Hi all,
I've noticed a few new posters on the forum recently, and thought it would be a great idea to have a little 'get to know you' thread where people could introduce themselves. Feel free to give whatever details you'd like, for example... name, how long you've been playing, what got you started, what stakes you like to play, what games you like to play etc etc.
I'm not new here but I'll start off by doing a little bit of info about me to get the ball rolling and would really appreciate if all the forum posters took a few minutes out to just write a few words about themselves. Feel free to use my 'template' for your own.
Fingers crossed we get enough posters on here to keep this thread on the first page or two of GPC!
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My name is Paul and I'm 25, I've been playing since I was around 13-14 with friends just chucking in £1 each and winner takes all. I start playing properly online when I was around 19 and have played on and off since then.
I joined Sky around 2009 and since then have played about every possible format you could do during that time, DYMs, HU SnGs (Hypers and Turbos), Cash, MTTs, the lot. I am a very low stakes player.
My best moment in poker so far has to be cashing at SPT Cardiff in 2012, getting £375 for 12th which was only my 2nd attempt at playing live (not counting home games and the like).
My best times are when evryone from the forum gets together for spt's which are always brilliant weekends. Oh and i am from a small village called castletown in north of scotland.
Great idea Lambo, maybe not just new comers but some older posters should post. There is an old introduce yourself thread but it's pretty much been dormant for over a year I think. Just like Superman, time for a reboot.
Self confessed Sci Fi Geek and Comic book fanboy. I've been on SkyPoker since nearly the very start. Why? Well it's cool to see yourself on T.V.
I've been playing poker for about a decade now, played on most sites you've heard of and some you wouldn't have. I've had some lovely highlights here, and hope to have many more. On SkyPoker I play pretty much everything, lately I have been mostly playing +£55 DYMs and NL200 cash.
Whoever you are, feel free to say hello to me at a SPT, I've normally there somewhere near the bar.
Hi my name is john wallace. i joined sky about 6 months ago. I joined when i started watching sky poker on tv everynight and really liked the fact they were teaching you profitable poker and not just selling the product. the forum is another reason for joining 99% of the people on here will help your poker and not harm it.
I have been playing poker for around 4 years self taught after watching it on tv late at night as it was only thing on. before i joined sky i was mainly a stt (sit and go) mtt (multi table tournaments) player but after reading alot of books i convinced myself to transfer to cash and now im mainly a cash game player.
im about to start a new challenge that you can keep upto date with especially if you new player maybe we could progress together and you could post your progress aswell
I'm a 45yo milkman from Devon, father of three. Didn't play my first hand of poker until I was 40yo, and that was a play money game on Facebook. Fell in love with the game, dipped my toes into the waters of real-money poker here on Sky in November 2009. Haven't looked back since.
I'm Nick, aka Stretch83,
I have recently started playing again, after a 8 month break. The reason being I had a massive heater when I first started, I basically didn't even know hand rankings and would win every race and even finished first in a few low buy in tournies. I spun a half decent role from being blisfully unaware of how bad I was playing and then I learnt about the downside of variance. My decent role declined quickly and I withdrew the remaining cash scared of the downswing that I experienced.
I have since learnt more about BRM, Variance, read and studied online articles, blogs and books and am back to give Poker another go.
You will find me at the low stakes DYM tables, trying to slowly build a workable role so I can branch out and study other areas of the game.
I have never played live, but have made a promise to myself that I will attend at least one of the SPT events next season, even if it is to just rail, have a few beers and meet a few of the online players.
Nice one to Lambert for starting the thread!
See you on the tables
I'm a very low stakes player, MTT's only, DTD every Mon night is the highlight of my week
I joined Hitsquad just over a year ago, have made lots of great friends there, love all my poker buddies!
Been to 2 SPT's so far and will be at Nottingham this weekend, I'll be the one propping up the bar with Samdrunk