How about some sort of cash for points insentive to players to play during the early hours of the morning up to about 9am.
Traffic on the site really low from around 3am until about 9am so surely it makes sense to make use of these wasted hours and boost site numbers ( as i type this at 7.27am on site 218 seated 63 ).
A sort of MEGAGRIND promo could do it where players get rewards for playing in a certain numbers of mtts, stts or being seated at cash tables for a certain number of hours per week.
Anyone playing in more than x amount of mtts per week receives a 10% c4p bouns, more than x amount of sngs or playing at a cash table for more than x amount of hours and in each case you could give greater rewards of 15% and 20% to any players who go well above these targets and reach the higher tiers.
All ft players from the main and the mini (for the whole month) enter a freeroll with a £500 guarantee prize pool with only the final table paid !!!!
Cracked Aces & Kings
Anyone who gets their Aces or Kings cracked in the min and main for the month will again enter a freeroll with seats for various tournies* rather then cash for the final 10% - 15%
No offence Ms-Tree, but please do not have a loyalty scheme based around the MEs Sky because it excludes such a massive amount of players on the site. Posted by Lambert180
The ME's get the biggest fields of the night, every night, with no exceptions. You can hardly say this is elitest by scoping a loyalty scheme around these. They are already in the spotlight and easy to keep track of.. I see no reason not to do this.
Sky would be worse off doing some sort of DYM loyalty league bla bla micro stakes, because most general (not active in community) players would be disinterested. Furthermore sky don't have as much interest to get people playing small stakes.
The main event is known to all on sky, from forum, to players who watch 861, or new players.
I think they should celebrate and generate interest around the flagship tournaments that earn them the most revenue and are generally the most widely viewed and anticipated tournament day in day out.
1. The Birthday Bonus. 2. & 3. You get free entry into the main & mini on the day of your birthday. 4. Everyone is eligible. I think? ;-) Posted by Glenelg
+1 but can we implement it befofre the deadline of 3rd August - I,m on the 2nd
Unfornately this will never happen as it doesn,t really awared loyalty and everyone would start joing up before their birthday costing Sky to much
It depends what you mean by loyalty - Getting so many pts a month (preferred the old c4p scheme) or how long youve been playing on the site and how often.
How a bout a forum freerolll every month for thos posters who have posted x amounts of posts? - or something among those lines
GO 4 G O L D player's play in Tournament named after Olympic Events the top 3 get medals gold silver bronze medals equals chips gold =3000 silver =2000 bronze =1000 you can win more then one medals G+S+B+B=7000 chips for the BIG final (up to £500) to play the final tournament people need a medal Posted by STOCKY8A1
Unfortunately, Sky are not allowed to promote anything to do with the olympics, due to the stupidly strict advertising laws I believe...
If you play a lot and earn the points then your a loyal customer if you manage to get to 500 points you get entered into a 500 points freeroll. If you manage to get to 1000 C4p you get entered into the 1000 freeroll and so on.
And the prize would be a free entry into the final. So 2 players from each of the C4P levels micro players and big rollers would all compete against each other in a 10 seater sit n go final which could be televised.
500 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets 1000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets 2000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets 3000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets 6000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
Winners from each of above rounds plays in the final ten seater sit n go with a nice prize fund of £500 or what ever sky wants to put up and bragging rights for the winner and a real battle for each level of player.
Its simple it gives players a real boost to do well on C4P and play more and existing loyal customers get something for there existing loyalty and the prize at the end is worth winning at any level.
1: The Big Summer League. 2: Play the main and mini every night of 1 week in august i.e 6th-12th. Have a league to see top 6, but must play in at least 2 mains and 2 minis in that week, with league points for both. Then the top 6 of league at end of week, plus all winners of main and mini get automatic entry into the freeroll final, so 20 players play for the £500 prizepool, with prizes awarded for the top 5. 3: Top 6 in the league and the 14 winners of the main and mini (get automatic places) to the final freeroll. 4: To qualify must enter at least 2 mains and 2 minis in the week, and finish in top 6 of league for that week or win any of the main or mini events for that week. Hope you understand what i am trying to come up with here, as i think great idea to boost numbers in the nights main and mini events over the summers weeks. And i hope SKY or the FORUM would do this for the future too. GL all at the tables. Posted by ms-tree
I love the idea of a league or ladder but would that be classed as a loyalty scheme? Are you not just rewarding the best players on the site? My personal opinion is there is a place for your suggestion but perhaps as an incentive for the Hi Rollers earning over 10,000 points a month or maybe it could be used as an incentive for players who fall short by a couple of 1,000 points each month. But I do think there's value in your suggestion!
