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table abuse



  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    Oh dear .. Flutnush ..that was a joke  !!  .. just a point I made to SkyRich about me having to go to 'care&support"  with the   "click here"     
    Posted by bennydip2
    Er, I think that FlutNush realised that it was a joke.
    That is why he penned a comic masterpiece in reply.
    You could learn a lot from him. :-)
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    I think you can thank such online CHAVS as Luke Schwartz for a steady increase in such abuse. Of course through the like of Hellmuth and others Poker Insults have always been banded around but people are using them to try and tilt other players and put them off their game.

    The couple who had their daughter watching the screen and blamed you for the other guy swearing???? either the other guy is a friend of theirs and thus all becomes your fault or i fear for their child. If they truly do blame you then they sound idiotic. The child is probably in danger if these people are ever allowed to operate kitchen utensils or drive cars. Care in the community programs should monitor what their clients are doing on a night
  • FlutNushFlutNush Member Posts: 371
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    Oh dear .. Flutnush ..that was a joke  !!  .. just a point I made to SkyRich about me having to go to 'care&support"  with the   "click here"     
    Posted by bennydip2
    It's quite alright Benny, I wasn't being entirely serious myself. For the avoidance of doubt: I do not steal car hub caps or burgle houses.

    We all good with that? To prove it... here it comes... wait for it...

    ;) lol, etc.

    I think that clears everything up nicely. Now, who wants to start another feisty thread about James Hartigan? Anyone?
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : It's quite alright Benny, I wasn't being entirely serious myself. For the avoidance of doubt: I do not steal car hub caps or burgle houses. We all good with that? To prove it... here it comes... wait for it... ;) lol, etc. I think that clears everything up nicely. Now, who wants to start another feisty thread about James Hartigan? Anyone?
    Posted by FlutNush
    You first.
  • bennydip2bennydip2 Member Posts: 2,093
    edited November 2009
    lol well i guessed you knew, and i was laughing at your post so much but then I thought ..Oh NO what if ..... hahahaa   classic
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2009
    Mmmmm James Hartigan, the thinking girl's Ed Giddins
  • MereNoviceMereNovice Member Posts: 4,364
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    Mmmmm James Hartigan, the thinking girls Ed Giddins
    Posted by TiaDalma
    Mr. Hartigan is probably going to get that printed on some t-shirts (once he's corrected your grammar).
    You should copyright it quickly - you could make a mint.
  • RattiousRattious Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: CFC 302:
    bring him on benny i used 2 work the doors years ago that i dont meen yeeeeaaaarrrrssss ago lol
    Posted by DELTA[/QUOT

    Did you used to open and close them on Star Trek "MmmmmShhhhhoooommmmm............. Clunk" ?
  • TiaDalmaTiaDalma Member Posts: 454
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : Mr. Hartigan is probably going to get that printed on some t-shirts (once he's corrected your grammar). You should copyright it quickly - you could make a mint.
    Posted by MereNovice
    Thanks MereNovice lol  copyright applied for, will share profit with you ! x
  • RattiousRattious Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    I think you can thank such online CHAVS as Luke Schwartz for a steady increase in such abuse. Of course through the like of Hellmuth and others Poker Insults have always been banded around but people are using them to try and tilt other players and put them off their game. The couple who had their daughter watching the screen and blamed you for the other guy swearing???? either the other guy is a friend of theirs and thus all becomes your fault or i fear for their child. If they truly do blame you then they sound idiotic. The child is probably in danger if these people are ever allowed to operate kitchen utensils or drive cars. Care in the community programs should monitor what their clients are doing on a night
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    LOL Luke Schartz the online chav? Thats one player who doesnt confuse ambition and ability and I suspect he has never abused you in a chat box!

  • namesb0ndnamesb0nd Member Posts: 402
    edited November 2009
    i think you should complain even if it doesnt bother you,he will just do it again otherwise and it could be to someone who is offended.You can take the first step in making sure that doesnt happen...

    ...i'm starting to sound like an RSPCA sdvert.
  • onthemoononthemoon Member Posts: 11
    edited November 2009

         I reported table abuse to Sky on 2 seperate times and they stopped them using the chat box, So if you dont report them you must but up with the abuse, because they wont stop it unless you" DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT"

  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : LOL Luke Schartz the online chav? Thats one player who doesnt confuse ambition and ability and I suspect he has never abused you in a chat box!
    Posted by Rattious
    OK Genius let me explain it then. I meant you can thank him for promoting trash talk in the game between new 20 somethings who enter thinking it's all about big 3 bets and acting abusive to people at the table. Did i say he trashed me? no i didn't. His trash talk is as moronic as his dress sense.
  • RattiousRattious Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : OK Genius let me explain it then. I meant you can thank him for promoting trash talk in the game between new 20 somethings who enter thinking it's all about big 3 bets and acting abusive to people at the table. Did i say he trashed me? no i didn't. His trash talk is as moronic as his dress sense.
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    Ok genius? Ewwww you trash talking now..... You talk like a jim henson creation - in my opinion.

