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Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.



  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    By the way, great to see people voting for each option and explaining - Each post kind of makes me agree, until the next one. Basically I've said how I'd have thought about it but I could be swayed
    Posted by Majj
    Yes yes yes - me too. It's excellent to see such a wide range of opinions, & all of them very well articulated. If we can't improve our games from this sort of thing, then we are basket cases.

    And I wonder how many people who originally scoffed at the notion of flat-calling are now having second thoughts after reading Scotty's Post?......Scotty learnt his poker not from Harrington, but from the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy I fancy, he's so left-field, but he DOES make you think......

    Keep the feedback coming.
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : press the vote button then you fish.  my lonely 1 vote for call is looking very silly to all the million votes for raise, submitted by tournie players who have no idea how to play 140bb deep.
    Posted by scotty77
    Yah but I don't agree with doing a victory dance fist-pump on any non spade turn, as they're probably not going to try and get it in on the turn after we flat a Donk-bet and a raise /w like KsTs or 8s7s or whatever.

    If SB flat's and the turn bricks and then SB leads, i'd probably fold to anything 1/2 pot />. If he leads less and the BB folds, I ship. If less and the BB raises, I fold. If less and the BB calls, I ship. If the SB checks, and the BB leads I probably ship also.

    I think "I get it in on any non-spade turn" is a little broad, especially in a MW pot /w the described villains.
  • Hogg321Hogg321 Member Posts: 260
    edited November 2009
    fold for me, they could have anything in the SB/BB and first to move leading out with £1 looks very strong, for that to have then been re-raised, i dont see how im ahead with just a pair of kings. So many hands that can beat me here AA KK 99 66 K9 K6 96 there could also be a flush draw and a straight draw out there
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : Yah but I don't agree with doing a victory dance fist-pump on any non spade turn, as they're probably not going to try and get it in on the turn after we flat a Donk-bet and a raise /w like KsTs or 8s7s or whatever. If SB flat's and the turn bricks and then SB leads, i'd probably fold to anything 1/2 pot />. If he leads less and the BB folds, I ship. If less and the BB raises, I fold. If less and the BB calls, I ship. If the SB checks, and the BB leads I probably ship also. I think "I get it in on any non-spade turn" is a little broad, especially in a MW pot /w the described villains.
    Posted by LadyFingrs
    I also agree that this spot is quite gay and depending on the action turn I can find a fold to a blank.  With how action has played it does feel like set city, however having played that limit here on Sky a lot, as a general rule top top is the nuts.

    I disagree that they won't try and get it in with hands like KTss/78ss.  The stacks are still 110bb turn, assuming that SB flats, giving the BB tonnes of FE plus tonnes of outs should he get called.  Great spot to ship those kinda hands IMO, esp as we have played it tricky and a player at these levels won't put us on AK.

  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : Yes yes yes - me too. It's excellent to see such a wide range of opinions, & all of them very well articulated. If we can't improve our games from this sort of thing, then we are basket cases. And I wonder how many people who originally scoffed at the notion of flat-calling are now having second thoughts after reading Scotty's Post?......Scotty learnt his poker not from Harrington, but from the Hitch-Hikers Guide to the Galaxy I fancy, he's so left-field, but he DOES make you think...... Keep the feedback coming.
    Posted by Tikay10
    I learnt even more after playing Neil Blatchley the other night!

  • scrumdownscrumdown Member Posts: 1,609
    edited November 2009
    i would  fold tikay  because i think there hit  a  set
  • Tikay10Tikay10 Member, Administrator, Moderator Posts: 174,665
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : I learnt even more after playing Neil Blatchley the other night!
    Posted by scotty77
    I bet you did! I guess that was at Luton. Neil was first out of the APAT European Team Championship there, on Thursday, & he told me he was gonna hang around & hope some fish arrived for a little cash-action..... 
  • scotty77scotty77 Member Posts: 4,970
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : I bet you did! I guess that was at Luton. Neil was first out of the APAT European Team Championship there, on Thursday, & he told me he was gonna hang around & hope some fish arrived for a little cash-action..... 
    Posted by Tikay10
    yeah well getting in a 4bet PF to 100 with my JJ.  he calls.  we ship it on a 7 6 2 r flop. river 9.  he had 85o.  so owned. 750 pot.

    great guy tho, you could tell he was a fine player, obviously 300nl is like play chips to him. 

    hope to play him again tho, and maybe when he is less drunk and less spewy cos it would be a challenge!

  • 35suited35suited Member Posts: 2,332
    edited November 2009
    Sitting here with time to think about it and after reading evedryones posts im thinking fold, but ive answered as if i was in the game with nopt lnog to think and nobody elese opinions in my mind and im certain id be raising so thats what ive voted for
  • nirvana29nirvana29 Member Posts: 489
    edited November 2009
    its call for me every time, theres not much that can mess up you winning the hand, so id play it slow to get the most in the pot possable, and make the BB think i havnt got such a great hand. plus if if has got the nuts its damage limitation.
  • UrdadiUrdadi Member Posts: 297
    edited November 2009
    I voted fold.

    The tight aggressive player - does not concern me and if it was just him, I would be looking to raise him. He is most likely playing to type.

    The tight passive player - he does concern me. One he has called my raise.  Might be a small pair. Not representing an ace.  The fact he has come out betting, makes me think he has hit trips.

    Therefore I would reluctantly fold.
  • acebarry10acebarry10 Member Posts: 7,556
    edited November 2009

    He has bet £3 into a £2.20 pot? why?, if he has hit his hand would he really re raise, Is he pushing for the flush draw?, or has a hit a 6/9 with a weak kicker? poss, I would raise, maybe even all in ask him the question, hiis decision now.
  • SHANXTASHANXTA Member Posts: 1,507
    edited November 2009
    I would fold, can find alot better spots on here than this.

    I hate the min raise to £6

    I understand ladyfingrs and scottys reasons behind flattin the flop, and providin the sb flats aswell re-evaluating on the turn, as we would still be 100+bb deep and it's an option i'd consider if i'd been at the table a while or knew the players well
  • LadyFingrsLadyFingrs Member Posts: 613
    edited November 2009
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE.:
    In Response to Re: Master Cash Episode # 2 - Make Your Play - ONE. : I disagree that they won't try and get it in with hands like KTss/78ss.  The stacks are still 110bb turn, assuming that SB flats, giving the BB tonnes of FE plus tonnes of outs should he get called.  Great spot to ship those kinda hands IMO, esp as we have played it tricky and a player at these levels won't put us on AK.
    Posted by scotty77
    This logic clashes with itself.

    We're saying that these villains are sophisticated enough to know that getting it in with KTss & 87ss is good because they're not supposed to, but can't see how face up our hand is?

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