How about a family loyalty bonus - anyone who has a: husband, daughter, son, 2 sisters a brother and 2 brothers in law who play on sky poker wins a bonus...ooh thats me!!!! yeay
monthly loyalty freeroll qualification entry requirement = play on site at least 10 days in the month starting stack = number of hands played in the month prize structure applied to top 10% of players Posted by aussie09
Think Mr Aussies idea is good, but Im harsh and think ppl should play for at least 15 days? If u have played 15 days you could get 3000 chips and an extra 250 chips for each day u have played, so if they have played for 20 days, u would start with 4250 chips.
It could be worth £300 with prizes being tournament/satelite tokens eg certain number into £11 Bounty Hunters, lucky 7's, Sky Roller satelites?
Super Freeroll
There could be an extra £200 added to the first 7pm Wed nite freeroll of the month to make it £300. It could cost 100 poker points to enter with no rebuys/addons?
Think ppl who dont qualify for c4p in a month, should still recieve a £5 bonus when they hit each 1000 poker points. IMO just because they dont achieve it in a month, dosent make them any less loyal, and would show no matter what level of player, you are rewarded to keep playing on Sky?
Sry personal rant, whats all this I've been hearing the last cpl of years about birthday bonus? Did I forget to fill out my D.O.B. when I joined? I havent even recieved a card the last couple of years .....does Tikay not like me? (only joking!).
My idea is something which doesn't discriminate against low or high bankrolls...
'BUBBLETASTIC' : Quite simply, from 0.00am on a Monday through until 3pm on a Sunday, anyone who is the bubble on any tournament with over 100 players, (with a buy-in of at least £2), is entered into a tournament on Sunday evening with a prize pool of say £250. Not got a partciular preference on format but I'm sure others will!
Knowing my luck I'll now regularly be the bubble bubble!!
thanks DUNMIDOSH for you comments, and i do agree mybe the main and mini might well go in favour of the regulars, but to get more players playing these (esp. this time of year) running somthing along the lines i suggested would only get more players to play.
After looking at comments and taking peoples thoughts on b/r too i think best to run a week long league using the mini each night, with the winner of each night going into the THE BIG SUMMER LEAGUE final, and the top 10 of the league also into the final. So 16 into fianl with top 5 being paid. (must play in at least 2 mini's to qualify via league postion).
But if sky do like idea of getting more players into main then same as above but for the main each night.
Just 1 final note i hope sky could inculde a weekly, or monthly league around the main/mini/both at some time, with a final freeroll at sometime as i feel would be popular. (or mybe a forum comp).
In Response to Re: Competition - Win a Primo Seat : Think Mr Aussies idea is good, but Im harsh and think ppl should play for at least 15 days? Ppl get 150 chips for each day they have played, so if they have played for 20 days, they would start with 3000 chips. It could be worth £300 with prizes being tournament/satelite tokens eg certain number into £11 Bounty Hunters, lucky 7's, Sky Roller satelites? Super Freeroll There could be an extra £200 added to the first 7pm Wed nite freeroll of the month to make it £300. It could cost 100 poker points to enter with no rebuys/addons? Think ppl who dont qualify for c4p in a month, should still recieve a £5 bonus when they hit each 1000 poker points. IMO just because they dont achieve it in a month, dosent make them any less loyal, and would show no matter what level of player, you are rewarded to keep playing on Sky? Sry personal rant, whats all this I've been hearing the last cpl of years about birthday bonus? Did I forget to fill out my D.O.B. when I joined? I havent even recieved a card the last couple of years .....does Tikay not like me? (only joking!). Posted by DEL560
A lot of these ideas make a big thing about rewarding loyal players and make the assumption that 500 points each month is easily achievable by everybody. I have been playing on Sky Poker regularly for the past four years, usually at least four days a week and (if you ask my wife, too often!) probably for 20 hours +.
In that time I have reached 500 points TWICE so rarely obtain entry into loyalty events etc, I have thousands of poker points you can do very little with so selfishly I like the idea of getting a £5 bonus each time I reach 1,000 points regardless of how long it takes me.
And DEL, I don't rememeber receiving a birthday bonus in the past's my birthday tomorrow so if I get one, it will be a nice present!!
WOW great idea CLEANSWEEP to have the final shown on TV, that would be great as it would have some of the best players on here in the final with new upcoming players too. I must admit didn't give TV final a thought but it has to be a must now. Also hope this can be start of things to come and have this run for the future too.
Are you that loyal to play all fourteen games and then the final?
