Hi, my name is Graeme, most of my mates call me Snedds
I am 40 years old and have been playing since Feb 2008. It all started by my mate suggesting a home game for 6 of us, we hadn't played poker or even knew the rules before that, we had a brill time to the point that we still have a home game first Friday of every month. I'd recommend them to anyone.
My first year playing poker on the net was trying out various sites taking advantage of the introductory bonuses whilst trying to learn the game. I joined Sky Poker a year later and have remained here ever since. I still play on the other sites odd times when Sky is doing essential maintenance, but prefer to stay here. There are so many ways on Sky Poker to learn and improve your game, from the Poker Clinic on the Forum or from the commentary / hand analysis on the TV. Even if you just have the show playing in the background sometimes an interesting hand pops up that can come in usefull for later on. Also, if you're lucky enough to have your own hand shown, then you can see whether the experts advise whether you played it well or how you could play it better or get more value.
I have played through the levels of stt's and mtt's. I started playing £0.60 and £1.15 dym's and then moved through to playing every level including £220. The same with mtt's I used to stick to £5.75 BH's but since building up a decent bankroll always try and play the biggest and best games possible. My most profitable game was the £220 Roller, so it makes sense to get involved in the biggest games. My biggest win was taking down the first UKOPS game of the first UKOPS series which was a £20k BH winning over £5.6k.
I always play in full view rather than mini view, so say Hi, I am more than happy to help anybody that asks.
HI, I'm Padraig - Pad for short ;-) I started playing about 18 mths ago after seeing my dads mates playing poker at his funeral in Ireland and realising that although he had played all his life, I never had. Kinda regret now not getting involved when I was growing up as it might have brought us closer. I joined Sky after seeing Tikay on 865 when I returned home. The community here was awesome in helping/advising/berating me when I first started as I knew nothing about poker. (Sometimes I feel I still don't!) I love the game now and wish I had more time to play/study. I've realised I have a LOT to learn BUT I'm gonna have great fun doing it! I joined Team51 about a year ago and they have been inspirational as have ALL the top players on Sky. (It can't be just coincidence that the same names appear regularly at the top of tourneys???) I play mostly low-level MTT's & DYM's.
I first started playing poker when i was about 7 years old playing 5 card draw with my grandad for matchsticks. (we did progress to playing for pennies) I didn't start playing holdem until around 2008 and first started online (on another poorer site) in late 2009.
I started on sky poker in Jan 2010 and hadn't played anywhere else since During the day I play with vitamins and minerals as an assistant manager for the chain Holland and Barrett having left university 2 years ago with a degree in history.
I've started to post in the forum more regularly, but it is the first place I come to each morning to read diaries and certain threads (good or bad) which has arisen over night.
I believe his community does have a fantastic spirt and for the most part is made up of amazing posters, whom are more than happy to help and give advice. I tip my hate to Lambert for starting this thread and I hope to become a more regular poster myself.
I almost only play MTTs at the mirco sakes, especially the mini events, though I do love to sat into mains (when lucky enough) and when I have the time to do it. I enjoy the friday night orfordable deepsake as I believe its one of the best tournaments play in the right spirit. (am yet to see anything negative written) I would love to get involved with a team at some point and def want to play the monday DTD soon too, though monday's normally aren't great for me.
