making my point, ive read all the comments and taken them on board, thanks for the feedback. Maybe came across as abit nieve as a forum newbie, but been reading through other peoples threads and stuff and its something I will be using alot more of, in a more refined, constructive manner. Apologies to anyone i've offended.

    P.S, I have absolutely no problem with the presenter in question, in fact up until last saturday, the poker results show that he presents (cant remember the name) was my favourite show on sky poker. Master Cash is a brilliant idea, play cash 95% of the time and hope to get on screen this saturday, where no doubt alot of people will be awaiting my downfall after this/these posts. Show ya i can walk as well as talk ;) haha cyaz around on the tables. JJ.
  • margatemafmargatemaf Member Posts: 849
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    Haha just to clarify, the pot size was 59,000. And as for the way I went about making my point, ive read all the comments and taken them on board, thanks for the feedback. Maybe came across as abit nieve as a forum newbie, but been reading through other peoples threads and stuff and its something I will be using alot more of, in a more refined, constructive manner. Apologies to anyone i've offended. P.S, I have absolutely no problem with the presenter in question, in fact up until last saturday, the poker results show that he presents (cant remember the name) was my favourite show on sky poker. Master Cash is a brilliant idea, play cash 95% of the time and hope to get on screen this saturday, where no doubt alot of people will be awaiting my downfall after this/these posts. Show ya i can walk as well as talk ;) haha cyaz around on the tables. JJ.
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    We've all been there buddy!! and well said!!! and no apology needed ...... Matter now sorted ;) look forward to seeing you play and not see your downfall either as suggested ;) always interesting to watch someone else play the game 
  • BuistyboyBuistyboy Member Posts: 408
    edited November 2009
    Hi JJ

    Credit to you for reading this and other threads and taking all the comments on board.  You may be a "newbie" to the forum, but you'll soon be a regular and i look forward to your participating in the forum with constructive threads, and plenty of contributions.
  • Hale72Hale72 Member Posts: 1,000
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued) : LOL i think you've managed to offend Helmuth, Raymer and all of the Hendon Mob there by grouping them with Chris Moneymaker!
    Posted by SHANXTA

    One win, and the guy will live off this for the rest of his life.

    Now not knocking the bracelet, I will never get that far, but please, retire if you have any cash left before you go bankrupt.
  • brookbridbrookbrid Member Posts: 133
    edited November 2009

    your wasting your time.

    Clique, closed shop, but you are right to critisise if u like, we pay their wages at £58 a month, so if you want you can.

    Take no notice of the tefal gang.

    All the best
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2009

    Well done Dohhhh - nice Post. We'll get along just fine, I'm sure.

    Handy Hint - if you want to criticise an on-screen Presenter or Analyst, the easy target is Lord Gloat. We are all on his case. ;) 

    PS - Yes, I well knew you meant "59,000". It was my juvenile way of making the point about how easy it is to make mistakes. I prefer that method to HU4RLZ, on so many levels.
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2009

    God bless 35suited - I was beginning to think it (my 59,00 comment) had been wasted......
  • chirkerchirker Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2009

    It doesn't surprise me that so many forum regulars came to jame's defence. But i'm pretty sure that there are lot's of people who agree with DOHHHHHHHH's opinion who won't reply on the forum. Personally, i'm not keen on james as an analyst, it seem's to me he think's there is only one way to play poker, and that's his way. But i would never abuse him personally, just because i don't like the way he analyse's poker, that doesn't mean he is no good at it. It's just my opinion, and i'm sure he's more successful at poker than i will ever be. And i'm sure if we all agreed with all the analyst's, we would all  have a wsop bracelet, and that's not going to happen, is it.

  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2009

    Nice balanced Post by Chirker. James is opinionated & very aggressive in how he gives opinions, but it's horses for courses. But we are talking about Presentational or Analytical skills here. 

    I do think it's important when we (Analysts/Presenters) analyse TV hands on 865 that we remember that WE can see everyone's cards - whereas the Players, obv, could not.

    And we have to work out, & explain, why someone might make a basic error, & to do that, & be on Message, we need to be a little circumspect.

    So when we see, say, 10,000 chips in the Pot, & someone bets 500, it's easy to laugh, or mock, or ridicule, but that won't help anyone. We need to find a way to help the Player understand why that Bet serves no purpose. I'd like to think both James & I (& the other Guys) all do that - but we do it different ways. It's nowt to do with poker skills, it's coaching/mentoring kills.

    James = Aggro.

    tikay = Cooey-Wooey.

    And so between all of us, we get the same message across, but in different ways.
    Think of Old Mother Hubbard, who's dish ran away with the spoon.*

    * Blatant diversionary tactic, as in chaff.
  • daveydaveydaveydavey Member Posts: 217
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    Hi JJ Credit to you for reading this and other threads and taking all the comments on board.  You may be a "newbie" to the forum, but you'll soon be a regular and i look forward to your participating in the forum with constructive threads, and plenty of contributions.
    Posted by Buistyboy
    Nicest guy on the forum/world?
  • chirkerchirker Member Posts: 160
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    Nice balanced Post by Chirker. James is opinionated & very aggressive in how he gives opinions, but it's horses for courses. But we are talking about Presentational or Analytical skills here.  I do think it's important when we (Analysts/Presenters) analyse TV hands on 865 that we remember that WE can see everyone's cards - whereas the Players, obv, could not. And we have to work out, & explain, why someone might make a basic error, & to do that, & be on Message, we need to be a little circumspect. So when we see, say, 10,000 chips in the Pot, & someone bets 500, it's easy to laugh, or mock, or ridicule, but that won't help anyone. We need to find a way to help the Player understand why that Bet serves no purpose. I'd like to think both James & I (& the other Guys) all do that - but we do it different ways. It's nowt to do with poker skills, it's coaching/mentoring kills. James = Aggro. tikay = Cooey-Wooey. And so between all of us, we get the same message across, but in different ways.   Think of Old Mother Hubbard, who's dish ran away with the spoon.* * Blatant diversionary tactic, as in chaff.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I agree with the point's you make, i also think you all do a great job. I was thinking, it's a lot easier to comment on hands when you can see all the card's, an advantage we don't have when playing.I was watching a tourny on T.V. the other night(it wasn't sky). the analyst's were doing the same job as you all do on sky, but every so often they would just see the card's of one player, then analyze the hand without seeing the other hand's until the hand was over. I found this to be a good way to get their point across, maybe sky could introduce this, just say four or five time's a tournament, would be interesting to see how many time's they played the hand "correctly".
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,888
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued):
    In Response to Re: so embarassing... (rant continued) : I agree with the point's you make, i also think you all do a great job. I was thinking, it's a lot easier to comment on hands when you can see all the card's, an advantage we don't have when playing.I was watching a tourny on T.V. the other night(it wasn't sky). the analyst's were doing the same job as you all do on sky, but every so often they would just see the card's of one player, then analyze the hand without seeing the other hand's until the hand was over. I found this to be a good way to get their point across, maybe sky could introduce this, just say four or five time's a tournament, would be interesting to see how many time's they played the hand "correctly".
    Posted by chirker
    Yes, I saw that, too. but the Analysts HAD seen the hands - they were just not shown in-vision. The feed (to the Commentary booth) is continious, it's what's only what was transmitted that changed.

    Coild Sky Poker do it? I think it might be technically very awkward - the Virtual Set is a fairly complex bit of Software.

    Sure, it'd make the Analysts job much harder, more challenging - bring it on! - but part of the Message is "education", & there's no doubt that seeing everyone's hands does - or should - help everyone play better poker.
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