Excellent post Drumahai, and again an excellent post by Huuuuume. Huuuume has said many of the things I was going to say but in a much better fashion so I’ll just echo what he has said as well as adding the following. The general tone and friendly atmosphere of the forum has been plummeting for some time now. IMO a major factor of this are some good and great posters are not posting anymore for a variety of reasons. Many were great at starting threads, a skill in itself and vital for a forum to survive. That just doesn't happen enough with the quality and quantity as it used to. Some very good posters are still posting today but at a fraction of the rate they used to. Apathy and a general malaise has spread across nearly everyone when it comes to the forum. A major factor to the forum's decline is blatant hate campaigns on other social media. I really think some members think they can say anything cruel and hurtful they like elsewhere and this won't have any ramifications on their reputation or how people respond to them here. Over the last year I have seen the most hideous hypocrisy, abuse and bullying from some members on other forms of social media, yet when people respond to them negatively here they feel hard done by. I also feel that some users are doing their level best to destroy as much morale and good feeling here as possible to further their little agenda and petty amusement. With these factors no wonder regular posters are leaving/not posting as much. And no wonder we don’t get many new posters through the doors. Do I agree with every decision SkyPoker has made in the forum? No, not at all. I don’t agree with every banning TBH. If it was up to me I would have let a couple of the recent bannings stay. I do however understand why they were banned and in no way are any of them completely innocent of blame. I wouldn't be a Mod on a forum where I thought people were being banned for no reason. But I've just seen a regular poster I respect in the OP say how they now feel worried when they post. That makes me very sad, it's not meant not to be like this at all. The userbase must accept their fair share of the blame for how turgid and negative this place has become. Only we, not the Admin or SkyPoker, but us the community members can force the change in attitudes to make it better. Stop posting negative comments for your own amusement. Stop trying to flamebait to illicit some sort of reaction. Stop trying to get other people into a confrontation so you can sit back and enjoy the fireworks. If a new member comes in then encourage them. In short, play nice and remember why this forum was created. At this point I’m getting close to believing there is no practical purpose for it and maybe it should be shut down for good. Then again then the trolls would win. To make sure this doesn’t happen, both SkyPoker and the Userbase have to work together to turn this place into what it used to be, a fun hang out for likeminded people. Posted by TommyD
+1 from me, also a mod and also someone who sees the damage being done on other forms of social media
I'm trying to decide weather there is any point in staying as a reg on the forum. why because it seems you now need a prove reader before posting anything. I defend the right for sky to protect their business and their clients from abuse from trolls and the like. but I'm afraid it seems to me its going way beyond that. we are seeing forum regs receiving bans for things that I just cant understand. I always believed the forum was a place were you could let off steam when on tilt as long as you didn't become abusive to others or sky. over the last couple of years I've had posts criticizing me and praising me without the poster having to think weather they could be banned or not. I have questioned online poker at times without fear. something I would not do now for fear of a ban. I fear I my be seen to have stepped over the line with this post, if I have how sad that in this day and age on a modern game site that we have come to love and enjoy we can no longer speak our minds with respect to others. sorry to have rambled on but it would be nice to hear your views is it just me or is the forum not what it used to be?? Posted by drumahai05
definately not imo. Youve brought up a subject that is constantly being talked about and think there are some really good + constructive responses on this thread, but i agree with the bolded bit as if i have a grievance or something i think could be done better for examplke on Sky i sometimes tend not to bother anymore for fear of ban. If its written well like your post then Sky (the mods) should embrace it as feedack and not just see it as a negaitive thing sometimes
Can't agree more
If Good Men do Nothing......!!!