Anyway I've gone on for far too long, so I hope to see you all at the tables, gl and run well (just not against me)
hi im patricia,pat,patty,tricia,tish,but i prefer trish.been on this site for quite afew years now,i play dym,im 31 years young,single,own my own house, and daft as a brush xxx
hi im patricia,pat,patty,tricia,tish,but i prefer trish.been on this site for quite afew years now,i play dym,im 31 years young,single,own my own house, and daft as a brush xxx Posted by paige55
I'd expect a lot of PM's trish!! Or have you posted this in the wrong web-site? ;-)))
hi im patricia,pat,patty,tricia,tish,but i prefer trish.been on this site for quite afew years now,i play dym,im 31 years young,single,own my own house, and daft as a brush xxx Posted by paige55
Def the wrong site Pad. According to her profile she's er (cough 53 cough)
Been playing poker for about 5 years now and will be attending my first spt tour in Nottingham with my Team m8s from Team Diamond ) Played in a few casino events but only small stake Online poker has become my life so cant wait to get to Nottingham lol
I joined Sky Poker about 6 or 7 Months ago and have adapted very well to the game and even cashed in a few low stake tournys
Great site with some Great players, dont think i will ever join anouther
Hi im Dazler also know as Father Dazler ordained by the mighty poker gods. Ive been on the site pretty much since it started and been playing for over 10yrs now my prefered choice of game is mtts but pretty much play anything. I love all things poker and skinny dipping plus a drop of the communion wine. Im a proper film buff and gamer and well into conspiracy theories and believe ufo's do exist and prefer this site to all others because of this forum and the peeps on here. Ill be at the spt in Nottingham next week so come on over and say hello ill be at the bar with Tommy waiting for him to buy me a drink Posted by Dazler
I,m Paul (mickey to my friends) and like Dazler into my films. I used to laugh off conspiracy theories and think these ppl had nothing better to do , although over the last cpl of years I,ve watched many documenteiries from Zeitgeist to the Twin towers and now take an interest in what the goverments of this world would like us to believe. (ps Got a cpl of interesting videos and ineterviews on FB page if your into that sort of thing and will be adding more soon)
I started playing about 10 years ago (on and off) on another site at FL Holdem until i saw the SKy TV show and wasn,t long before i was converted to Sky , which a lot do to with the forum as wellI,ve started to play more live recently in pubs and Casino ( My local pub has a league going which is mainly for a bit of fun and is always a good laugh)I play recreationally although i have been a constant winner at micro stakes for a cpl of years . I,m just waiting to bink that big one - Had a few wins on here and other sites for a few hundred quid but lost out on a few where i should have done better. I rarely buy into MTT,s over £10 unless i satelite in. Poker has also helped me to stop wasting money on other games such as roulette, Blackjack etc etc as i used to do. After growing up on the Golden Mile in Bpool gambling has always been in my blood i think
My top 3 tips would be BRM , BRM and BRM. U can,t go wrong and will always enjoy the game
Ps - I,m often found in punters corner and am always on the look out for value in any market from reality shows to Presidential elections ( still think Ron Paul should have got the Republican seat over Romney)
In Response to Re: New To The Forum? Introduce Yourself : I,m Paul (mickey to my friends) and like Dazler into my films. I used to laugh off conspiracy theories and think these ppl had nothing better to do , although over the last cpl of years I,ve watched many documenteiries from Zeitgeist to the Twin towers and now take an interest in what the goverments of this world would like us to believe. (ps Got a cpl of interesting videos and ineterviews on FB page if your into that sort of thing and will be adding more soon) I started playing about 10 years ago on another site at FL Holdem until i saw the SKy TV show and wasn,t long before i was converted to Sky , which a lot do to with the forum as well I,ve started to play more live recently in pubs and Casino ( My local pub has a league going which is mainly for a bit of fun and is always a good laugh) I play recreationally although i have been a constant winner at micro stakes for a cpl of years . I,m just waiting to bink that big one - Had a few wins on here and other sites for a few hundred quid but lost out on a few where i should have done better. I rarely buy into MTT,s over £10 unless i satelite in. Poker has also helped me to stop wasting money on other games such as roulette, Blackjack etc etc as i used to do. After growing up on the Golden Mile in Bpool gambling has always been in my blood i think My top 3 tips would be BRM , BRM and BRM. U can,t go wrong and will always enjoy the game MP Posted by MP33
dam st8 m8 there are tons of information out there people just choose not to find it. The truth is out there not sure if ive got you on facebook ill pm so i can have a look
In Response to Re: New To The Forum? Introduce Yourself : dam st8 m8 there are tons of information out there people just choose not to find it. The truth is out there not sure if ive got you on facebook ill pm so i can have a look Posted by Dazler
Justr pm,d you my facebook - Think your already on there tho
My name is Greg.. 32 years old, from Costa Del Folkestone, work as a complaint handler for an insurance company. Poker for me is pure recreation and fun.
