The support is really great, definietly keeps me motivated so thanks very much to EVERYONE who has posted Just got in from cricket presentation, way too tired to do anything and got another early start so no play today
Must say I could never of dreamed of starting this well. originally I had planned nearly 2 months to make the 999! However its nice to be able to grind and really try and play to my full potential (which I have rarely felt). Its also great to have support from the family and obvs my GF who really is great and allows me the time to play.
Back on it tomorrow evening, got alot of uni work to get through first, lots fo journals to read etc etc so busy until evening. Dissertation is taking up a fair bit of time too so need to prioritise. But im kinda reluctant to stop playing when im running so good so trying to play as much as possible while the confidence is high.
Watching rush hour now before sleep. Chris Tucker, such an underrated actor I think hes hilarious. Hope he stars in some more films in the future I think hes a legend! Until tomorrow...
Hi Wacko, top work with your challenges so far, really well done. Considering the success you've had, do you have any plans to turn pro when you graduate from uni? Also, have you had any nice binks on any other sites? Keep up the good work. Posted by Payney1978
Hi Payney,
Thanks very much! Well, at the moment no, its not something I want to do, if im strapped for cash and struggling for a job then by all means yes Il happily play and make money on the side but at the moment I want a job relating and maybe specialising in my course.
I only (and very rarely) play on stars. I binked the big 22 on there last year for $8k or maybe 9k but nothing else and im not even in much profit on there. Generally I havnt really grinding stars, just sort of played here and there and never got any momentum going, nothing compared to sky anyway. maybe one day I can crack it, it is tempting to go chasing the bigger GTEE tourneys but at the moment I dont feel the need.
I used to go blow money on stars when I was more naive and cocky thinking I was good enough to mix with the best but im not good enough for that. I guess iv began to mature a bit in recent times with money being more of an issue as im in third year at uni so now I am better with money and wont go on stars and blow a load on high stake mtts. Not a massive fan of other sites in general, not sure why, I just like sky and what this site gives. Obviously it can and im sure will improve and I look forward to that.
Rest assured im not delusional about how good I am at poker, I know there are way better players and im certainly not up there with the best but I think thats something thats important to realise. Obviously I know I can be a winning player if I focus enough and im happy to go into tourneys with that thought and be confident enough to make the moves I do. I know I could be better but hey, like iv said before I have to prioritise and poker isnt as high up as maybe it should.
Sorry for rambling, didnt realise id gone completely off topic haha Thanks for your questions
Not the best day, probably shouldnt of played didnt feel motivated at all so. Anyway only a little down, had alot of bad luck early on, like really nasty luck, then had a lil bit of luck in the last tourney I played, not quite evened out today but hey getting early night got alot of work tomorrow then UKOPS
Tilt. Arguably has the largest detrimental effect on a poker players game. For me anyway this was the case last night.
Firstly perhaps foolishly reg for like every all in sat (about 30 I think) and didnt get past the 1st hand in one. pretty unlucky I think but I guess there is no skill in them so. My own fault I guess, anyway with buying into ukops etc, the sidey was 300ish down so was looking for a big result.
Didnt get going, nothing really happened. Is this the hardest opening table youve ever seen?
That was the side event and literally I cant remember winning one pot in about 3 hours. Or getting any good hands, or good flops or anything lol! Main went bad to very bad to okay to very bad to suddenly im 13th of 100 and have some confidence back, only to get JJ about 4 times, got 3 bet every time and saw a terrible flop every time. Then semi-tilt called a fairly big open jam pre with 77, he had 99 fml. Mini was fairly standard kk vs 77.
Was really annoyed at myself for getting affected but hey happens sometimes. It doesnt happen often and iv definitely got better since I started but the odd night still gets me. Il be playing main tonight, having one more crack at the all in sats too so wel see maybe the sidey if I get in.
Apologies if, as IDONKCALLU has pointed out that my posts are coming across as brags suppose I just got lucky the past week or 2, it wasnt intended as a brag just reporting on each day
Current BR (having reg for alot of sats already) £3649.03
In no way were any of your posts coming across as brags. You posted in your diary what had been happening in your quest, and the accolades and congratulations you received were deserved. I'm sorry the roll you were on has hit a snag, but i'm sure you can get back on track soon. Best of luck for tonight, I'll be looking for your name on Gary's thread tomorrow.