Game: Deep Bounty Hunter 10 seated 4000 chips £3.30 to enter.Played over 14 days final to be played on the15th day. You must play at least seven games, your finishing position are your points keep your points low. Top 50 go in to final
Prizes For deep bounty hunter £1 moved to final, so if 100 players enter then £100 is used for final, potentially over 14 games it could be £1400.
£1 on your head. You keep 75%. 25% goes on your head
£1 pound divided by top three. If 100 players Then £100 will be divided by 1st2nd and 3rd
30p Rake
The Final.
Loyalty Hold ‘em
Deep stack4000 chips. Just get to the final table to take a share in the Prize pool. Five tables 10 handed.
This could be fun with it being a 10 seated bounty, you could be called by 9 players. Getting knocked out early could be your worst nightmare as points are critical.
mini open weekly league table points given for finishing positions EG 300 entrants 1 point for finishing 300th 300points for finishing 1st. League table runs monday to sunday. top 20 recieve £400 cash prize breakdown to be decided next 30 win 1 mini open free entry. roughly total £500. bit of interest and cheep and open to all.
2) Freeroll where starting stacks are allocated based on height. 6' = 2000 chips for every inch less the stack is halved, for every inch more the stack is doubled.
3) £500
4) This could be a replacement for the cancelled freeroll for everyone between 250 and 500 c4p. To avoid cheating only players who had their height confirmed at SPTs should be eligible.
How to qualify Play any suited hand with a 2 in it worse than 72s. ie 32s, 42s, 52s, 62s, 72s!!!!
STT/MTT; Knock a player(s) out of a final table with one of these hands !! Cash; Stack a player(s) at any level for more than 100 blinds with one of these hands !!
Post your perfectly played trashy hand in the Promo Thread to get your buyin refunded and a chance to become "The Undispooted Too Sooted Champion"
Promo Prizes The players who get the most Too Sooted KOs in say a 3 month period win the below cash prizes.
Traffic on the site really low from around 3am until about 9am so surely it makes sense to make use of these wasted hours and boost site numbers ( as i type this at 7.27am on site 218 seated 63 ).
A sort of MEGAGRIND promo could do it where players get rewards for playing in a certain numbers of mtts, stts or being seated at cash tables for a certain number of hours per week.
Anyone playing in more than x amount of mtts per week receives a 10% c4p bouns, more than x amount of sngs or playing at a cash table for more than x amount of hours and in each case you could give greater rewards of 15% and 20% to any players who go well above these targets and reach the higher tiers.
Final table Freeroll
All ft players from the main and the mini (for the whole month) enter a freeroll with a £500 guarantee prize pool with only the final table paid !!!!
Cracked Aces & Kings
Anyone who gets their Aces or Kings cracked in the min and main for the month will again enter a freeroll with seats for various tournies* rather then cash for the final 10% - 15%
* ie - 1st Primo seat, 2nd 12k BH and so on
was only an idea, so mybe just do it with the mini's everynight then, but using same concept i gave before.
wouldn't cost alot as would only need to play at least 2, but greater chance if playing in more.
but a final with 20 in and top 5 payout still sounds good to me.
1st: £200
2nd: £140
3rd: £90
4th: £50
5th: £20
Sky would be worse off doing some sort of DYM loyalty league bla bla micro stakes, because most general (not active in community) players would be disinterested. Furthermore sky don't have as much interest to get people playing small stakes.
The main event is known to all on sky, from forum, to players who watch 861, or new players.
I think they should celebrate and generate interest around the flagship tournaments that earn them the most revenue and are generally the most widely viewed and anticipated tournament day in day out.
Good idea Ms-Tree
Unfornately this will never happen as it doesn,t really awared loyalty and everyone would start joing up before their birthday costing Sky to much
It depends what you mean by loyalty - Getting so many pts a month (preferred the old c4p scheme) or how long youve been playing on the site and how often.
How a bout a forum freerolll every month for thos posters who have posted x amounts of posts? - or something among those lines
If you play a lot and earn the points then your a loyal customer if you manage to get to 500 points you get entered into a 500 points freeroll. If you manage to get to 1000 C4p you get entered into the 1000 freeroll and so on.
And the prize would be a free entry into the final. So 2 players from each of the C4P levels micro players and big rollers would all compete against each other in a 10 seater sit n go final which could be televised.
500 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
1000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
2000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
3000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
6000 C4P + freeroll prize fund - 2 final Battle royale tickets
Winners from each of above rounds plays in the final ten seater sit n go with a nice prize fund of £500 or what ever sky wants to put up and bragging rights for the winner and a real battle for each level of player.
Its simple it gives players a real boost to do well on C4P and play more and existing loyal customers get something for there existing loyalty and the prize at the end is worth winning at any level.