Played on Sky Poker since October 2007, i started playing through my TV, as i didn't have the internet back then.
I was very inexperienced when i won the Las Vegas package in 2008 when Sky First started their Viva Las Vegas Promotion. It was an amazing experience and since coming back i have been a regular player on this site for years and a regular contributor to the TV shows. Prob, seen me donk off once or twice on live shows!
I mainly do mtts, and sngs, (dyms) with the odd session at cash. sometimes a bit expensive! lol! This community is special, and ive been to 16 Sky Poker Tour events all round the country and met many of you. Can't wait to meet more of you at the next one in a few days at the grand final!
The friendships i have made on Sky Poker and being a part of the mighty TEAM KNIGHT POKERare the highlights of my time here. And the odd bink in mtts helps. But for me poker is all about fun... winning a bit of cash in my spare time is a lucky bonus!
Dont moan about bad beats, embrace the fact that you got it in good! Gl and enjoy!
Been playing since March 2010, after watching Skypoker. So opened an account and off i go, i did not know what i was doing (seriously). I hardly even knew the rules so learnt as i went along. I had a monthly budget which i did not care if i lost, so drifted around the site losing money, not caring and going busto several times. No BRM, e.g playing £22 DYM's, £22 tournaments and 10 NL with £30 in my account.
So 2 years on and about 1K down things changed. I was in my lounge playing on the laptop and said to my missus "I want to go to Vegas", she said "I don't want to go, its boring go on your own, and only if you win the money playing poker" laughing loudly as she said it, "you'll never do that your a loser". BINGO, HALLELUJAH! A week in Vegas, no missus, poker, drinking and late night bars on my own!!! Now i have a goal to aim for, i'll show her.
So in June it began, poker books, forums, studying the game, watching the regs, i'll show her. We agreed that any money i make i can double from our account. I am currently up about £330 so £330 from account = £660, flight sorted!
I cannot make STP this weekend as have to go to a party. I did go to STP in Brighton this year, and played the Fri/Sat side events. I'm going to make an effort to go to 2 or 3 next year.
I play £5 DYM's and the odd MTT. I have recently moved up to £11 DYM's, but am struggling a bit. I post occasionally, but always read the forum.
Dont moan about bad beats, embrace the fact that you got it in good! Gl and enjoy! Posted by GREGHOGG
I much prefer to get it in with 62 off and hit a runner runner flush on the river
Hi all. My name is Mark and I'm 21....ish. I play all sorts apart from cash. If you ever see me on the cash tables get on there with me as it will be easy money! I'm very passive on the tables, only raising with AA pre and only betting the nuts. Honest! I'm also a member of the worlds greatest team. Team Bring It. If you ever see me at an SPT come and say hi. I'm the man with the beard
In Response to Re: New To The Forum? Introduce Yourself : Def the wrong site Pad. According to her profile she's er (cough 53 cough) Posted by FlyingDagg
sky made a typing error when my profile was put up,they have since said sorry to me, lol :):)
Im robbie (formerly known as robstars7) and iv been playing poker for around 2/3 years. Im 20 years old and i live in north london and im a massive tottenham hotspurs fan! (i see it as a good thing ) i am a qualified fitness instructor and used to be a sports gambler until i watched online poker once and see you could win hundreds of pounds in one hand which seemed very interesting.
I decided at the start of the year i would give it all my effort to play full time and studied a crazy amount (And continuing to study a crazy amount) in order to get better. I have finished 3rd in a £22 bounty hunter and 3rd on another site for $550. I mainly play the high end of low stakes cash games.