    Quote from Luke when asked about his chat -

    Does your chat give you an edge?

    No, not really. I do it to get under people’s skin because I enjoy getting under people’s skin, not because it gives me an edge. I’m talking about people I don’t like. I wouldn’t do it to your average player who just seems like a nice guy. I wouldn’t antagonise anybody for no reason, but anyone who seems a bit obnoxious – like durrrr – I just give it what I feel.
  • Hogg321Hogg321 Member Posts: 260
    edited November 2009
    just report em and then you dont have to deal with them again ;)
  • ACESOVER8sACESOVER8s Member Posts: 1,307
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : Ok genius? Ewwww you trash talking now..... You talk like a jim henson creation - in my opinion. Quote from Luke when asked about his chat - Does your chat give you an edge? No, not really. I do it to get under people’s skin because I enjoy getting under people’s skin, not because it gives me an edge. I’m talking about people I don’t like. I wouldn’t do it to your average player who just seems like a nice guy. I wouldn’t antagonise anybody for no reason, but anyone who seems a bit obnoxious – like durrrr – I just give it what I feel.
    Posted by Rattious
    Obviously your a fan, keep railing him and enjoy. But it doesn't change the fact that his chat streams are fed into forums where people think the game should be played in this spirt. The original post said "PEOPLE USE IT TO TILT PLAYERS AND PUT THEM OFF THEIR GAME" if you look back. There are plenty of examples of him using his digs to try and goad people into reloading when their sessions over or to abuse outdraws etc. Does he use it to his advantage..... .Yes, and he's good at it, but soem people are good at card sharping.... does that make it right?. The guy is marmite so if your on the side that loves him than fair enough. Im very much on the other
  • waller03waller03 Member Posts: 22
    edited November 2009
    I personally like a bit of "friendly banter" at the table, if you can get one or two people talking rubbish to you then they are not focusing on the game they are playing. However you do get some morons who like to bring your mother into it or start using obscene swear words bypassing the swear word filter by adding ...... between letters.

    It amazes me how much effort these pillocks put in to actually being able to put these words into chat!!

    If you get beaten by a bad beat then so be it, thats poker, let them know they are a very lucky boy/girl and give them a "nh" or whatever.

    No need to get personal about it, slate the dealer, not the player :oD
  • RattiousRattious Member Posts: 382
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: table abuse:
    In Response to Re: table abuse : Obviously your a fan, keep railing him and enjoy. But it doesn't change the fact that his chat streams are fed into forums where people think the game should be played in this spirt. The original post said "PEOPLE USE IT TO TILT PLAYERS AND PUT THEM OFF THEIR GAME" if you look back. There are plenty of examples of him using his digs to try and goad people into reloading when their sessions over or to abuse outdraws etc. Does he use it to his advantage..... .Yes, and he's good at it, but soem people are good at card sharping.... does that make it right?. The guy is marmite so if your on the side that loves him than fair enough. Im very much on the other
    Posted by ACESOVER8s
    The original post said -

    table abuse

    posted at 18/11/2009 10:46 PM GMT on
    Posts: 798
    First: 19/6/2009
    Last: 19/11/2009
    The language at the tables of this player ..calling me a C---  and T---   in the 1500 BH   .. 

    Would they do it live to my face .. I dont think so ............
    And you blamed that on a pro player.  No connection there as far I see.

    But I agree he is like marmite, so was Muhammad Ali, but his trash talking is no more to blame than Schwartz's for someone calling bennydip2 names.

    Limiting chat to active players (when your out your mute) would cut a lot of the name calling.
  • JONONZIEJONONZIE Member Posts: 367
    edited November 2009

                Iv come to the conclusion that you pay your money and can play whatever cards you wish from AA to 7 2 for people who like to play rubbish hands hoping to hit good luck  (im sure youve herd the term "dont tap the fish tank") , as for the 12 year old i would have no qualms letting my daughter/son watch me as I can educate them regarding gambling (who knows they may be the next Annie duke) as for the swearing I cant abide it and always report them but you can always just turn off the chat.
  • NoseyBonkNoseyBonk Member Posts: 6,186
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: CFC 302:
    ...   her 12 year old daughter was watching her play and reading the chat..  The daughter apparently burst into tears
    Posted by bennydip2
    That made me laugh lol

    These days a 12 year old is more likely to pull out a flick-knife and stab the screen! lol

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