Sry Bear!! I wont do it again!! Posted by HITMAN_RV
i wont do it again bear,you better not hitman rv,ruby would not be happy with her new daddy xx :):):)now take ruby out for a 10 mile walk.that is your punishment xxx
In Response to Re: lolufold scared of me : i wont do it again bear,you better not hitman rv,ruby would not be happy with her new daddy xx :):):)now take ruby out for a 10 mile walk.that is your punishment xxx Posted by paige55
LOL!!!!! Just have!! well 4 miles lol!!
TREV!!! Foookin brilliant!! I DID HAHA off ma chair!!
Most of the high stakes heads up players will only give action to a random recreational player who they think has drunk a couple of bottles of vodka in my opinion! For me i have no fear of playing high stakes games against regs instead of recreational players as i see it as a challenge to myself. I watched a heads up game the other night between a reg and a recreational player and he was up £300 against him. The reg then decided to berate this player in the chat box calling him a fish and a lot more names than i could type on here lets just say! The thing about it aswell the recreational player didnt say anything in the chat box at all the entire game and he thought it would be a good idea to start berrating him maybe these are the tactics he has to resort to against these players. Surely these are the people he should be looking to play but then insults him when he loses. This is the guy which at 1 time accused me of hitting and only played me because he thought i was a random fish and i took 5 buyins off him and he started insulting me. and and has appeared on the show a few times but hasnt been on the show in a long time his etiqueete is appaling. Posted by bearlyther
I was watching that game too. The 'random' guy did suck out a couple of times but eventually lost his stack in an action hand, Reg holding 99, random 2 something, flop 922. The Reg, tbf, did apologise after giving the unnecessary verbals.
TREV!!! Foookin brilliant!! I DID HAHA off ma chair!!