My best poker moment is winning $535 for coming 3rd in a $3 touney/ reaching £1000 profit in cash games withing the last few days......felt like the studying was all worth it. Hope to see you all on the tables!
p.s. my biggest regret in poker is not playing live yet and not ever going to a spt as i heard there a really good time...will have to sort this soon !
I have been playing for around 5/6 years I think. Its a bit of a blur to be honest.
But I do remember what got me into poker. Watching Rounders on Channel 4 at at like 1 in the morning. Back then Sky Poker didn't even exist, so I joined another site and deposited 50$. Back then the lobby took you to LIMIT Hold'Em as the default, as that as the main game all that time ago. I won, no idea how as I had no clue, and of course the story was set.
Then I lost for a couple of years, including when I first joined Sky. Decided to get good. Was helped massively by the use of forums and having people like Beaneh and a couple of others there giving me advice.
Went busto many times but haven't been bust for around 2 years or so now. Since then I've played in the WSOP Main Event twice and also been giving the opportunity to analyise hands on SkyPokerTV, which I am so so thankful for.
I mainly prefer cash games to MTTs but I do enjoy both.
My biggest piece of advice is to be modest and realistic with yourself. Never be afraid to ask for advice/post hands/ask questions. Also to get some poker friends. They will help you massively as they will generally be honest with you and will see stuff that you miss when looking thru hands or talking thru HHs.
Big aim at the moment is to cash in an SPT as I've never even came close so gonna be focussed at DTD Nottingham. Also looking forward just to meeting up with all the friends that I've made on Sky Poker too.
I know that this is said all the time but the community here is what sets Sky Poker apart, the communtiy is part of the reason why I am at the place I am (poker wise) at the minute and I think sometimes people undervalue what we have on Sky Poker. 99per cent of people on here are good people who play the game in the right spirit
I have been playing for around 5/6 years I think. Its a bit of a blur to be honest. But I do remember what got me into poker. Watching Rounders on Channel 4 at at like 1 in the morning. Back then Sky Poker didn't even exist, so I joined another site and deposited 50$. Back then the lobby took you to LIMIT Hold'Em as the default, as that as the main game all that time ago. I won, no idea how as I had no clue, and of course the story was set. Then I lost for a couple of years, including when I first joined Sky. Decided to get good. Was helped massively by the use of forums and having people like Beaneh and a couple of others there giving me advice. Went busto many times but haven't been bust for around 2 years or so now. Since then I've played in the WSOP Main Event twice and also been giving the opportunity to analyise hands on SkyPokerTV, which I am so so thankful for. I mainly prefer cash games to MTTs but I do enjoy both. My biggest piece of advice is to be modest and realistic with yourself. Never be afraid to ask for advice/post hands/ask questions. Also to get some poker friends. They will help you massively as they will generally be honest with you and will see stuff that you miss when looking thru hands or talking thru HHs. Big aim at the moment is to cash in an SPT as I've never even came close so gonna be focussed at DTD Nottingham. Also looking forward just to meeting up with all the friends that I've made on Sky Poker too. I know that this is said all the time but the community here is what sets Sky Poker apart, the communtiy is part of the reason why I am at the place I am (poker wise) at the minute and I think sometimes people undervalue what we have on Sky Poker. 99per cent of people on here are good people who play the game in the right spirit Posted by scotty77
I'm James, 27, joined Sky Poker at the beginning of the year and is the first time I started playing online poker. Before that I have been playing live games at local card rooms and home games most weekends for 3 or 4 years.
I primarily play £3.30 and £5.50 DYM's most days/evenings and usually play 2 or 3 main and mini MTT's each week and building a slow but steady BR at the mo. I think one of my assets in Poker is my patience and ability to take a beat on the chin.