Nah it hasn't come across as brags at all. It's hard to make regular updates without it being a bit braggy when you're such a talented player to be fair
It's all in your diary and you aint starting 50 new threads with a different brag in each and then posting each brag in your diary TOO! lol
Disagree with the above poster slightly, this thread has an insane post/brag ratio!!!!
Not even idcu could top the braggage on this thread, even if he included the brags he's told me about privately (he learnt to tie his own shoelaces this month too)
U deffo shudn't apologise for it though!? wtf?
I remember when you first burst on to the SP tourny scene, you were on a similar heater. Got quite abit of stick about being lucky etc.
Must be VVV satisfying proving the doubters wrong.
just saying hi. i went away on holiday to Jamaica came back and see this cracking record staring me in the face when i've been trying to improve for a year, buying books galore, reading articles, analysing hands and breaking just about even!!! WTHeck!!! Many congrats and you seem to have a good attitude to your playing too. One thing that does surprise me though is the time you have to grind a bit while doing a university course. I'm an ex maths teacher but when i was doing my maths degree i was spending afternoons trying to work out calcs on relativity and quantum theory and ending up with a page of scribbles and crossings out. Don't get me wrong, i had a great time at Uni but i never had the time or money to grind at poker. I was sorry to hear about your friend and the alcohol problems. It sounds like he is depressed and he should realise the alcohol is a depressant too. He needs to see a professional and i would recommend that he sees the medical officer at the Uni too as it may be that he can receive time off his course if needs must but the Uni should be informed of the situation. Anyway, all the best mate.....
Apologies if, as IDONKCALLU has pointed out that my posts are coming across as brags suppose I just got lucky the past week or 2, it wasnt intended as a brag just reporting on each day
That's not right Wacko, this is a Diary, you can chirp all you like on a Diary.
When folks keep a Forum Diary, they can say what they like, as many times as they wish, as to chirping etc. Readers have the choice to read or not read specific diaries, so if it gets chirp-heavy, folks don't bother.
As far as I can tell, your Diary is very well read.
I must admit when the title was changed to UKOPS Shocker I thought the shocker was going to be you'd only managed to win UKOPS 1 and not the side event as well, not that you actually had a shocker!
I know what you mean about those JJ in UKOPS1. i was aipf in both main & mini against AK, & lost both. did have a certain satisfaction though that i'd lasted longer than you in the side & mini - if not the main. that's what a benchmark you've become.
Afternoon started with the lappy finally giving in. Great, so going out today to get a new one. Anyway it was on its way out so wasnt too much of a surprise. I also had work to do which I ended up doing on the side of playing, not ideal but hey.
And so onto last night. Not sure why but confidence at the mo is about as low as it has ever been. Im having a pretty nasty run of results in the 4 or days, have gone a month of worse and its not had the same psycological impact. Anyway feel much better today so, im only sad about 3 days of the year so thats them all used up
Started off fine and kept moving up and up, had one luck hand and that was it. It was strange, I had the side and the main open as full tables an the mini as a mini table. Suffice to say tat didnt work out, once I got to 17k I think I folded for 2 hours without playing a hand (being almost serious). Anyway bubble comes along and I have 3bbs. Gonna be fine right? 20 odd hands go by and I havnt had a bean, then the final hand situation goes like this. Im all in on the SB for about 1k, forum reg is all in for 500 on the BB. Bloke in mid position raises, so all I have to do is hope he beats the reg right? Im holding j7 off. Another big stack calls and flop comes down 1022. Guy bets and other folds and we shw. Big stack k10, Reg-Q6. So I avoid the Q and I cash, q on turn sends me packing! Bubble boyyyyy! I wasnt to dissapointed, only wish I had been focussing properly, really think I could of done something good there. So yeah only midly bothered by that one.