Are you not just rewarding the best players on the site?
My personal opinion is there is a place for your suggestion but perhaps as an incentive for the Hi Rollers earning over 10,000 points a month or maybe it could be used as an incentive for players who fall short by a couple of 1,000 points each month.
But I do think there's value in your suggestion!
It could be worth £300 with prizes being tournament/satelite tokens eg certain number into £11 Bounty Hunters, lucky 7's, Sky Roller satelites?
Super Freeroll
There could be an extra £200 added to the first 7pm Wed nite freeroll of the month to make it £300. It could cost 100 poker points to enter with no rebuys/addons?
Think ppl who dont qualify for c4p in a month, should still recieve a £5 bonus when they hit each 1000 poker points. IMO just because they dont achieve it in a month, dosent make them any less loyal, and would show no matter what level of player, you are rewarded to keep playing on Sky?
Sry personal rant, whats all this I've been hearing the last cpl of years about birthday bonus? Did I forget to fill out my D.O.B. when I joined? I havent even recieved a card the last couple of years
Thanks for all the ideas everyone, keep 'em coming!
'BUBBLETASTIC' : Quite simply, from 0.00am on a Monday through until 3pm on a Sunday, anyone who is the bubble on any tournament with over 100 players, (with a buy-in of at least £2), is entered into a tournament on Sunday evening with a prize pool of say £250. Not got a partciular preference on format but I'm sure others will!
Knowing my luck I'll now regularly be the bubble bubble!!
After looking at comments and taking peoples thoughts on b/r too i think best to run a week long league using the mini each night, with the winner of each night going into the THE BIG SUMMER LEAGUE final, and the top 10 of the league also into the final. So 16 into fianl with top 5 being paid. (must play in at least 2 mini's to qualify via league postion).
But if sky do like idea of getting more players into main then same as above but for the main each night.
Just 1 final note i hope sky could inculde a weekly, or monthly league around the main/mini/both at some time, with a final freeroll at sometime as i feel would be popular. (or mybe a forum comp).
gl all at the tables.
A lot of these ideas make a big thing about rewarding loyal players and make the assumption that 500 points each month is easily achievable by everybody. I have been playing on Sky Poker regularly for the past four years, usually at least four days a week and (if you ask my wife, too often!) probably for 20 hours +.
In that time I have reached 500 points TWICE so rarely obtain entry into loyalty events etc, I have thousands of poker points you can do very little with so selfishly I like the idea of getting a £5 bonus each time I reach 1,000 points regardless of how long it takes me.
And DEL, I don't rememeber receiving a birthday bonus in the past's my birthday tomorrow so if I get one, it will be a nice present!!
gl all at the tables
Are you that loyal to play all fourteen games and then the final?
Game: Deep Bounty Hunter 10 seated 4000 chips £3.30 to enter. Played over 14 days final to be played on the15th day. You must play at least seven games, your finishing position are your points keep your points low. Top 50 go in to final
Prizes For deep bounty hunter
£1 moved to final, so if 100 players enter then £100 is used for final, potentially over 14 games it could be £1400.
£1 on your head. You keep 75%. 25% goes on your head
£1 pound divided by top three. If 100 players Then £100 will be divided by 1st 2nd and 3rd
30p Rake
The Final.
Loyalty Hold ‘em
Deep stack 4000 chips. Just get to the final table to take a share in the Prize pool. Five tables 10 handed.
This could be fun with it being a 10 seated bounty, you could be called by 9 players. Getting knocked out early could be your worst nightmare as points are critical.
Please feel free to edit this as you wish.
Rawhand (Rob)
2) Freeroll where starting stacks are allocated based on height. 6' = 2000 chips for every inch less the stack is halved, for every inch more the stack is doubled.
"Too Suited KO Championship" or even "Too Sooted KO Championship" if you guys are feeling brave!!!!
Can you stack a player with one of the worst hands in the game? Are you built for our Sky Pokerz Too Sooted Promo?
Insert <<NakkedPictureofTikeyChasingOrfordPromoPicture.gif /> />
How to qualify
Play any suited hand with a 2 in it worse than 72s. ie 32s, 42s, 52s, 62s, 72s!!!!
STT/MTT; Knock a player(s) out of a final table with one of these hands !!
Cash; Stack a player(s) at any level for more than 100 blinds with one of these hands !!
Post your perfectly played trashy hand in the Promo Thread to get your buyin refunded and a chance to become "The Undispooted Too Sooted Champion"
Promo Prizes
The players who get the most Too Sooted KOs in say a 3 month period win the below cash prizes.
1st £500
2nd £375
3rd £125