In Response to Re: New To The Forum? Introduce Yourself : I,m Paul (mickey to my friends) and like Dazler into my . I,m just waiting to bink that big one - Had a few wins on here and other sites for a few hundred quid but lost out on a few where i should have done better. I rarely buy into MTT,s over £10 unless i satelite in. Poker has also helped me to stop wasting money on other games such as roulette, Blackjack etc etc as i used to do. After growing up on the Golden Mile in Bpool gambling has always been in my blood i think My top 3 tips would be BRM , BRM and BRM. U can,t go wrong and will always enjoy the game Ps - I,m often found in punters corner and am always on the look out for value in any market from reality shows to Presidential elections ( still think Ron Paul should have got the Republican seat over Romney) Posted by MP33
Managed this - Not quite the biggest cash ever but means as much as it was a DTD ( The old TOTTY ) game with good players
Hi, my name is Graeme, most of my mates call me Snedds
I am 40 years old and have been playing since Feb 2008. It all started by my mate suggesting a home game for 6 of us, we hadn't played poker or even knew the rules before that, we had a brill time to the point that we still have a home game first Friday of every month. I'd recommend them to anyone.
My first year playing poker on the net was trying out various sites taking advantage of the introductory bonuses whilst trying to learn the game. I joined Sky Poker a year later and have remained here ever since. I still play on the other sites odd times when Sky is doing essential maintenance, but prefer to stay here. There are so many ways on Sky Poker to learn and improve your game, from the Poker Clinic on the Forum or from the commentary / hand analysis on the TV. Even if you just have the show playing in the background sometimes an interesting hand pops up that can come in usefull for later on. Also, if you're lucky enough to have your own hand shown, then you can see whether the experts advise whether you played it well or how you could play it better or get more value.
I have played through the levels of stt's and mtt's. I started playing £0.60 and £1.15 dym's and then moved through to playing every level including £220. The same with mtt's I used to stick to £5.75 BH's but since building up a decent bankroll always try and play the biggest and best games possible. My most profitable game was the £220 Roller, so it makes sense to get involved in the biggest games. My biggest win was taking down the first UKOPS game of the first UKOPS series which was a £20k BH winning over £5.6k.
I always play in full view rather than mini view, so say Hi, I am more than happy to help anybody that asks.
Good luck at the tables and run good
Been playing poker for about 5 years now and will be attending my first spt tour in Nottingham with my Team m8s from Team Diamond
Played in a few casino events but only small stake
Online poker has become my life so cant wait to get to Nottingham lol
I joined Sky Poker about 6 or 7 Months ago and have adapted very well to the game and even cashed in a few low stake tournys
Great site with some Great players, dont think i will ever join anouther
Used to watch Late Night Poker, thought it was sooo cool.. (lol)
Started playing poker about 5 years ago during a bout of insomnia.
I usually play low DYMs after 10pm. You'll also find me laddering for dear life in the forum DTD.
I have the attention span of a 5 year old - which is why I have never played live.
I started playing about 10 years ago (on and off) on another site at FL Holdem until i saw the SKy TV show and wasn,t long before i was converted to Sky , which a lot do to with the forum as wellI,ve started to play more live recently in pubs and Casino ( My local pub has a league going which is mainly for a bit of fun and is always a good laugh)I play recreationally although i have been a constant winner at micro stakes for a cpl of years . I,m just waiting to bink that big one - Had a few wins on here and other sites for a few hundred quid but lost out on a few where i should have done better. I rarely buy into MTT,s over £10 unless i satelite in. Poker has also helped me to stop wasting money on other games such as roulette, Blackjack etc etc as i used to do. After growing up on the Golden Mile in Bpool gambling has always been in my blood i think
My top 3 tips would be BRM , BRM and BRM. U can,t go wrong and will always enjoy the game
Ps - I,m often found in punters corner and am always on the look out for value in any market from reality shows to Presidential elections ( still think Ron Paul should have got the Republican seat over Romney)
dam st8 m8 there are tons of information out there people just choose not to find it. The truth is out there
Played on Sky Poker since October 2007, i started playing through my TV, as i didn't have the internet back then.