I almost knew I wasn going to do any good last night. Quite early in I raise k9cc on button, 2 call. I see the flop of k109 (lovely jubbly) and bet out about 350 into the pot. The SB then shoves 5k?????????????????, bb folds and I call, AK lovely. turn 4 good good, river A. Oh. So rebuy and get grinding, except I just had no confidence to play, I didnt get many hands apart from KK on the BB (where it folded round-so tlting). Limped through to the add-on on 1.8k or somethign pathetic, add-on was massive though. Now that I had 30BBS ro so started to grind a little, fluctuated between 9k and 15 really for a long while. Got aces once and got nothing, really struggled to hit some good flops but hey, I guess the better players dont need to! But I do! Down to 52 I think it was and pick up KQ on the SB. Big stack just got moved to the BB, about 60k or so I think. Folds round to me, I cant fold, and I cant raise fold, so I shove. He snaps ffs and he turns...KJ!!!!!!!!!!!!! 30K pot so pretty huge pot for me at the time, would of given me a 30bb stack which I would of been confident of grinding up. Board runs 887J2. GG. 22 off the money.
Again just couldnt get going for about 4 hours, then doubled to almost trebled up and took a head, then got a lucky hand vs Kimpet (great bloke) and suddenly im sat on 20k with 18 left and 10 paying. Managed to grind up to 27k, knocked out nutter5932 he was just ul that I had him dominated, played itself. I was playing on the ipad so couldnt talk to anyone. So sat on 27k looking good for top 5 let alone to 10, pick up jj on the SB. BB was essentially all in afer Gliterbabe doubled from 6k to 13ishk the hand before. He open shoves 13k (20bbs). Tommy D on button folds, I have to call right? Snap him off, bb calls (cant remember what 1267 had) and gliterbabe turns akdd. Board runs something like, 2385k. so 30k pot gone and 2 heads and im back on 13k and near the bottom. Once again went really card dead for a good hour, we got down to bubble and I had ten bigs, runnitsran was in a similar position with no one near. about 15 mins in I pck up a3 on the sb, folds round so its an auto shove, get snapped by aj and im a onner. Bubble Boy again. I did take a few heads though so was in profit for that but loss again for the day. Never mind though, was in a bad frame of mind and shouldnt of played. I have work to do tonight so not sure what il be playing.
Just to clarify one thing too. Alot of people have said how do you find so much time to grind at uni? I dont have much time to grind, the past 2 weeks have been quiet, I was at uni a month before that and could hardly play at all. Im now coming upto a period again where I have alot and I mean alot of work to do so wont be able to play much. Im not too bothered though as I need a break. Uni definitely isnt easy an easy ride and I have never suggested it was.
Also pretty much given up on the all in sats. Not sure what the odds of this are. Played 70 (ish), only got past the first hand twice. Really been running bad past 30 odd mts iv played, I guess there is nothing I can do about it, certainly won be playing alot more UKOPS though, Im happy t drop and grind small stakes again
Il reply to individual questions later, got to go and get a Laptop now! May end up withdrawing for it, not sure yet il see
Another ME to add to the collection. Totally and utterly sick.
Very well played, total SP legend.
could do with some of that stardust! please!
wp and hope it keeps going
It's all in your diary and you aint starting 50 new threads with a different brag in each and then posting each brag in your diary TOO! lol
just saying hi. i went away on holiday to Jamaica came back and see this cracking record staring me in the face when i've been trying to improve for a year, buying books galore, reading articles, analysing hands and breaking just about even!!!
Many congrats and you seem to have a good attitude to your playing too. One thing that does surprise me though is the time you have to grind a bit while doing a university course. I'm an ex maths teacher but when i was doing my maths degree i was spending afternoons trying to work out calcs on relativity and quantum theory and ending up with a page of scribbles and crossings out. Don't get me wrong, i had a great time at Uni but i never had the time or money to grind at poker.
I was sorry to hear about your friend and the alcohol problems. It sounds like he is depressed and he should realise the alcohol is a depressant too. He needs to see a professional and i would recommend that he sees the medical officer at the Uni too as it may be that he can receive time off his course if needs must but the Uni should be informed of the situation.
Anyway, all the best mate.....
Apologies if, as IDONKCALLU has pointed out that my posts are coming across as brags suppose I just got lucky the past week or 2, it wasnt intended as a brag just reporting on each day
That's not right Wacko, this is a Diary, you can chirp all you like on a Diary.
When folks keep a Forum Diary, they can say what they like, as many times as they wish, as to chirping etc. Readers have the choice to read or not read specific diaries, so if it gets chirp-heavy, folks don't bother.
As far as I can tell, your Diary is very well read.
Keep it up man.
Sure your BR will be heading North again soon
GL m8