I was very inexperienced when i won the Las Vegas package in 2008 when Sky First started their Viva Las Vegas Promotion. It was an amazing experience and since coming back i have been a regular player on this site for years and a regular contributor to the TV shows. Prob, seen me donk off once or twice on live shows!
I mainly do mtts, and sngs, (dyms) with the odd session at cash. sometimes a bit expensive! lol! This community is special, and ive been to 16 Sky Poker Tour events all round the country and met many of you. Can't wait to meet more of you at the next one in a few days at the grand final!
The friendships i have made on Sky Poker and being a part of the mighty TEAM KNIGHT POKER are the highlights of my time here. And the odd bink in mtts helps. But for me poker is all about fun... winning a bit of cash in my spare time is a lucky bonus!
Dont moan about bad beats, embrace the fact that you got it in good! Gl and enjoy!
Been playing since March 2010, after watching Skypoker. So opened an account and off i go, i did not know what i was doing (seriously). I hardly even knew the rules so learnt as i went along. I had a monthly budget which i did not care if i lost, so drifted around the site losing money, not caring and going busto several times. No BRM, e.g playing £22 DYM's, £22 tournaments and 10 NL with £30 in my account.
So 2 years on and about 1K down things changed. I was in my lounge playing on the laptop and said to my missus "I want to go to Vegas", she said "I don't want to go, its boring go on your own, and only if you win the money playing poker" laughing loudly as she said it, "you'll never do that your a loser".
BINGO, HALLELUJAH! A week in Vegas, no missus, poker, drinking and late night bars on my own!!! Now i have a goal to aim for, i'll show her.
So in June it began, poker books, forums, studying the game, watching the regs, i'll show her. We agreed that any money i make i can double from our account. I am currently up about £330 so £330 from account = £660, flight sorted!
I cannot make STP this weekend as have to go to a party. I did go to STP in Brighton this year, and played the Fri/Sat side events. I'm going to make an effort to go to 2 or 3 next year.
I play £5 DYM's and the odd MTT. I have recently moved up to £11 DYM's, but am struggling a bit. I post occasionally, but always read the forum.
Run good,
Hi all. My name is Mark and I'm 21....ish. I play all sorts apart from cash. If you ever see me on the cash tables get on there with me as it will be easy money! I'm very passive on the tables, only raising with AA pre and only betting the nuts. Honest! I'm also a member of the worlds greatest team. Team Bring It. If you ever see me at an SPT come and say hi. I'm the man with the beard
) i am a qualified fitness instructor and used to be a sports gambler until i watched online poker once and see you could win hundreds of pounds in one hand which seemed very interesting.
Im robbie (formerly known as robstars7) and iv been playing poker for around 2/3 years. Im 20 years old and i live in north london and im a massive tottenham hotspurs fan! (i see it as a good thing
I decided at the start of the year i would give it all my effort to play full time and studied a crazy amount (And continuing to study a crazy amount) in order to get better. I have finished 3rd in a £22 bounty hunter and 3rd on another site for $550. I mainly play the high end of low stakes cash games.
My best poker moment is winning $535 for coming 3rd in a $3 touney/ reaching £1000 profit in cash games withing the last few days......felt like the studying was all worth it. Hope to see you all on the tables!
p.s. my biggest regret in poker is not playing live yet and not ever going to a spt as i heard there a really good time...will have to sort this soon !
I'm James, 27, joined Sky Poker at the beginning of the year and is the first time I started playing online poker. Before that I have been playing live games at local card rooms and home games most weekends for 3 or 4 years.
I primarily play £3.30 and £5.50 DYM's most days/evenings and usually play 2 or 3 main and mini MTT's each week and building a slow but steady BR at the mo.
I think one of my assets in Poker is my patience and ability to take a beat on the chin.